My sister knows I like ponys so one day she said "I got you some my little pony stickers" and I was like "HELL YAH" and she gives me that thing of stickers at the top and I say thank you and all that and when she left I threw them away
Well if you want to play like that I don't think you can find your keys IN a chair,
And you know what he ment so why do you have to play him like that.
Yo I'm in Newport News VA that like a 2 hour drive from D.C
I mite my sisters birth day is march 9 so Idk if I can go pulse my bother has to drive me cuz I'm 15
So right now it's a.......3/10 chance that I'm going
If someone does go send me pics :3
Banned cuz Do you remember boy meets world, furby's, tamagotchi pets, and catdog and when you where in elementary school and you go to the computer lab and you got to go on
kid pix
Not only was it a chocolate ball but it had hard candy in it and it came with a sticker!!!
You probably don't cuz you weren't a kid in the 90's #90skid
Banned cuz your the_arrow_of_light
Witch meens your a light arrow
And Zelda has light arrows
You = arrow of light
Arrow of light = light arrow
Light arrow = Zelda
So, you = Zelda
Or link cuz he gets them from Zelda
Band cuz my sister knows in a brony so when she sees my little pony things in stores she buys it for me
But every time she gets me something thats mlp it's always G3 or G3.5 and it pisses me of but I can't be mad cuz it was a nice gesture
Banned cuz that sounds gra-what?
bro hoof if you get the reference
How does that small ass gem buy that big ass fan blower thing
And someone can totally make a fan Fic about that nurse and screw loose
Like she helps become mo sane and in the proses thay fall in love or something. i don't know. shut up.
And gummy just desides to throw books of the shelfs for no reason XD
I'm a man that hates to admit thing are adorable but
The things sweetie belle said was so cute and the thing where rainbow dash loves tank and is concerned for him but doesn't whant people to know that was funny and cute
I love spike and all no homo but its soooooooo funny when he is mad or agervated
Awesome. just awesome. There was tank (and when he was spinning he was a TANK TOP XD) rarity giving him the smallest gem
Yah generosity my ass. I surprised that got away with it. Big Mac a cheerilee together. Barry punch was going back to the Crystal empire lol
And zecora wants spikes BOOTY XD.
But as the episodes go on is it me or is fluttershy and spike looking like there comeing together
It was a good episode but the end seemed rushed. I know for a fact the there is going to be a shit lode of fan fic's for this episode.
I thought discord was going turn everything back to normal and leave ponyville forever all sad and stuff, and then everypony goes after him and becomes his friend then he turns good. All in all it was awesome but it would have Been better if it was a 2 parter