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S03:E11 - Just for Sidekicks



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Title: Just for Sidekicks
Air Date: January 26th, 2013
Synopsis: Spike finds himself in over his head after convincing Twilight and her friends to let him pet-sit all of their critters in exchange for a few gems.

A return of the Mane Six's pets. You all do realize what this means, yes?


Buckin' Tank


Edited by DashForever
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This episode looks cute! Hopefully I'll enjoy this one, and that it includes the mane six in it too. I have a feeling that Angel's gonna be a pain. And we'll be seeing Tank as well! Yaaayyyy! I want to see what the pets do too. Looks interesting, I'll be watching it livestream, hopefully!

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I thought this was a thread for CD to get a sidekick :P was going to redirect all the new ponies from the welcoming plaza here kekekeke


Anyways, another Spike episode? He's such a baby in his episodes P: Need more Rarity episodes (C'mon Season 4, a season full of Rarity!) Oh well I love all the pets <3 let's see how this turns out :) Owllowiscious is best troll pet.

Hopefully I don't find myself facepalming too hard over Spike's stupidity, ah well, it's part of the show! *gets popcorn out* ^-^

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Initially, I wasn't too thrilled about this episode, especially considering we already technically had a Spike episode earlier this season (and yes, I know it was more of a AJ/Spike episode, but still, he had at least 50% of the focus in that episode).  But, after seeing yesterday's preview clip, I'm actually quite excited for this episode, largely because I just realized when I saw it how much potential there is for this to be an extremely hilarious episode!!!  I mean, Spike AND all six of the pets up to no good and causing a ruckus?!?!  OMG, this could easily be this season's "Party of One" or "Lesson Zero"!!!  The key is that the episode must be executed by Studio B properly, because in the past Spike's episodes sometimes aren't executed that smoothly, whether they have awkward lessons or pacing, and, as a result, have not always been fan favorites.  Still, I'm optimistic and hopeful that this episode will be hilarious!!!  See ya'll in an hour everypony!!!  :D

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:huh: Well... Spike's kinda dumb, isn't he?  On the other hand, did ya'll catch that picture of PeeWee back in his parent's nest?  Thank Celestia we finally figured out what happened to him!!!  I was starting to think that Spike had eaten him or something.  :lol:

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First line is a Bill Cosby reference :D


And now Spike knows the tragedy of ruined cake. It is a sting I've felt many a time :(

I've never seen a Spike episode I really liked. They've been enjoyable, but never really great, IMO. I doubt this one will wow me :/


You know Owlicious was telepathically saying "shape the fuck up or I'll eat you, little bunny. Who's the predator here?"


Also, I don't remember Tanks propeller being magic powered before. Confirmation now?

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Pinkie and Gummy and cupcakes... Oh my god, I don't care about Spike. Pinkie randomness always completes an episode.

(I do care about Spike, he's lovely. This is going to be an awesome episode.)

I sense a lot of people wondering why all the ponies carry gems. I reckon it's some sort of alternate currency. Like, bits are the lower-value coins, and jewels are like paper money we use to represent higher amounts.

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Tank kiss is canon, TANK KISS IS CANON!!!!!!!!!!   HNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!  ALL MY FEELS!!!!!!!!  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:


On another note, this episode is already hilarious and adorable!!!!  Bucking Tank noogie, Winona belly rub, Gummy... whatever the heck he does?!?!  It's all so great so far!!!  :D

Edited by Batbrony
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I hope most of these posts occur during commercials, because if you're posting during the episode you're missing things xD This is why I wait to just post a big post on my thoughts at the end.

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I sense a lot of people wondering why all the ponies carry gems. I reckon it's some sort of alternate currency. Like, bits are the lower-value coins, and jewels are like paper money we use to represent higher amounts.

A good idea, but there are probably some inconsistencies with prices.


Anybody love how a bunch of little kids are allowed to go skydiv- oh, nevermind. Problem was adressed.


Also Spike is a true businessman. Get somebody else to do the work and try to keep the money XD

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When I saw the CMC's clubhouse come into the shot, I thought "This can't end well". Then when they were all like "We need treats for when they're good, and toys" I thought they'd do a pretty good job. I hope to see more of them in this episode... or at least have them be a bearing in some way. n.n


Also - Angel laugh for the win!

Also also - Squeaky Belle is so lovable. I need a .gif of it.

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Why is Sweetie Belles so damn adorable? I just want to hug her every time I see her :o


Also, this marks the return of Satan bunny. I don't like Satan bunny :(

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Sweetie Belle, you should realize that you're cuter than Angel by now... ;)


Sweet Celestia, Squeaky Belle just about sent me to the hospital just now!!!  Just when I think she can't possibly get any cuter, she does!!!!!  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

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"I'm in crystal heaven!"
I just died.
"There has to be a better solution!"
Sweetie Belle is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen  :D
Also, it's nice to know that Angel isn't a complete sadistic troll :)

Spike is going to eat the Crystal Empire.

I lol'd :P

The Crystal Empire has returned. :o

Also, SBB, I believe that the next 2 episodes involve the Crystal Empire, which I would like to see how they go about doing it.

Edited by Twiliscael
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