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Inactive Account

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Status Updates posted by Inactive Account

  1. Cops are on a killing spree now. I don't think anyone is safe anymore. They can get away with anything they damn well please.

    1. NothingIsEverything


      There are some good cops out there, it's just that they get shuffled in with the bad ones, so it's hard to find a honest cop out there.

    2. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      George Zimmerman wasn't a cop...

    3. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account

      I'm not talking about that incident in general, btw he was a neighborhood watchman; which is somewhat close to a cop. Cops get away with whatever they want; they're cops. They can machine gun down dogs without consequences or remorse.

  2. Zimmerman needs to wipe that smirk off of his fucking face.

    1. Dis is not a troll

      Dis is not a troll

      i have no idea who that is :D

  3. Where's the BronyCan fund?

  4. Why was there a statement given from Zimmerman's family

  5. Do I smell conspiracy? The Zimmerman Trial is now on verdict watch and now a statement was made that they will not tolerate any actions taken against Zimmerman if he is innocent. So, why even bring that up? People will be upset if he's innocent. So basically, he's going to get away with murder.

    1. Jadefire


      That's exactly it. Everyone believes (myself included) that he's guilty of murder, but if he's found innocent, they don't want him to be murdered as revenge. Vigilantism was what started this whole mess, and it is not an appropriate resolution to this mess.

    2. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account

      Guilty charges is an appropriate resolution. Life without parole because of the overwhelming amount of evidence against him and his desperation in the court room to stall every last second.

  6. I should be Batman, but except be the Art Knight and knock sense into arrogant artists who flaunt themselves like a Nicki Minaj.

  7. 10:34 Time for a status update

  8. 10:33 Time for a status update

    1. longgone


      Holy crap..my clock on my PC says 10:33



    2. Inactive Account
  9. 10:32 Time for a status update

  10. 10:31 Time for a status update

  11. 10:30 Time for a status update

  12. Ha. You read this status.

  13. So I think the founder of this site asks for way too much. We all don't have to like him and worship every word he speaks. It's called freedom of speech and people are bound to disagree with you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Civil discourse is one thing. Exaggerated accusations are another. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they worship me. Things are never that black-and-white. But if you don't like my websites, feel free to leave and create your own.

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Owned by Feld0

    4. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account

      I have no desire putting my time into making my own site. I do have friends I talk to on here and I do disagree with some of grey areas that go on here, not everyone is going to like how this site is ran or how shady the information you hear around and about. I mainly use this site to talk to a few friends on here and give some advice about art.

  14. I bet you anything that once Feld0 moves out, he's going to ask the forums for more donations to cover his housing income along with everything else that he wants/needs.

  15. Saying the same thing OVER AND OVER again gets REALLY fucking annoying. Why can't I work with someone who doesn't have the intelligence of a corn dog?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account

      Especially when they sing the same chorus to a song every 30 seconds DX

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Man that does sound annoying. :(

    4. Inactive Account
  16. Poniverse and MLP Forums at BronyCon on the front page? That's bullshit, no it was clear as day GET FELD0 TO BRONYCON

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account

      No. You said on an earlier status that it was for Feld0 and his friends to go to BronyCon, now its just Feld0. You seriously need to stop swapping stories.

    3. NavelColt


      Point it out for me please, so I can understand the context.



      Hey WRD, I think you're reading WAY too much into stuff as of late.


      Ya need to chill out man! Get yourself an ice cream sundae, ya know? This heat does causes all kinds of crazy.

  17. Now with the donations now complete, I still have one thing to ask, will there be any word of the forums being at Bronycon, or is it just a group of people wanting to hang out and have a good time. Afterall, it was called get Feld0 to Bronycon, and not get MLP Forums to Bronycon. Would be nice to know if the forums did get some love while down there.

    1. NavelColt


      Most of the other staff are going, and tons of members are going due to wanting to go in general. There's no forum-wide donation thing, but there shall be lots of members there regardless, and it has been discussed on how we should all hang out and have meet up points, etc :)

  18. This laptop is now armed with the entire Adobe Suites CS6. Its pretty 'suite'. Bad pun, I'll be quiet now

  19. So sick of the excuses, don't fucking borrow money without intending to pay it back.

  20. Not getting paid at work and having loans to pay off with no money really lowers the bar of motivation towards work.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You did not get paid??? O_o

    2. Inactive Account

      Inactive Account

      As of today, he owes me 370$, I've told him earlier this week I needed to pay of a 95$ bill and have yet to see anything. Today is payday and he paid his girlfriend, not to mention he spent $365 for her to join some traveling company. I'm supposed to show up tomorrow and after work go to a concert and try to sell shirts until about 8-9pm. I'm Thinking about just not showing up tomorrow.

  21. Pick a reason to vilify me and just go with it. Latch onto this reason you chose and don't let go. It seems to be the fad these days.

  22. Let's lay the seeds of deceit to flourish your downfall. Your dark past and future splatter you all over the wall.

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