Flying Ace

By Flying Ace
, No,
Not Cast
Young Stallion
Tall, ( I'd say maybe a couple inches shorter then Bic Macintosh) average in build, though there are times Flying Ace has shown he can be weaker then a normal stallion in fact there have been cases where a mare was stronger then Ace. He has pure white fur and the end of his hooves are black dark brown mane and tail, Ace prefers to have his mane to look like he just got out of bed. His greenish-blue eyes are always filled wonderment since almost anything can impress him. They hide behind glasses that Ace doesn't need to wear but it helps him see far away.
male Pegasus An open book with the two acting masks, the one smiling and the one frowning. Symbolizes his love of reading and his profession of acting. (Since Trixie performed on a stage the first time we see her, I figure they have theaters.)Ace is a very easy-going Pegasus, he tries the find the silver lining in things and when he can't then he tends to stay in his house for a couple of days until he can move on; if its a friends then he will support them to the best of his abilities while giving them their personal space if they require it. While he can be a weird pony (though not as weird as Pinkie that is just...impossible.) Ace shows he can be serious if the situation requires it. He is naïve and can miss important facts unless you just tell him.
He has trouble remembering the simple things and can forget what he did yesterday. His attention spam is short so its easy for him to be distracted. He CAN fly but he's not very good at it since he dropped out of flight school. While he is a lover not a fighter and even hates to get in a fight, he will defend his friends but will not be the one to throw the first punch. He does not get mad easily and has great tolerance but push him to hard and he becomes more aggressive.
Likes: Idiots<br />Jerks<br />Ponies who think their better then others<br />Ponies who try to be something their not instead of being themselves.<br />Fashion. Not fashion all together he hates ponies that try to look their best to please others, he believes that as long as your happy with how you look then you shouldn't care what any other pony thinks.Abandoned as a colt in the city of Canterlot, Flying Ace was found by two unicorn couples who raised him as there own, when he was old enough Ace attended flight school but found that he had no interest in learning how to fly which made him a target for bullies. One day while being chased by a group of Pegasus, he hid in the nearest building (which was the Canterlot Library) while hiding a shockwave shock the building (you know what caused it ) causing a couple of books to fall on the colt's head, after Ace calmed down from the shock and pain, he opened the first book he saw, which was Daring-Doo and was immediately hooked.
Months later Flying Ace had a huge boost of tolerance and confidence after always being inspired by the characters from the books he read, even though he was still a blank flank Ace always could find a silver lining in anything saying that the fact that he didn't have a cutie mark yet was good as it gave suspense in his life, but his life as a blank flank would soon end. As a birthday gift Ace's parents took him to the theatre to see a live show, Ace's eyes went wide as he watched the stage with amazement he loved how the actors could make any character seem real and believable. Soon after Ace spent most of his colt-hood training to become and actor spending all night to perfect his act, even going to the point of skipping flight school completely to go to the library to read books about acting.
Even though his parents were worried about his obsession they were happy that Ace found something he had a passion for which was always a good sign for a cutie mark. Once he felt ready Ace signed up for a part in a play that was preforming at the flight school and succeeded into getting it but when the time came to perfome Ace froze up with stage fright and his confidence dropped drastically but Ace had come to far to give up trying his best to calm his nerve Ace perfomed like his very life was in stake he was to caught up to notice his cutie mark until the next day. Now grown up into a young stallion Ace decided the city life was no place for him, packing up his things and saying good bye to his parents Ace moved to the small town of Ponyville which he loved at once, favoring the country landscape and a lot more friendly ponies. Ace now lives in Ponyville near the train station so he can still go to Canterlot as an actor and stage hand for the theatre in Canterlot which was the same one where Ace got his love to act.
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