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Howling Wind

  • , No, Not Cast Young adult stallion

    Messy (think bed head) forest green mane with matching eyes. Dark storm grey coat with some earth brown fur around his lower legs and hooves.

    male Pegasus Three Bats

    His Cutie Mark represents his affinity towards Nocturnal Creatures. He cares for them and helps other ponies to both understand them and deal with them when conflicts of interest arise.

    Howling Wind is a friendly pony most of the time. He is fond of pranks and his favorite time of the year is Nightmare Night. He loves creepy crawlies and nighttime, he spends most of his time awake throughout the night and asleep during the day. His largely nocturnal behavior means he has a bit of a light sensitivity and is often tired and cranky when he is forced to be awake during the day. He can manage it but only if he has notice that he will need to be up. He loves animals but has a particular affinity with both nocturnal animals and the creepy crawly kinds of critters that most ponies find distasteful. He spends his nights flying around ponyville and the Everfree Forest looking for both creatures to assist with and ponies to prank. He will not however frighten foals unless it's Nightmare Night. He spends dusk and the early night hours with friends because that is the best time that neither of them are too tired. He has grown up with stories about the mare in the moon and as soon as he heard the news about Princess Luna he wanted to meet her.


    Generally happy, helpful and kind he also has a mischievous streak. He can occasionally pull pranks that are a bit mean spirited without intending to do so. When confronted he always apologizes and feels bad however it still happens from time to time. He has been known to nod off while walking or flying and crash into things. However in his element at night he will always do whatever he can to help someone. He loves storms as well and wishes that he were allowed to make storm clouds and rough weather more frequently. And most of all he is curious. He can sometimes make ponies uncomfortable with his probing questions that are only there to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. He wants to know everything he can which as a colt led him into trouble more than once.

    Likes: Bright Light<br />Daytime<br />Upsetting others<br />Not having answers<br />

    He was born in a home on the borders of the Everfree Forest. His parents were both earthponies but each had one pegasi parent. He was flying from an early age but due to his parents being grounded never learned a whole lot about how to manage clouds. His ability to fly saved him from a lot of trouble as a colt as well with his love of exploring in the Everfree Forest he often has to fly out of the way of danger. His childhood proximity to the forest is what first sparked his interests in storms. They don't occur often in other parts of Equestria unless the pegasi miss too many rains. Over the forest they would occur without warning and captured his imagination. The forest also provided him with no shortage of creepy crawly creatures that he befriended and cared for. His final interest was solidified by his grandfather who would frequently visit from Cloudsdale and fill his young head with stories of the Mare in the Moon. His parents encouraged him by bringing him on the long trek to Ponyville every Nightmare Night throughout his childhood.


    It was on one of these very Nightmare Night's that Howl earned his cutie mark. He had spent all night running about and frightening ponies as his poor parents attempted to keep an eye on him. He flew towards the roof of a house and his wings accidentally knocked a baby bat off of its perch. He felt so bad that he had knocked the little thing down that he rushed over to it. It appeared to be hurt so he appealed to everyone he could as to who could help the little creature. He decided to take it upon himself to bring the little creature home, feed it and nurse it back to health. Once he had finally healed the little thing a few days later, he flew it all the way back to ponyville to place it under the eaves where it he had knocked it off of. When he reunited the baby with its worried parents he felt so happy, it wasn't until he ached home that his parents pointed out his new cutie mark.


    The Everfree Forest provided hours upon hours of adventure and entertainment for the young colt. He would to go meet friendly creatures and to watch the creatures that were not so friendly. He grew to learn and understand many of the plants and animals that lived there. Sometimes through trial and error like the time that he got into a wild patch of Poison Joke and was stuck walking backwards for three days. It was in this very Forest that he met his pet firefly, Lantern. He was wandering the forest one day when a storm came up over the trees. The rain began to come down hard and the wind was blowing and he could hardly see a thing. But there was this blinking light that was being tossed this way and that and he simply had to know what it was. When he finally caught it he saw the poor little firefly was having so much trouble and decided to bring him home. Once the creature was recovered he decided that he wanted to stay with his new pony friend. And with the help of his grandfather, who learned it years before as a member of the Canterlot guard, Howl learned how to understand morse code and learn what Lantern was saying.


    As he grew older he opened his room and later the basement of his parents home to the critters that needed new homes or had to be cared for. As he cared for more of these creatures they began to get into other parts of his parents house. This was also when his sleep patterns began to change to later and later. This continued until with much encouragement he moved out of his parents house and into a house on the outskirts of Ponyville between the Everfree Forest and town. There he built a house similar to Fluttershy's Cottage with lots of open areas and places where the critters he cared for could be comfortable. Being an adult Pegasus now he began helping the night crews of Ponyville managing the clouds over night, which actually means that he wakes up someone who knows what they are doing if there are any issues. He only does this because he is one of the few ponies that is awake at all hours of the night. His first Nightmare Night since moving, with the help of his animal friends, he began an annual tradition of hosting a haunted house. He now pursues his special talent caring for any of Equestria's nocturnal creatures that need his help.


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Hello, Timemagetim. My name is Kay, I'm currently helping with character reviews here in EqE.


I've looked over what you have here so far, and I must first say - well done! Howling Wind seems like a unique and interesting character, and I do believe he'll be a good fit for many roleplays here in EqE. Since you requested for someone to look over what you have so far, I'll leave my observations on things that need tweaking or changing below.

  • The personality section repeats itself a fair bit between the two paragraphs. For example, you mention him being cranky during the daylight hours three times throughout the two paragraphs. It only needs to be said once. You also mention his helpful nature and his fondness of pranks a fair bit. It may be a good idea to look over those two paragraphs a few times and rework them to cut down the amount of repeating information. (This is me being extremely nitpicky though! It's simply good writing practice I'm encouraging here, nothing more.) #i'mnotactuallyanenglishteacher
  • In addition to describing his cutie mark, we also ask for a brief explanation of the talent it represents. In Howling's case, I'm assuming it's his affinity with creatures of the night?


  • I'm not sure about the presence of morse code in Equestria, but I'm not opposed to it. It fits into the general level of technology (and overall historical era) we see in Equestria. I'll need to run it by the other staff and get back to you. One thing I would suggest though, is that you clarify where Howling's grandfather learned it. Morse code isn't something every pony can understand. Perhaps he's a retired member of the Royal Guard?
  • You mention Howling never learned much about how to manage clouds, but then later mention him managing clouds with a pegasus crew at night. Perhaps you could briefly describe how he picked up the skill later in life? OR, alternatively, you could choose to keep him being very poor at managing clouds, but give him a role as a 'night-watch' pegasus who alerts the weather crews should something go wrong with the weather after dark. Maybe he trains messenger bats to help him or something? Just tossing ideas around, but it seems to me his special talent seems to lie outside weather management.
  • Finally, I'd suggest proof-reading the backstory a few times. Once Howling is accepted, you can no longer edit this page. And trust me, there's nothing more irritating than finding a spellchecker mistake or a dodgy sentence in your character bio after you can no longer change it! Best to do it now.

He's looking great so far, though. Once those few things are taken care of, I'll happily swing by to have another look. :)

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Hi Tim! I promised I’d look at the pony I convinced you to make, so here I am :P


I just noticed a few tiny little things, otherwise I think Howling is just perfect :)


  • Based on what you’ve told me Howling looks like, describing him as having brown “socks” is not very accurate to what his legs are supposed to look like. It’s more like his legs taper down to a fluffy grey fringe over brown hooves.

  • You mention the “evergreen forest” in the personality and “canter lot” in the backstory. I’m guessing these are from ipad autocorrect. :P

  • The little description of what Howling’s cutie mark means seems like it would fit better in the cutie mark section.

  • The last line of your backstory is a bit odd. I assume he doesn’t care for all of Equestria’s nocturnal creatures :P

  • This is just a suggestion, but I think it’s nice for any OC to have a cutie mark story in their backstory :)
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Ok. Went through the list of corrections, added the cutie mark story. And assuming it is alright and doesn't count as a past cast interaction I'm ready for any further edits before I get an approval :)

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Ok. Went through the list of corrections, added the cutie mark story. And assuming it is alright and doesn't count as a past cast interaction I'm ready for any further edits before I get an approval :)


It's alright in terms of not counting as a past character interaction, but as we discussed earlier it should still be changed, because when Howl was a foal Fluttershy would have been a foal too. 


The only other thing I found to fix was the bit about Howling's parents, "His parents were both earthponies but with pegasi parents." It's kind of awkwardly worded and it seems like it means that all of his grandparents were pegasi.

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I have an issue with one line:


His childhood proximity to the forest is what first sparked his interests in storms. They don't occur often in other parts of Equestria unless the pegasi miss too many rains. However over the wild Forest they would occur regularly.


While it's fine that your character seems compelled by storms, it has never been shown in the show that the Everfree forest has more storms than Ponyville or anywhere else. That particular line says more about the world around him than it does the character himself, and a minor rewording would make me a lot more comfortable with it. Other than that it looks good.

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