Limbo Dreams

By Loud Opinion
Not Cast
Late Adolescent
Limbo's red eyes are always lidded to some extent when awake and unfocused, giving off an air of apathy. Usually, this air is dissipated by her readily available smile replacing the pretence with a gentle sign of peace. She is tall and pudgy with a thick, inviting, snow white coat. Her greyish black mane is almost always suffering from a terrible case of bed head for obvious reasons. Aside from those subtle differences, Limbo has two identical horns that curl in on themselves after protruding directly away from her head some way. She walks and moves swiftly, as if she has no weight, and handles her surroundings roughly with no concern for damage or wear. Generally, she would remind one of a gymnast or a wood dwelling hippy.
Female Crystal PonyCutie Mark:
A closed eye. She is destined to see the potential in others; the potential locked in their dreams. It also represents her unawareness to her own destiny and her struggle to see beyond the present.
Due to how inconsistent her life has been, Limbo is not a heavy thinker. It's hard to tell what motivates Limbo because it seems to be whatever looks pleasant at the moment. She is very much naive. If something looks or sounds bad, it must be bad. However, she never dips into fanaticism due to how easily her mind is changed; She never takes even a sensible amount of care into her beliefs as she is used to them being proven wrong just as quickly as they were formed. Regardless, a few consistent traits have surfaced. Namely humility and insecurity. She has spent a very unusual amount of time inside of her own head. This makes for a tightly sealed echo chamber. Without reciprocal contact with other ponies, Limbo has no actual confirmation or reassurance of her worth as a pony. One can only reassure oneself for so long before it loses its meaning. However, the flipside of this is that in your dreams you have little to no agency (provided it isn't lucid) and the world has no consistency to latch on to. Without agency or predictability, you learn to live without such things and so Limbo sees them as unnecessary. This gives her a likable demeanor that's easy to get along with, but this also robs her of drive and makes her ability to led and make decisions fall far below that of the average pony.
For the most part, we can see Limbo living as a fair weather pony: Here when things are good and gone when they're not. There is an exception though. Limbo cares deeply for the ponies she meets even without any immediate benefit. They provided an important, albeit rare, source of consistency in her early life. No matter how abnormal things got, when other ponies were there, they'd put things back into perspective, and for that, other ponies have a certain intrinsic value that she can't exactly explain why she appreciates. If Limbo is going to get the consistency and loyalty she needs from others, then she must learn to be consistent and loyal for them.
Likes: Dark areas, adventuring, soft surfaces, and other luxuries.Story:
Limbo Dreams was born in The Crystal Empire where she lived out her adolescence. Unfortunately, Limbo never got to live through a normal adolescence. She was the first to be born just after Sombra rose to power and so as if to punctuate his rule, in all its cruelty, she was cursed: born with horns that would magically force her to sleep throughout her entire life. Luckily for Limbo, her parents quickly picked up on her physical body's signals for what she needed, whether it be food drink or the occasional stretch and readjustment of her prone form. For years, Limbo's parents cared for her until the king's banishment and the malaise that influenced Limbo's curse went with him. Soon after, The Crystal Empire had gone into a magic-induced stasis. During The Crystal Empire's stasis, no longer did the king's air of malice sow discordance within Limbo, so her horns united with the rest of Limbo's body in harmony.
She still dreamed throughout the stasis and with the help of her horns, she could connect with other dreams. She was never able to interact though, just a silent observer of another ponies mind. Still, she began to pick up on other pony's lives. Progress was slow though. Patterns were difficult to pick up without lucidity and language proved to be very difficult to grasp. Stasis made time flow very slowly, so she could only process a few hours of dreaming per day. It took hundreds of years to even learn that she was entering other ponies dreams. Unfortunately, the prime learning age for such things had already passed, so It took at least another hundred years to learn language, but eventually, she awoke a room she didn't recognize despite spending her whole life in it.
She wasn't afraid though. When she looked around, she recognized some structures and objects from the dreams she spied on. She was resting on something called a bed and across from her was something she was sure was a door, she knew all about those, and below her was a carpet, and standing right at the side of her bed were two ponies that she visited a lot in her dreams. They were always so nice to her and they'd be so happy to see her that she could see tears in their eyes. At first, she thought she was just visiting them in their dreams again, but after some deep hugging and sappy reassurances, she looked out the window. She saw out there was grand. She had never seen such detail over such a wide expanse. The dream world Limbo was used to was rarely open like this, and when it was, there wasn't too much detail to look at. A few landmarks here and there. Nothing came close to the scale Limbo saw as she looked out over The Crystal Empire. The ponies out there; they moved in ways that felt right to her. Things looked so open, so detailed, so overwhelmingly intricate that she was afraid she would fall into the sky if she didn't hold onto the window sill, that it would all just be whisked away from her so she could forget about it in favor of another dream, but it stayed. Minutes passed and she was still here, gazing out into the world around her as her parents watched on, silently appreciative for the same reason.
Limbo's dreams gave her hints to the real world, and now that she is awake, she was ready to experience it for what it really is. She was still operating by most of the laws and assumptions of the dream realm. Back there, consequences were rare and jarring, making short-term comforts much more rewarding. In here things are more weighty and don't go nearly as far as she expects, but aside from that, how hard to adjust could it possibly be?
Limbo's horns are magically tied to dreams. When she cups her ears over them, she can hear the dreams of the nearest sleeping thing.
OCC: I feel as though absolute dislikes are rare, so I have decided to state what she is not very tolerant of here.
Dislikes: Nightmares
Little-to-no tolerance: Loud noises, rudeness (social edict has persistence for a reason, and mares like her are that reason)
Visibly discomforting: Bright light
Tolerable but distasteful: Nosey ponies, the sun
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