Arcing Storm

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Exactly like in the image above: black coat, yellow straight short mane and a yellow small pointy tuff for his tail. Hut here's a side note: He also have a pair of yellow goggles similar to the Wonderbolts'. They are put on while he is flying.
male Pegasus A black cloud with several lighting bolts.When flying at his stop speed, Storm leaves a trail of yellow lighting sparks behind him.
Also, he has some kind of resistance to lighting bolts but after a few, he will still be able to be hurt by them.
To thunderclouds, Storm can buck the lighting bolts out of the clouds with a thunderous sound but no lighting strikes.
Average intelligent and sometimes hot headed. Storm always is a energetic person, spending his time by flying around Ponyville and helping other ponies. Storm is also VERY competitive. He never turns down a offer for a race and will do anything (BUT cheating) to win. He hates losing but if it's fair and square, alright for him. Thanks to his job, he always likes to help others.
Likes: Having to stay at one place.<br />Slow ponies/animals.<br />Cheating.<br />Other ponies getting hurt.Storm's parents was living in Cloudsdale before they had Storm. They moved to Ponyville a few months before Storm was born due to Storm's dad had to change to another branch of the postal company he was working in. The moving was fine for them since they wanted to see Ponyville anyways. A few months after, Storm was born as a healthy and strong colt.
Just a few days before his first day to school, Storm was taken to a Wonderbolts' show by his parents. He was immediately amazed by them and looked up to them as role models. Storm's dad got him a pair of goggles similar to the Wonderbolts' as a gift (which he still keeps). He always practiced flying since that day and the day just before school, he was able to fly.
Despite being able to fly very early but he was one of the last foals to get cutiemarks. He was teased and mocked by the other foals for being a blank flank. Even some bullied him but he stayed passive, not wanting to fight back and hurt them. He just straight up ignored them.
One day, Storm was lying on a cloud, face down into the cloud as he thought to himself: What is my cutiemark...? And why can't I get it...? As he was thinking, a stray thundercloud (or what he thought it was) struck him with a lighting bolt. He fell off the cloud he was lying on and fell to the ground. Luckily his dad spotted him and picked him right on time. Storm was immediately taken to the hospital. Luckily but strangely, the lighting bolt didn't harm him one bit. No injuries were found on him.
Storm continued to go to school after the 'incident'. The others still mocked him and bullied him but he ignored them all as usual.
Summer, Storm was flying around Ponyville and he found some stray dark thunderclouds. "Not them again..." He said worriedly, not wanting anypony to get hurt. Mom and dad said I have immunity to lighting bolts or something... Let's give this a go... The black Pegasus thought to himself as he hesitantly flew over and bucked the dark clouds. The electricity didn't hurt him at all as the cloud made a thunder sound. Storm expected it will disappear but the black color faded, leaving only a white cloud. I guess I can take the lighting bolts out of thunderclouds and turn them back to white clouds... He thought to himself before taking care of the rest. When he took care of the rest, he flew back to his home without noticing his cutiemark appeared. When Storm got home and his mom noticed his new cutiemark, the family celebrated.
Storm finished school and his dad invited him to work with him. Storm declined the offer as he moved out to his own cloud house and started to help other ponies as a job. He somehow just hates it when others needed help and they are ignored so he decided he would help them himself. Moving/Carrying heavy objects? He will do it. Deliver something? He will do it. He will do pretty much everything to help others when they needed. Storm usually flies around Ponyville, looking if anypone needed help. Sometimes if there's any dangerous thunderclouds around, Storm'll fly up to it and turn it back to a normal cloud. On stormy days, he usually patrols Ponyville to see if he can reduce the lighting strikes by only taking the lighting bolts off the clouds but not the rain.
One seemingly usual day, Storm was lying on a cloud until he found a cyan Pegasus flew by very quickly. He got up and looked at the Pegasus. So fast... He thought to himself in awe. He asked other ponies about that Pegasus the next following days and found out that she was Rainbow Dash. Storm looks up to her as a role model along with the Wonderbolts.
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