Glacies Frost

Not Cast
Young Adult
Glacies is a full grown pony with light blue, almost white fur. His mane is a deeper sapphire blue with turquoise highlights. His horn is a bit on the longer side, and comes to a point. His eyes are a slightly lighter shade of blue than his hair. He's smaller in stature and build than many other male ponies of his age group.
Male Unicorn A white snowflake on the cover of a black spellbook with a red ribbon. considers himself a nice pony. He can be a bit smarmy at times, but he chalks that up to a sense of humor somewhat akin to that of the infamous Discord. He doesn't so much delight in suffering as he does in sheer novelty. He loves new experiences and knowledge, and will often get involved in things he probably shouldn't just to experience or learn something new about the world or himself.
He's kind, always willing to help a pony out when the chips are down. He may complain about it sometimes, but he's unlikely to give up on helping someone who's willing to help themselves. Past experiences have led the young pony to realize, however, that attempting to help those who have no interest in helping themselves is a fruitless endeavor, and after a considerable effort, he is likely to cut ties with ponies of this nature, not out of spite, but out of unwillingness to invest time and effort that they are not willing to invest alongside him.
He has a mind for trivia, and his mind is filled to the brim with all sorts of knowledge that many would consider useless. However, he has found that his penchant for trivia can be helpful at times, and uses this as a crutch when discussing his various topics of interest. After all, he might say, you never know what might come in handy down the road. Even he realizes, and will admit when grilled, that he will likely never make use of a good ninety-nine percent of the trivial tidbits roaming around inside his head. He is quite intelligent, and can usually learn, at least on a theoretical level, most things explained to him, though when he's out of his depth he will say so and ask for a more laypony explanation.
He has been seen having talks with himself, often debating the best course of action to take in a given situation, or sometimes muttering his plans under his breath, to keep himself on task when he is trying to focus on something. It is not uncommon to hear him actually call himself stupid or argue himself into a deadlock over two equally qualified solutions to a problem.
He loves watching ponies going about their day. He finds it quite enjoyable to just observe the goings on around him. It's not that he doesn't like taking part in life, however. It's really more than he enjoys just taking a moment... or an hour to sit back and take in the world around him passively. His pace of life is a bit slower than most, and he accepts this. This can often backfire when someone says or does something that was obviously a bad idea, however. As he watches the world around him so carefully at times, he easily empathizes with others. The pain they go through as a result of their decisions makes him cringe, as he understands the pain or embarrassment they can feel as a result of their actions. Seeing them go through it reminds him of times he has gone through those awkward or painful moments, and it makes him inwardly recoil in revulsion.
When angered, Glacies will begin to grumble and talk to himself in rather harsh tones. This is the sign that he has become irritated. As his agitation increases, he will become less and less likely to mask these grumblings from others. At the point when he finally reaches his critical peak of anger, when he's had all he can stand and can't stand no more, he completely shuts down all social contact, even with himself. His eyes glass over and he completely stops speaking.
It's quite common for him to attempt to calmly excuse himself from the company of anyone he's around at the time in order to wander off and have some time to cool off. If further agitated, he is likely to strike out at the last one to get under his skin in very harsh and critical terms, using his natural perceptiveness to, intentionally or not, cause some degree of emotional harm. As soon as he does this, however, he is apt to realize that he has just made a horrible mistake, and will apologize profusely for his actions. If not, especially during episodes where his stress is at such high levels that he fumes for hours, he will seek the one he attacked later and apologize, whether he is forgiven or not.
He doesn't seem to smile very often, but this is more due to a somewhat immobile expression than it is because he's never in a good mood. As such, he is used to being asked if he's in a bad mood. He takes it in stride and tries to explain that he's just not one to outwardly show emotion very often.
He enjoys the company of a few close friends, but is unlikely to feel comfortable in large groups. He is a natural introvert, and enjoys his time alone or with just a few friends, shooting the breeze.
Likes: Ranch dressing, ponies making bad choices within earshot (he facehooves internally every time), talking about very shallow topics like idle gossip, negativity in the face of a solvable problemGlacies grew up in Canterlot, surrounded by the air of regality the city seemed drenched in for pretty much the entirety of his life. He would often find himself staring up at the castle above the city with the goal of one day being invited there himself, to peruse the knowledge within at his leisure. His parents, a slightly less well-to-do unicorn couple, encouraged what they viewed as his ambition to climb higher and become something more than just another unicorn. What they didn't know, however, that it wasn't exactly ambition to become someone well known or great that drove their son.
It was a great and powerful lust for knowledge that drove the young unicorn. He studied and studied and eventually came to possess some degree of magical knowledge, enough, he hoped, to join the School for Gifted Unicorns that was headed by Princess Celestia. Try as he might, however, he could not figure out the secret to applying a majority of the magics that he had a working theoretical knowledge of. One day, while trying to light a candle using his magic, he became so irritated that he picked the candle up with the intention of throwing it at a wall. As it hung in the air, however, he noticed that it was beginning to crystalize in his telekinetic grip. He eyes the curious phenomena with excitement. He couldn't produce flame because it wasn't in his nature. It was just a fluke of fate that he couldn't use the most basic of lighting spells on a candle.
It was at that moment of realization that his cutie mark appeared, the black book with a white snowflake upon it. He didn't pay it much heed as he looked toward the School. He considered his options for a few days, but couldn't think of any way that someone with a magic as specialized as his would be able to get in. He could master the art of ice magic through the library and one of the less prestigious colleges, after all. Could he apply his knowledge to more general magic, or would he simply have to give up on attaining the knowledge he so desperately sought after?
He didn't see the harm in trying, so he applied to the School regardless. The tests were rigorous, and he showed promise. His final test was a practical examination, whereby he would be required to freeze a small, foal sized pool of water with his ice magic. He was confident this would get him in, so he focused with all his might on the little pool of water. It took time, as he was still new to his magic, but the water ceased motion and began to take on a mirror like sheen. Glacies wasn't done yet, however. He was determined to freeze the pool all the way through. It took more than ten minutes, but given the time, he was able to freeze it all the way through. White, frozen air pockets in the water misted the otherwise clear ice as the young Glacies collapsed onto his hindquarters in exhaustion.
He had passed, though only barely. Most of his time in the school was spent ravenously tearing through books on magic he'd never be able to use, but he did pick up a trick or two for the special few magics he was capable of using. He couldn't teleport or lift entire houses with a flick of his horn, but he could create with his ice, and eventually he also picked up a couple of other spells that weren't outside of his range. He graduated without honors, but hadn't exactly been concerned with his grades, more in just devouring any book put in front of him. He didn't pass with flying colors primarily due to his disdain for homework. His refusal to do any work outside of school hours dipped his grades a bit, not too much, but significantly enough to refuse him any honors.
After his graduation, he spent a few moons travelling Equestria. He knew that his life was still ahead of him, and he wanted to see if there was anywhere he would want to set up to see what he actually wanted to do with the talent he was born with, and the skills he had acquired over the course of his life. In time, he heard of the exploits of Twilight Sparkle and her friends, even learning during one of his trips to Manehattan that the young mare had become a princess in her own right.
The amount of knowledge the Princess of Friendship possibly possessed piqued Glacies's curiosity. He decided that his travels should next take him to Ponyville, just to get a grasp of the situation. He had no real expectation of meeting someone so important to Equestrian politics face to face, but he was hopeful that he might at least learn something from his fellow alumn.
"Perhaps," he said to himself as he opened a book and fell back into his train seat with an intent stare, "perhaps I'll learn something in Ponyville that I've never heard of before. After all, it's not every moon that a young pony becomes an Alicorn. That by itself should be interesting to study." He flipped the page in his book, one of the many tales of Hearth's Warming Eve, his favorite holiday of the year.
- If I need to fix the magic, please let me know. I don't know if ice elemental magic falls under an umbrella or if I need to use a different slot for each spell. I'm hoping for an allowance of a more broad magic, so I'm going to go by that first. If I am indeed mistaken, I will fix upon review. -
[ice Elemental Magic] Ice Manipulation - Glacies has learned over the course of his studies how to control his special talent for manipulating ice. He can project beams of pure energy that can freeze a target at 50 feet or so. Combined with his telekinesis, he can even mold ambient moisture into various shapes and sizes, up to twice the mass of an average pony. He mostly uses this magic to create his favorite treat, ice cream, or for creating exotic ice sculptures for artistic expression.
Magic Lending - Not being one to mind sharing, Glacies learned early on at school that some of the more gifted ponies with magic might not have the endurance necessary for large scale spells on their own. If needed, he can draw upon his own magical reserves to provide just that extra push to a spell being cast by another unicorn or alicorn to prevent it draining the original caster too much.
- Can't think of a third spell that I can think that'd fit his character. Oh well, I think I'm finished. If there's something I can clear up or something I missed filling in, please let me know. I look forward to your review. -
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