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Posts posted by ping111

  1. Michael Jackson


    John F. Kennedy

    William Lyon Mackenzie King

    Alexander Mackenzie

    John A. MacDonald

    Ronald Reagan

    Charles Tupper

    William Taft

    Oh wait, women right?

    Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Manson

  2. I'm going to say this again, mainly for the people who think there should be an automated system for removing "squeakers". I have a very high-pitched voice, but if any of you had been reading my earlier posts, you'd realize that I'm a very mature, refined, and (if I do say so myself) intelligent, and I enjoy playing online video games. And sometimes, I wish to communicate with my teammates. Is it so wrong that if I try and say it as quietly as possible, as not to pique the mic, and take all precautions to prove I'm more than other people with similar voices, that I'm allowed to play the game in peace? Who knows? You may find someone who respects you, thank goodness.

  3. Not sure if Wonderbolt or Octavia. Why not both? Why not have two lightning bolts for twice the awesome? Screw it, I'm Octavia. And PONY I AM FABULOUS.'

    I swear to DWEIQ if Dmitri replies with something about pink

  4. Purple - Royal, Deep, Elegant

    Snake - Assassin, Vicious, Slimy

    Room - Trapped, Lonely, Nauseous (I would panic myself sick)


    I may think of myself as smarter and more refined than other people in my area, but not more elegant. I dance like an epileptic.

    I may be introverted, but I'm not paranoid of other people. Well, there was that one time I had a mini-heart attack when I walked past a guy swinging an umbrella, swearing he was going to hit me with it... ONE TIME!

    And yes, I would say that's how I feel about death. I feel like there's nothing I can do, and I can't run away from it, I feel like my life will never be the same without the person in question, and hells yes I would vomit if I saw a dead person.


    I just told someone at my school about my bronyism!!!

    We were talking about freedom of opinion, regarding American politics of course, when he said "If you're a brony, I don't care." I asked him how he found out - he told me he heard about it on the radio...


    I couldn't help myself.

    I think I'm going crazy....


    I have to get this monkey (or is it a pony?) off my chest; I have to tell my class soon or I'll go bonkers.

  6. It's actually become a rather rude stereotype. Whenever I try and go on mic during video games, no matter what I'm saying and no matter how mature it is, I always get muted in seconds. Why? Because I have an extremely high-pitched voice, so they think I'm some six-year-old. In fact, I was once on a Mumble-based video game team, and they were starting to compliment me on my skill. Then my flank of a brother turned my mic on, and they heard me talking to him. They asked if that was my little brother, to which I ashamedly had to say no. They still call me "pipsqueak" to this day. I mean, it's not a bad nickname, but I've been banned from places just for not sounding like they do, even though I'm probably smarter than a couple of the users combined.

    • Brohoof 7
  7. You're walking through school, trying to get to class when you:


    •See a blindbag pony/other pony merchandise

    •Hear someone hum the first few notes of the theme song


    Now why is this a terrible feeling? Because 1. You're far too scared to confront anyone regarding the show, even if the merchandise has a name on it, or

    2. You're not sure if the hummer was a brony, a girl who watched the show for the girly charm, or someone who watched it with their little sister or something.


    Now, both of these have happened to me, and it pains me to this day that I don't know if I just met the only other brony in my school or if someone was just watching along. Heck, it may have been a first-grader walking by.


    Anyone else know this feel?

    • Brohoof 4
  8. It really does depend on the book. For things like Harry Potter, where I already generally know what's happening, I can do 120 250-word pages an hour, easy. But when I'm doing something like Stephen Hawking, I read really slowly so that I understand what's happening. When I'm reading a little paragraph, I can average about 750 wpm, with decent comprehension.

  9. My mom used to help me with video games when I was little, and my dad used to fix pinball machines for a living as a teen. Neither of them show any interest today. My brother, on the other hand... He doesn't understand what a game is. He complains if something isn't up to his standards or if he thinks there's a logical error... by then, the controller was ripped out of his hand, and a foot straight up his plot.

  10. Maple syrup on everything.

    Chicken, poutine, ice cream...

    I even put it on hard-boiled eggs.

    I once tried making a mustard-maple syrup combo for the ultimate Montréal-style smoked meat experience, but the tanginess of the mustard was nullified by the maple syrup's flattening sweetness.

    • Brohoof 3
  11. I compulsively fold things in my hands into as many equal parts as possible.

    The only subject for which I have never gotten an A in school is Art.

    Despite being a rather avid atheist, I make thought experiments and journals describing how religions could be feasible or be compatible together.

  12. I am obsessed with random details - personality test results, especially MBTI's, opinions by way of a ratio (on a scale of 1 to 10, how serious do you think this roleplay should be?), and ETA's.

    I am taking a great liking to Doctor Who, and I know more than my fair share of trivia about it, but I have only seen 4 minutes of footage. Ever. Specifically, the proposed alliance of the Cybermen and the Daleks (YOU ARE BETTER AT DYING!)

    When I'm not sure if I want to release a piece of information, I turn it into a puzzle, riddle, or very vague hint, so I can see if I can trust a person to keep it, if they're dedicated enough to figure it out.

    I have 30 Webkinz and 20 Build-a-Bears from when I was 7-10.

    I have a ball thrown by Mariano Riviera of the New York Yankees - but he was a bullpen catcher at the time.

    I personally know Ichiro Suzuki's close relative (unsure if brother or first cousin).

    Whenever I get a reference to a bug (see, hear, or believe I feel a bug, even if it's onscreen), I will compulsively ruffle my clothing and smooth it out for several minutes.

    Bowling pisses me off, but I am unhealthily good at Wii Bowling.

    I am obsessed with Pikmin - I got a plushie, know the name of every noun in the Pikmin universe, and sent an angry letter to Nintendo when they cancelled Pikmin 3. (EDIT: Cancelled for the GameCube/Wii. I'm not buying a WiiU just to play Pikmin 3!)

    I have an opera falsetto.

  13. OC Reference: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/11068-maple-final/page__hl__maple (note: Cutie mark is wrong - it's a red maple leaf)

    OC Gender: Female

    OC Placement Anywhere her face is showing

    OC Personality: Easily confusable and very clumsy, but can be extroverted when excited. Sort of like a clumsy yet polite little girl at a party.

    OC Talents: Incredibly good at making maple syrup, and bucking spigots into trees. Her syrup has a mood-lifting, warming quality to it.

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