
By Skycoaster
, No,
Not Cast
Size: Slightly thinner and taller than the average pegasus.
Coat: Gray
Eyes: Gold
Mane: Lavender and Purple
DarkWing is a proud member of the Lunar Night Guard, and as such, share's a uniform appearance. It is rare for him to be seen without his armor.
male Pegasus Though rarely seen, Darkwing's Cutie mark is a shield with two bat wings behind it. It was earned when he was enrolled into the Royal Military Academy. It is rarely see due to his armor. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/9a0677dee24d04b6b727eb48294dba82.pngDarkWing is a very protective pony, particularity of his young brother Paladin. He can be stern, but empathetic at the same time. He tries to set a roll model for his brother and the other guards. He can be very fearful about his and his brothers past getting out to the other guards.
He loves history, learning, and bettering himself and his brother.
He dose have a lighter side that shows on occasion, sometimes pulling a prank on his brother or commanding officer.
His loyalty is second to none, though sometimes to whom or what may be brought into question.
Likes: Being woken up, disrespect to Princess Luna, his brother, the Royal Guard, or Equestria. salads.DarkWing lived a rough life as a colt. He was born of a servant mother, and his father left shortly after his younger brother Paladin was born. There mother loved them very much, trying to provide for them the best she could. As time went on, she began to become ill, hiding it from everypony, for she knew she had to provide for her children. DarkWing could tell something was wrong, but couldn't put his hoof on it. One day after coming home from the palace, she collapsed in front of him. DarkWing quickly got his brother and they took her to the hospital.
She did not have long, as she called her oldest son over to her, as she told him to take his brother home and watch over him. He kissed her on her head and took Paladin home. The next day when they came to visit her, she was gone. It was just the two brothers left to watch over each other. The only thing they had was the old, small house on the outskirts of Canterlot, though it wasn't much. The sold off as much as they could to live off of till all that remained was the house, their beds, and a few blankets.
As the brothers laid in the cold empty house, their stomachs rumbling from hunger, a realization hits them. They would need to have to steal or starve to death, for nopony would give two young school age blankflank colts a job. So it was settled, the next day they would steal their next meal. It was DarkWing's turn first, though he had trouble with the fact that he would have to steal his food. He got lucky however as he found some apples that had fallen into the street. The brothers would alternate who's turn it would be steal food. One fateful day however, that would all change.
DarkWing watched out the window, awaiting the return of his younger brother Paladin, but it was in vain. Finally, a knock came on the door. DarkWing opened it, expecting to find his brother with their meal, however, he was only half right. There stood Paladin with a Royal Guard behind him. When the guard asked to speak with their parents, DarkWing shook his head, pointing to dusty picture on the wall of them with their mother, the last thing remaining in the house, and explained that it was just him and his brother.
DarkWing was scared to death as the Royal Guard began to speak. He explained that for the past year, shops and restaurants had been reporting food missing and that whoever was doing it had great skill in stealth. Had he not been on patrol, he would have never caught them. He was surprised however how young the colts responsible where. The guard did not have the heart to throw two young colts in jail, and instead, knowing that enrollment in the guard was down, offered the two a deal. If they would come with him to enroll in the guard's training program, pledging their life to protecting Equestra, he would make sure they where taken care of. DarkWing accepted on one condition, that he and his brother could not be separated. The guard agreed. From that moment forth, the belonged to Equestria.
The two brothers worked together, excelling in their training, particularity those of nocturnal activities. They recently graduated and have received a commission into the Night Guard. Since starting, he as shown to be a dedicated and loyal member of the Night Guard.
Paladin-Younger Brother
Off duty appearance.
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