Silver Tongue

Not Cast
Young Adult
A prim and proper stallion with a light blue coat with a light green mane and tail, Silver Tongue quite clearly takes a great deal of pride in his personal appearance. It is rare for his coat, mane or tail to have not brushed properly, or the suit jacket that he likes to wear to not be properly washed and ironed. A pair of glasses draws attention to the sky blue eyes that require them to see properly, through they can be replaced by a pair of contact lenses if the situation requires it.
While he stands somewhat taller then most ponies, Silver Tongue is by no means the taller stallion around; He is also rather lean when compared to his peers by being somewhat thinner around his legs and barrel then most. His smile is one of his strongest assets through according to several mares and at least two magazine reviews; It's rumored to be absolutely heart melting.
Male Earth Pony Tongue has been a great many things in his life; From a prim and proper gentlecolt from the heights of society who's kindness and generosity inspired all that he knew to the most dark and twisted creature to every crawl out of the dark pits of Tartarus itself and everything in between, Silver Tongue has played the role of just about anything that the mind can conjure up ever since he was a young colt. Considering how much time he has spent pretending to be other ponies, Silver would have to admit that he has trouble being himself and 'living his own life because it feels like he is already living three lives already'.
Depending on the situation, Silver will tend to use one of his prior roles to inspire his behavior in a given situation instead of being himself; It is actually really rare for him to be comfortable enough around a pony to drop the mask and revel to them the pony behind it. Behind the facade that Silver Tongue tends to wear, he is actually a rather shy pony that is afraid of being rejected by those around him who has an interest in dark humor and romance stories. He has even tried his hoof at writing, through he hasn't written anything he deems worthy of publishing to the public.
He hates beetroot. It is the worst of the vegetables and its juices corrupt and ruin everything around it.
Likes: Being himself, Bullies, Unfair Critics, Beetroot.The only child of Silver Hoof and Golden Tongue, Silver Tongue was born in the town of Ponyville to loving parents and a wonderful community to grow up in. While his pegasus father Silver Hoof was a weather pony his earth pony mother Golden Tongue was arguably one of the best merchants that had ever come out of Ponyville, traveling Equestria in search of the best deals possible (The greatest of which she liked to brag about being getting a loving, loyal husband for practically nothing). Born an earth pony himself, everyone suspected that Silver Tongue would have the gift of the gab that his mother processed; He did, but not in the same manner as she did.
Even from a young age, Silver Tongue liked to pretend to be other ponies or things; Sometimes he would pretend to be the hero from the bedtime story from the night before but he tended to favor playing the villain when he was playing with his friends. When his teacher asked him why he liked playing the bad guy, Silver Tongue answered 'The other foals don't like being the bad guy and they want to be the heroes instead; But if there is no villain for them to match wits with and challenge them, being a hero gets boring really quickly. Besides, I like playing the villain because its fun.'
Silver Tongue earned his cutie mark during a school play, playing the role of Prince Pompous in 'Robin Hood'. While all the fillies and colts put on a great performance, hearing the thunderous applause when he came out to take his bow told Silver Tongue that he had not only stolen the show but also found where he was meant to be. Over time he would travel Equestria in order to seek out a number of different shows and plays, clearly having the talent but not the experience or prestige that was required to acquire a leading role but he did find and fill a number of minor roles to slowly build himself up in the world of theater.
Recently however he managed to take one of the lead roles in a somewhat lesser known play in Manehatten by the title of 'V for Vendetta'; Based in a post-princess version of Equestria that has been transformed into a police state that is controlled almost solely by unicorns, the dark nature and subjects that are brought up in the play has kept many theater goers away but there is a small but loyal number of fans who have been captivated by it, largely due to Silver Tongue's performance of the 'hero' of the story, a masked stallion anarchist known only as V.
With 'V for Vendetta's run at the theater over for the time being, Silver Tongue decided to take a break from his career to return to Ponyville in order to relax and recuperate a bit before pursuing his next role.
Written by a crystal pony named Shining Insight, 'V for Vendetta' was clearly inspired by the reign of King Sombra, with several crimes that the ruling 'Obsidian Party' committed on their subjects being the exact same that the former tyrant of the Crystal Empire had committed himself.
Silver Tongue currently lives alone and has been considering the idea of trying to seek a special somepony of his own now that he isn't 100% dedicated to furthering his career.
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