Blue Thorn

By Loud Opinion
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Young Adult
His white gray mane is nothing of note in particular. A causally standard mane style hardly draws the ey. Even his own emerald-green eyes would be hard pressed to prioritize his mane over anything else of interest. Particularly, his royal blue coat; adorned with several scars that tell exaggerated tales of a stubborn stallion, too proud to take the common bandage or even some professional aid. His focused gaze compliments his obedient posture to convey uncompromising intent whenever his casual smile is absent. Many would assume this stallion to be a guard, or even a member of the Equestrian Legion had he been born a few centuries earlier. His unnaturally spade-tipped tail lazily drapes it's weight over his back emanating an air of subtle mischief and instilling unearned suspicion.
Male Earth Pony A snake wrapping itself around an arrow. (some connection to alchemy.) It describes as a very nebulous demand and talent for bridging the gap between distant ponies and the bolder individuals among us. As an archer strikes from afar, the serpent leaps into the air to catch his arrow. The archers target gets closer, bearing olive branches and gold. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/monthly_2018_01/screenshot_20180119_193550.jpg.b6e1177baa579e0ed234a99d8e88b97e.jpgAs a passionate stallion yet to find his calling, Blue Thorn is eager to be a part of something greater than himself "the bigger the stakes the greater the appeal". He is reluctant to accept a return from any cause he invests himself in and often holds others as well as himself to near olympian standards. He can also lose perspective when he invests himself in a particular cause, though he has yet to experience it. On a more personal level, you can expect him to be clinical as he carefully calculates the effects he has on the situation, and if he detects that he is being expected to fulfill a particular role, he will play the part. Whenever things are mundane and their is no role to fill in particular, he'll usually distance himself from the situation, letting his impatience show.
Likes: Flowery aesthetics, ill-timed truths (late ones in particular), hollow gestures, and being directionless are all things to be minimized for maximum convenience.Blue Thorn was born to a family of gardeners, and spent most of his early years working the landscape and getting a very basic education. His family was small and the fields were vast, so Blue Thorn often found himself getting lost in thought. Without many ponies to disagree with his views, Blue Thorn began to disagree with himself, refining his thoughts on the few current evens and historical accounts he caught wind of from glancing at newspaper headlines and his daily history lessons. The work was grueling, soul rending sometimes, and failed to catch any of his interests, but It furthered the family business, so he would still find himself looking back at his work with a proud smile, even when it wasn't perfect. Every branch trimmed, every spade in the ground, they all mean so much to him looking back.
Staying a blank flank for most of his younger years proved troubling as the simple gardening, though rewarding, began to feel more and more like a distraction. He didn't know what else he could be doing though. With nothing particularly outstanding about him aside from an abnormally flexible tail, longer than it had any right to be, or any strong calling their was little that could be done.
One day though, when he was old enough to take contract work, he took a graveyard job. This job was particularly taxing for an unknowable reason as the land itself seemed fairly simple though the lack of benches would mean the job couldn't be done incrementally unless he wanted to go agents his nature and ask for an unnecessary rest from his employer. Some time into it, he rested his head on a tombstone to look back on how much work he had already done and felt fatigue claim his mind as he drifted to sleep.
Again, his recurring nightmare returned to haunt him. He was being chased by a swarm of flies and he would run until the flies caught up and wake him up with a start. This time was different though, in his path was a giant spider web. He risked a worse fate than the files, and leaped into the web, passing through it, as if his eyes were just playing a trick on him. Looking back, he saw the swarm stopped by natures net and a spider crawled down to see the disturbance to it's home. Blue Thorn was convinced that it had looked him in the eyes as he awoke to the flash of his new cutie mark. accompanying his new mark, his tail shed all of it's hair off to revel the long spade tipped limb he has today.
To this day, he doesn't truly understand the dream, however, he did understand that it gave him his mark, but no talent to accompany it. One day he will understand it, but today, their is work to be done.
Thorn's dream has deeper meaning. The flies chasing him represent suffering in general, (sometimes resebling entire sandstorms,) for Blue Thorn, they are a nebulous feeling that his destiny has not been fulfilled. He is unable to understand the meaning behind the feeling and flees from it's discomforting embrace. The spider represents a pony that has adapted to the existence of sufferings and, while doing his best to get rid of them when he can, has resigned to deal with them on his terms. Hence the web. The web is not perfect though, ponies are also caught alongside sufferings and feel quite vulnerable to be so complacently at someone else's mercy. Blue Thorn passes through this web, indicating that he can interact with these barriers without either parties having to compromise themselves. He realized this in his dream, but the morning stole it like it does with most dreams. Without the flash of his destiny to tell him were he is special, help must find this stallion, or he will be forever denied the life of higher meaning he needs.
"What are we without our responsibilities? Who am I to leave when the reasons to stay are obvious?" -Blue Thorn.
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