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About Negative

  • Birthday 1997-09-12

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    Ponies, ponies, ponies. Thank Celestia for ponies.

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Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. Welcome to the forums, chummy. I hope you make lots of good friends here
  2. I forgot I had an account

  3. SNAP.. Get it? As in camera snap.. How about Flash.. Or megapixel..I'm really bad at thinking of pony names. It took me months to figure out my OC '-'
  4. Gayotic pisscord
  5. Negative PonyEcho Berry Pie Chaotic Discord Clarity TailsAlone Motion Spark Harmonic Revelations StefanSreto Dashie <3333 Lunatic Can't remember any more D:
  6. I've changed my favourite pony a lot. I started with Pinkie until I heard about cupcakes, then it was Fluttershy, then Applejack, then RD, then Fluttershy again, then Twilight, then Rarity, then Applejack again, then RD again, then Twilight and Rarity joined. Something like that ' Rarity episodes are really good.
  7. YEEEAAAH! 1/10 MAN! TOTALLY XD I've seen you a couple of times, not much though but you're at brony status, so probably 8/10.
  8. I don't care about looks :S Wait, is this poll about preference? I assumed it was. Yeah. I don't care about looks. I go for intelligence and personality. Nerdy males are more my type '-'
  9. I didn't like Scootaloo in season 1 and 2.. But damn you season 3.. I'm starting to love her. Her singing and little flying bits and stuff are like adrbl. They kill me. A scootaloo episode, whether I liked her or not though, would be amazing. I agree with getting to know more about her, seeing where she lives etc..Can't wait '------------'
  10. -Check Facebook -Check Xen -Check MLP forums -Reply to a few threads on MLP forums -Go listen to some music on YT -Maybe check DeviantART -Go on XBOX.com and message people -Check Facebook again -Find some random games -Maybe draw a pony -Homework if I have any.
  11. '-' Vague... It took me from the moment i joined up to now to get my rank, which is the case for all users, I suppose Awkward...What else can I say loool
  12. Welcome to the forums, My name is Lou. I hope your time here is good
  13. Probably very famous. I've seen you all around '-'
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