Aquarius Coral

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He is a thin but quite tall stallion who is a shade of salmon/coral pink (Pale Pink) and has a marine blue mane with a cyan streak going down the middle. He is mostly laughing at pretty much everything or being quite confused at the simple stuff so he has those two facial expressions most of the time. His mane is styled in a way like the ocean waves covering the deep blue, so cyan over blue in the middle of his mane. His eyes are a deep marine blue that are usually quite wide as he is always finding things adorable.
male Earth Pony It is a droplet of water that matches his mane with blue and cyan colouring. It means he is a Ocean Diver and Marine Biologist. is almost always laughing at everything or being confused at the simple stuff. He acts quite arrogant over his knowledge of marine life which can make him quite angry when someone tells him he is wrong even though sometimes he is wrong. He is extremely open to meeting others as his Marine Biology skill has taken him to many places filled with new ponies or creatures to greet. He loves exploring all over and sometimes his inquisitive personality and love for exploration can make him get in many bad situations. He finds many things adorable even when others may think there scary or creepy for example a shark is quite feared yet Aqua Coral would find them cute or awesome. He is not very brave and heights are way to much for him as he has Acrophobia.
He loves helping ponies talk it out and resolve a conflict as it helps him feel happier.
Likes: He hates heights and isn't really a fan of small fluffy animals like a bunny. He really hates conflict or arguments.When Aqua was a young colt he was always fascinated by any marine life from the humble whale to a simple crab. As of this he would always leave his house in Manehattan to explore the coast around the city and the beaches in the area, just so he could swim and visit his passion know as the Deep Ocean. He did always like lizards but there more of a side thing. His mother when he was old enough to look after a pet let him get a pet of his own to look after as his own lizard. He would have got some marine creatures but they couldn't really go anywhere with him like a lizard could so he got himself a Gecko of a particular species known as a Crimson Giant Day Gecko and he called her Emerald to match her striking vibrant green colours.
After a long time of going of to the coast with Emerald, Aqua was an older colt who wanted to see the ocean and build up his swimming skill he always wanted to leave his bustling city home to see new and exiting ponies and creatures hopefully new species of sea life that could only be found in certain areas of Equestria he remembered why he loved the ocean! His fascination on any sea or marine creatures started when he was very young as he was trotting along the beach front. He saw a Pod of Dolphins breaching the water surface on a very gorgeous summer day, just the sight made him want to join in! Since that day he would aspire to be a pony involved with his ocean love. After his prolonged flash back on the beach he realized he had to explore he MUST go and leave his home and after he had his flash back he looked towards the ocean for awhile and then he looked down onto his Flanks to see his Cutie Mark a Ocean Blue and Cyan droplet of water. With the proof he needed in the form of his Cutie Mark his already strong passion grew greater.
When he was of age to be classified as a Young Stallion he told his mother that he must leave and carry on what he was born to do and that was explore. His mother was obviously sad to see him go but every colt must leave the stable. He was nearing the start of his adventure with Emerald by his side and bits he saved he was getting ready and packed up his belongings to leave for the first exploration into Equestria to see knew Wild life and Sea Life. He always heard talk of the Great Town of PonyVille and thought of all the Ponies he could meet, also once he is done in PonyVille he could adventure else where. First stop is PonyVille next stop the whole of Equestria.
He will almost always have his Gecko Emerald on his shoulder as she is his life long pet.
He loves all animals but with his extensive knowledge in the Ocean and it's denizens he can tell you pretty much anything to do with the Sea.
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