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Posts posted by ping111

  1. I consider cartoon character's age position to be called "SpongeBob". I say this because SpongeBob is old enough to own a home independently (18), and be applicable for boating/driving lessons (16). However, due to the target demographic of the show, he has to act as if he's in the 7-10 range, maybe a little older on occasion. Due to this huge anomaly, only one inference can be made:



    Now don't get me wrong, I love science as much as the next guy, even more, but there is no maturity-age ratio in young children's cartoons. They age much, much faster than they mature, as to keep the character of the, well, characters, constant as new generations come to watch the show.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I have a half-Quebec accent, so if I say "salmon" loudly enough it comes out "sah-mohn" and stuff like that. I also speak far too quickly for most people to understand and stumble over my words to the point of borderline speech impediments. Once my jaw widens with puberty I should be able to speak easier.

  3. The only thing that bothers me about the idea that Twilight causes the filly epidemic is, well, that Twilight did it. The idea of "Twilight gets distracted while doing magic, bam, there's your conflict" is seriously getting boring. I mean, during the beginning of Return to Harmony, she just says "I have a new spell that will fix everything!" Where did she find that out? "IN CASE OF DRACONEQUUS INVASION, OPEN BOOK"?

  4. Whenever there's something stressing me or I don't want to do it, I actually use hypnosis techniques. I've been practicing hypnosis for about a year, and I just sort of think-talk a routine to myself until I feel the "symptoms" of going under. I don't do anything silly, like give myself suggestions - I just like that feeling of floating through space. Eventually, my thoughts drift back to me, and I feel calm enough to handle them, and also I have some time to think about them before I open my eyes.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Lyra is my favourite pony, and I love da hugz :3

    The only thing I dislike about my birthday is that in other scenarios, Fluttershy ties me to a bed, and Shining Armour kisses me. My worst, though, is being moonstuck with an incredulously annoying Pinkie...

  6. Here, I will post some silly songs and poems I have written to help myself with English homework. I wonder if it will help anyone, anywhere... If not, it sure was fun!

    Informal Language

    If you start every sentence with "yo"

    When you chat with your ol' buddy Joe

    I oughtn't have to say

    That you speak in a way

    Called informal language...fo' sho'.


    I love synonyms

    Starts a word, gives it new life


  7. Shunning. As a lot of us are very hardcore introverts, we cling on to the handful of close friends we have, If they find out against our will, and shun us and refuse any sort of apology, and then they spread the word, we will not have even one person in our life we can come home to and feel happy that you have them. I mean, family, fine, but they're not much comfort if you literally have no friends. Despite my social ineptitude, I often hatch scenarios where they found out, and the dregs of my social life would be totally gone. I would have no-one, and I need to belong somewhere.

  8. Online, I'm usually just "Ping" or "Maple" (for my OC). IRL, my family calls me "Owl". Long story short, my brother's "Squid", my friend's "Lemur", and another guy's "Grizzly". I still don't get it entirely. My personal nicknames include Rusty, Pussycat, Dim-sum Dumpling, and a bunch of other goofy nicknames, each with their own embarrassing stories.

    But my most recent, and honestly favourite, nickname is Booboo-san. The Booboo, I'd rather not explain, but one day at summer camp, I woke up with a bad allergic reaction. As a side effect, my cheeks swelled up so much it pushed my eyes narrowly, so I looked Asian. From thence came the -san. I went to the doctor (who was Asian, as luck would have it), so she didn't get it until I told her. :P So, that day, I did a bunch of stereotypical stuff (at archery, I said: "Why use arrow when you have throwing star?") and whatnot. Fun times...


    Note: I mean NO offence to any Asians. It's just an act to entertain a bunch of adolescent boys.

  9. In my opinion for three purposes:

    1. To add the physically disabled demographic. Makes them feel that Equestria has imperfections, just as they may feel they are to us (which they are not).

    2. To show that even if you may want to do something (fly like RD), you may not be always able to, but you can hope.

    3. Cutie Mark episode.

    • Brohoof 3


    I do the exact same thing. For the exact same reasons.I have never met or heard of anyone else doing it. I thought I was the only one, now I don't feel so weird :P


    That... That is actually crazy! I don't even understand how that's possible! I've been looking into body language, but I haven't learned anything about what we do. I can't believe that I'm not alone!


    EDIT: Ooh, does "little things no-one else knows" count as a topic? Here's one: If you put your thumb between your middle and ring fingers on your dominant hand (ASL for "N"), it will turn off your gag reflex.

  11. The second is one a friend of mine taught me which improves dexterity and spacial awareness (if you practice) and thats rotating yourself clockwise with each step up, the aim being that you get to the top facing the right way.


    I do that occasionally, spinning around a bunch of times to see if I can end up facing the right way. I usually cheat by counting my steps, and doing a hop-twist at the top step to right myself :P
    • Brohoof 1
  12. I sometimes put my hands behind my back, and I always clasp my right hand with my left one. If I'm doing it to be polite for someone, I hold my right's middle three fingers with my left hand. If I'm anxious, I hold two.

    I have never had a close friend that wasn't my best friend that didn't have a mental condition. For example, my friends have had OCD, ADHD, or even DID. I'm not sure what causes those people to flock to me, but it's still incredibly strange.

    Whenever I open a door to a place with people in it, such as a classroom or hallway, there is a 3 in 5 chance that there will be another person on the other side of the door, who was opening it at the exact same time.

    I hold mugs with my pinky out. I think I may have learned it from SpongeBob.

    EDIT: I'm the only person in my family to hold a knife in my right hand when cutting.

    I'm right-handed, but play all "club" sports (baseball, hockey, golf etc) with a left-handed club, and use a left-handed stance. This I know I learned from my grandfather.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. I'm afraid of heights, so if there's a gap between the stairs (no vertical bit) I will go very slowly. However, if I just want to pop into my room upstairs for a moment, I skip a bunch of steps, and always jump the last couple stairs, turning midair with the railing.

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