Aspen Swift

By AspenSwift
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A medium sized stallion, he has a light blue body with a darker gray mane and tail. His hair is long, for a stallion, and is very poorly kept, like he doesn't spend a lot of time working on it. He has violet eyes.
male Earth Pony Multiple trees behind a stream warm, cheerful, and polite. However, he lives by himself and is content with that. Aspen goes into Ponyville often to catch up with his friends, and loves to go to parties. He is a pretty good dancer, but does so sparingly. He sings to himself whenever he works, but not publicly, unless he's out with friends. He is very smart, scoring very high at the advanced school for agriculture he went to.
Aspen has a large collection of books at his house, and loves to read. He tries not to show off, but sometimes he can't help correcting other ponies. He has a great sense of humor, and jokes around all of the time with everypony. He always loves to make other ponies laugh, and loves to laugh himself. He is the type of pony to shield himself with humor, using it as a defensive mechanism. If something bad happens, he will joke about it, but may feel worse about it then he lets on. It's one of his character flaws. He gets very uncomfortable about being open or have intimate conversations about himself, and tries to avoid them at all costs. Aspen doesn't have any problems with helping others, but doesn't feel right about letting other people into his brain. It really started when his Grandfather died; Aspen took the news pretty hard internally. However, his father was devastated by he news as well, and Aspen had to put on a brave face and try to cheer his father up. Ever since then, Aspen has felt that he needs to keep his feelings buried and to try to help other ponies and cheer them up. Sometimes, it works, and Aspen feels better by making others feel better. Often, Aspen will try to help one of his friends, but comes off as being unable to take things seriously. It's hard for him to understand when somepony needs to be cheered up or needs to let off steam on another pony.
He isn't a great sprinter, unlike some other earth ponies, nor is he very strong, but Aspen loves to, and is good at, climbing both trees and cliffs. He is very decisive about what he likes, but isn't very organized. He is prone to losing things, and has trouble keeping up with files and such (which are more important in farming than you'd think). He really looked up to his grandfather, and compares himself to his grandfather constantly. Aspen's inherited house was very big, making it very hard to clean. Because of this, he keeps it pretty messy, only cleaning it when his parents or somepony important is coming over. He would like to think that it's not messy, just organized in a way that makes sense only to him. Aspen has to often make business deals with other companies, something that he actually excels at. He can be very charming when he wants to, and can easily when over companies or businesses.
Likes: Classical music<br />Math<br />Griffons (Too uppity)<br />The beach<br />Swimming<br />Aspen was born in Phillydelphia, and grew up with no brothers or sisters. He was named after his grandfather, Aspen Limb. He did well in the school he was placed in. Growing up, Aspen always had wanted to be a comedian, because he always made his friends laugh at school. However, he went to his grandfather's orchard, which was a couple of miles outside the town of Ponyville, and immediately fell in love. He felt like he had really found his purpose, and received his cutie mark. His cutie mark, the trees behind a stream, is the view from his favorite tree, a gnarled old oak tree beside his grandfather's house. He went back to Phillydelphia to study agriculture (go beavers) and inherited the orchard when his grandfather passed.
Aspen does his best to preserve the orchard, trying to imitate the way that the place was run in previous generations, and his business has really grown. He goes into Ponyville every Saturday for the weekly market to sell his goods. People especially like his pears, which Aspen has bred a new type of called the Sunny Horizon pear. The Sunny Horizon is a soft, incredibly juicy pear, which has really put Aspen into the books as a master agriculturalist. He moved into his grandfather's old house, and tries not to renovate it too much, to keep the authenticity. The house is pretty big, as it's been in the family for generations, and takes a lot of energy to clean.
Aspen grows delicate fruit, like cherries, that need to be plucked, not shaken down. By climbing the trees to get the fruit, Aspen developed a skill for climbing trees and other things, such as rocks. He went on to practice rock climbing as a pastime, and still enjoys it, even going to a few tournaments for rock climbing held in Appleloosa. He made lots of friends when he moved to Ponyville, and has them over for lighthearted poker games weekly. Aspen usually loses, but they don't play for much, so he has a good time. Aspen had a marefriend at the Agricultural School he went to, but had to leave her when he moved. He hasn't been interested in mares since, mostly focusing on expanding his business. His parents don't visit often, which is okay with Aspen. He loves his parents, but is glad to be away from them most of the time. Aspen really loves foals, and will sometimes volunteer at nurseries and preschools. He really wants to have a foal of his own someday.
When he moved in, Aspen adopted a cat to keep him company. The cat's name is Caboodle, and she keeps Aspen company while he does his daily work.
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