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Lektra Bolt

Lektra Bolt
  • No Not Cast Young Adult

    Lektra has a light orange coat with a yellow mane and tail. It looks like the primary color of the mane and tail are the same color as her coat but looking closely it's possible to tell that the coat is just a brighter orange. Most ponies can't tell the difference, though. There is a streak of gray in her tail and mane. It looks like she got stuck permanently looking like when something gets hit by lighting. So it's all yellow zigzag and gray mixed in. Looks like residual lighting. With her magic affinity being to lightning and electricity, her mane and tail are permanently standing up in zigzagging lightning spikes and grow like that. The front of her mane hangs down in wispy zigzag shaped lightning bangs to just above the eyes and waves when she walks or runs. Speaking of eyes, Lektra's eyes are a light brown color.

    (Leg lightning bolt burn marks are not there in EqE)

    Female Unicorn Lektra has a cube shaped brown metallic box with lightning bolts coming out of it like from the Sun as a Mark, with bigger bolts coming out of the top. The pointy ends are pointing at the cube like they're about to hit it. The cube is opened at the top like you'd open a packing box. On the sides of the cube are Caution symbols with a rainbow at the open end of the box. It signifies her thinking outside the box and her electric affinity. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/4f14b58315cc51d14c411385319e0a72.png

    Lektra can be absorbed in her inventing for hours or sometimes days on end. She takes the time to make sure everything in the blueprint would work when actually built, so if she's not building something you can often find her in her workshop just sitting at a desk and scribbling furiously to make sure the underlying math is correct. Her thought process is methodical and careful, but when short on time she is prone to coming up with multiple solutions at once and just going by trial and error on which works. Due to being an inventor and an introvert, she often enjoys the company of non-living machines more than living entities.

    She is friendly/nice to others, but can turn volatile when insulted. She's social when around others, but can also be more than a bit reclusive and prefers indoor activities. This also means she has trouble initially meeting others, due to being absorbed in her work. Lektra dislikes the outdoors, and will only venture outside when there's a reason to do so. Otherwise, she's quite the homebody and prefers her lab and her home over a bunch of trees and rocks.

    Lektra is what some might call a mare of simple tastes. She has no interest in jewels, fancy clothes, or other finery that she considers frivolous, nor does she care to match the manners of high society ponies who do tend to like these things She is an organized pony, but you wouldn't really know it. Her workshop below the hut is seemingly a mess of blueprints, unfinished inventions, finished but rejected inventions, failed inventions that blew up/melted, or just parts lying around. Regardless, she likes what's referred to as a 'clean mess' where she knows where everything is but it looks messy. A real mess where everything is thrown about wouldn't be something she enjoys, especially if it has a bad odor.

    She enjoys helping others, and is proportionately upset when finding out somepony else was upset by her actions. Key word: Finding out. This means that if you're hiding your feelings, don't expect any sympathy. She's not a great judge of character, but can be encouraging and positive. Lektra has very strong opinions and generally regards them as facts, so she tends to have a comment on anything she overhears and feels compelled to comment on.

    Lektra values the friends she has, although there aren't that many. she's prone to being called a crackpot for her ideas. The ones she does have she would basically do anything to keep, including forgiving them for seemingly ridiculous or severely hurtful actions. She is very forgiving and can justify lots of things happening, so it takes a lot to anger her. Typically if you do something she doesn't like she'll just tell you to not do it again, except if you won't stop. In which case she will do her best to ignore you or invent something to make you stop. An invention of this type would likely be dangerous, so it's best not to annoy her to this point.

    She doesn't like those in authority roles, and generally doesn't like being given orders or commands. She is prone to unrehearsed sarcasm. She is also prone to complaining or otherwise looking for somepony to vent/rant to on topics of interest or whatever is being discussed at the moment.

    Likes: (These are in no particular order)<br />Authority and deliberately silly behavior, except from those who have earned her respect or fondness<br />Being insulted<br />Going outside (Going outside to where the destination is an indoor place is fine)<br />Socializing with strangers in a public setting (She's shy)<br />Doing work or strenuous activity that isn't somehow connected to her job<br />Athletic endeavors<br />Grossness or really messy places<br />Those who insist they're smarter than her

    Lektra was born in Manehattan to parents who were prominent technology designers and inventors by extension. Her father was named (Booming) Thunder and her mother was named Lightning. Rather famous in the city, actually. Her parents helped to maintain the industrial and technologically advanced city island. When they had their first foal they decided to settle down and let new ponies take over the job, but still mostly kept their company, Bolt Solutions, in the family. The company was restructured with them as owners and consultants, but they were less involved in the day to day minutia. They have since had two more children: Fraternal twins Speed Bolt (F) and Flash Bolt (M).

    While out in a storm one day she was literally struck by lightning but miraculously survived. Perhaps it was because of living around machines for so long, or perhaps she was just lucky. Having had a history of lightning based inventors in the family, she had been thinking about following her parents hoofsteps for a while. Now having been struck by lightning, she finally realized that she was connected to them, and that she wanted to be an inventor as well. Her own magical specialty was realized, and her cutie mark showed itself.

    She was homeschooled through written correspondence, and turned out to be smart enough to acquire a degree in Experimental Engineering by the time she was no longer a filly. After finishing schooling Lektra left home to travel the world and look for a place to quietly invent and patent her ideas. She was seeking her own little fortress of solitude.

    Lektra was without a permanent residence for a long time, moving from city to town to city to city to town to another town every so often. She never stayed in the same place for very long, wanting to see as much of the world as possible after being homeschooled all her life and not stepping outside the city. She just felt like it was time to see what the world was like outside the city, but was also searching out masters in her field to learn from. There had to be others out there who could teach her things that couldn't be taught in school.

    She met many interesting ponies in her travels, but none as influential as this old codger she met while out shopping for useful parts to use for an order. The old stallion had been a resident of Ponyville who decided to move. She questioned him as to why, learning that Ponyville was apparently some kind of center of all weirdness. All the goings on there were taking a toll on his heart and he couldn't take it. His doctor told him he had to move away. Thanking him for his stories, Lektra continued in her travels for a little while longer. During this time she took out patents for the things she invented while traveling, and was able to live off the royalties when the mailponies could find her.

    She did eventually end up making the move to Ponyville, but had a rather strange aversion to doing actual work. See, although Lektra works hard designing and building her inventions, she doesn't do much else. Her inventions are usually designed to do things for ponies, and can promote laziness, although she doesn't condone this. She prefers to construct an automatic broom to do the cleaning rather than clean up after herself, make a heater by enchanting a block of metal to give off warmth, or do the same but make it cold. Her inventions do sometimes malfunction and explode or melt, often rather comically. The town has been resistant to her attempts to modernize it. The rather unstable nature of her inventions which seem dangerous and her being seeming lazy at first glance has made her sort of an outcast. Not shunned or anything, but she likes her privacy and lives on the town outskirts to avoid having too many random visitors. Lektra invents machines to do chores with the intention of freeing up a pony’s time to be more productive in other ways. She is in the process of starting Bolt Solutions Ponyville branch.

    She has Aspergers Syndrome, ADHD, and OCD (Like me).

    Lektra follows the adventures of the Elements of Harmony and the weird things that have happened in Ponyville avidly, especially Twilight Sparkle. She looks up to and admires this particular Princess, but hasn't actually met her.

    Elemental Magic: Electricity. This is divided into the three allowed spells.

    Lightning Blast - Lektra is able to create and direct lightning from her horn at various intensities, rather violently if needed (But probably not). Due to not being able to store it herself, the lightning is only used on demand.

    Electric Charge - Lektra charges a metallic object with electricity. It gains the charge property. In addition to it's existing properties, it gains the ability to deliver painful shocks on contact. In addition, one of her favorite things to do when meeting other ponies is the self powered joy buzzer, where she charges her hoof and lightly shocks those she greets as a gag. It's a hit at parties, but those who actually know her personally know to not shake her hoof.

    Electric Animation - Lektra can make things move by manipulating the electricity inside them, once she's put at least a light electrical enchantment on them. By studying with other inventors in her travels she was able to craft a spell that allows a machine to move and act on it's own for a period of time based on a series of directives spoken during the casting of the spell. Range limited to line of sight. The bigger the object to be enchanted, the more energy she requires and the sooner she tires out. This spell only works on things she's constructed or at least partially worked on, and is required to create her Magitek inventions.

    Her special talent is working on and creating non-living things to turn them into enchanted items with magical properties. She calls these items Magitek.

    Equipment: She wears a tool belt on her neck at all times which contains various tools that can be pulled out as needed (Leaving this ambiguous for the most part so we don't have times where she needs to run home/back and waste time), and a pair of goggles with a magnifying glass for examining things on the molecular level that she can slide up or down from her headband.

    Companion: Lektra has a magically animated robotic pet companion named Sparky who Lektra likes to treat as male and sentient.

    Sparky is stronger than he looks (Think ants) and can do typical robot things like heavy lifting and extending his claws to pick things up while cleaning.

    Like all things she makes Sparky is mechanical with no computerized components. He functions on 70% mechanical, 15% magic, and 15% electrical.

    Sparky takes care of Lektra's basic day to day needs. He cooks, he cleans, he dusts, he reminds her to eat and drink, when to wake up, and when she's worked for too long. He keeps her schedule.

    Pic and Cutie Mark Credit: (The Great and Powerful) @@Trees


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Should it really be noted there about the lack of marks? You and the others originally just said to remove from her description all mention of the leg lightning bolts, now I should add back that they're not there? I was led to believe that description supersedes the picture, so not having it in there was enough. Please make up your minds. Should I really put that there?


I'm gonna say not finicky and uninterested in finery, cause she is kind of still afraid to get her hooves dirty. Her own mess she's not afraid of, but like she wouldn't want to go dumpster diving, going to a place with a lot of dirty laundry thrown about, and wouldn't want to go through sewage or deep mud. How do I word this, exactly? Kinda unsure, now. Please help.


The Likes/Dislikes part I'm also unsure about. I'm definitely not suggesting she knows them personally, but as someone who is a fan of the Mane 6 and is aware of events in Ponyville prior to coming to town and EqE assuming everything in the show has already happened, she would know about these characters enough that they're respectable enough. Maybe not Derpy since except in SOL she doesn't speak, but other than that she would have enough respect for the named ponies to have a predetermined good impression of them. On the other hoof someone who's being stupid or silly would make her uneasy, being an intellectual, and compel her to tell them off. Someone like a random guard giving her orders is not something she would enjoy because of being largely independent. So please help me reword this.


And I'm completely stumped on the backstory rewrite. That's a pretty big rewrite and I'm not sure how to even get started with that. She has a history of inventors in the family and had been thinking about following her parents hoofsteps for a while, but with her magic specialty being realized by the lightning strike pretty much solidified that she should go ahead with it. Knowing this, how do I reword that? I'm not very good with rewrites, and that's pretty deep in her history.


Please help me.

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On a side note, I noticed you were wanting a pony to introduce Lektra to Ponyville. I'd be honored to have a Aegis Shine, a mare of my own, to do the job. She's... ok, she's not actually the nicest pony, she's a bit gruff and serious, not too light-hearted. But she patrols the outskirts of Ponyville, despite that not really being her purpose or her even liking it, and would likely be more than happy to escort Lektra in to town. Well, more than happy for her. She's also a blacksmith, by trade and Mark, and appreciates crafting and intricate details. Once they strike up a bond, she could provide scrap metal and sculpted metal for Lektra to use.

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Perfect. Thanks! That would be a great RP.


Waiting on Elo to get back to me with some story flow issues I brought up to her by PM, but overall the issue above is resolved. Just the Backstory flow seems broken now. Like too much happening at once.

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Right now it looks like the issues I pointed out in the personality and likes/dislikes sections have been resolved perfectly, but the other two issues I pointed out need just a little bit more tweaking.


Firstly, this will sound a bit like nit-picking I’m sure but the note about the markings on Lektra’s legs should refer to said marks as “lightning bolts” rather than as “burn marks”, as those markings are not readily identifiable as burns.

Second, the cutie mark story is improved, but still too vague. We now know that the accident helped her realize her potential in terms of using her magic to invent, but the piece that explains how she came to that conclusion is still missing. We cannot get into Lektra’s head like you can, so it is up to you to explain for us how she came to this conclusion.

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They really are burn marks though. The best I could do is call them lightning bolt burn marks, but they're still burns. It happened when the lightning strike was grounded and we're nixing them, but we should still identify them properly.


As for how I can't really think of more than what we got, so like gimme ideas that would work out please?

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How you have them identified now works perfectly fine :)


As for ideas, like I said I can't get into your character's head to determine what you should write exactly, but somehow you need to answer the question of how being struck by lightning led her to realize her affinity for lightning-based magic and inventing. I can pose the question for you, but you're the one who will have to answer it.

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Well she had a history of lightning based inventors in the family and had been considering it already. Her family's magic specialty was activated by the strike. How is that not enough? I'm drawing a blank on what to add that isn't already stated. It's a logical conclusion from family history (inventing) and family element affinity (lightning). Why is this so hard for me? I'll see what I can do, maybe ask other people for ideas.

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I THINK Corona (Fractured currently) and I got it. That is what I wanted to say, but Corona reworded it much better. THANKS Corona!


Is this acceptable to you Elo? Please tell me it's acceptable?

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The cutie mark story as it stands looks good to me. In fact, the whole app looks good. All that’s left is a bit of cleanup, should just be simple rewordings here and there to improve the clarity of your application. From there, I should be able to send Lektra off to second approval.


  • Quick initial note - When we altered the EqE character database a little while ago it altered your character’s age and WIP status, as you may have noticed, so you’ll need to fix those up.

  • She is friendly/nice to others, but can turn violent when insulted” - A better word to use here would be “volatile”, as we try to discourage violence as much as possible in EqE, given that it pretty strongly contradicts the overall tone of the show.

  • Due to being an inventor, she often enjoys the company of non-living machines more than living entities.” - Given that being an inventor doesn’t necessarily make one act this way, it would be better to refer to her as something like “an inventor and an introvert” here.

  • “Lektra dislikes those intentionally acting stupid or idiotic. She would never intentionally say mean things to the mentally handicapped.” - This seems like a better fit for dislikes section, and the second sentence is unnecessary. Anyone reading it would know that you do not intend to include the mentally handicapped with your character’s dislike of stupid behavior.

  • “She is prone to unrehearsed sarcasm. (Read: My posts can have sarcasm in them without me knowing or intending it)” - The part in parentheses should be moved to the “other” section, as that is where all “OOC” information belongs.

  • “so if she goes outside it's for a good reason and she needs to have something to do besides stare at a wall or admire the scenery” - While I understand the purpose of this line, it would make more sense to give examples of things people would actually do outside (though you could say that she considers admiring the scenery to be as dull as staring at a wall if you wanted).

  • “Lektra values the friends she has, although there aren't that many and she's prone to being called a crackpot for her ideas” - These should probably be two separate sentences rather than being joined by an “and”, as they don’t seem related enough to be put in the same sentence.

  • “When they had their first foal they decided to settle down and let new ponies take over the job, but still mostly kept Bolt Solutions in the family” - It would be clearer if this read “but still mostly kept their company, Bolt Solutions, in the family”.

  • The part about her being perceived as lazy comes off as a bit contradictory. It would help if it were explained that Lektra invents machines to do chores with the intention of freeing up a pony’s time to be more productive in other ways.

  • The information on the electric animation spell should all be in the same paragraph. The maximum time before recast for it is needed should also be removed and left ambiguous.
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Wow yea I actually hadn't noticed the database change. Fixed that. Got questions on some things though.


Removed the entire line about stupid or idiotic. That was a leftover and something I recall being asked to clarify by Kay or whatever her current displayed name is.


I guess I'll just remove the parenthesis altogether, since I'm sure players will understand the sarcasm is random.


The going outside thing I really can't word any better. She is the type to not enjoy ANY outside activities, so how do you recommend I reword that to clarify?


The recasting time was requested in the past. The animation originally did not have a duration and actually was ambiguous. Lol make up your minds.

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Those removals both sound good, and fix the problems they needed to fix.


It would be best to just say she won't go outside just for the sake of going outside. She has to be doing something that specifically requires her to be outside, otherwise she'll chose to stay in.


My mind is made up, and the recasting time shouldn't be there. This is the final answer on the matter, as decided by the group. Thank you for removing it.


Once the outside bit is taken care of, Lektra should be good to go as far as I can tell.

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"Lektra feels that going outside just for the sake of going outside is boring and a waste of her life, so she won't go outside just for the sake of going outside. She has to be doing something that specifically requires her to be outside, otherwise she'll chose to stay in. If you ask her to go outside, expect to give her a reason to do so.


won't go outside just for the sake of going outside. She has to be doing something that specifically requires her to be outside, otherwise she'll chose to stay in."


- You ever say a word over and over until it sounds alien?  That's kinda what I'm getting here.  Hmmmmmm... here, you are welcome to copy/paste over the above words with this, if you like:


Lektra despises the outdoors, and will only venture outside when there's a reason to do so; otherwise, she's quite the homebody and prefers her lab and her home over a bunch of trees and rocks.


Does this work better?

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