Sunset Airlines

By 95% Chance
Not Cast
Young Adult
Sunset Airlines is a lean, wiry mare of average height and weight with a full, voluptuous mane and tail that are most at home being whipped about in the winds high above the land. Her coat is a light salmon, almost peach color, while her mane is a dark, red-orange color. Her eyes are a deep bronze color. She is usually seen wearing her flight attire which consists of a lime green overcoat complete with coattails, gold buttons, and other fancy bits; a pair of dark brown pants; and a thick brown bandanna usually worn to warm her neck, but is pulled up over her muzzle when in flight.
Female Pegasus Sunset Airlines's cutie mark is a gray three-fin propeller concealed partially by a white cloud. Airlines is a happy-go-lucky mare with a love for soaring high in the sky above all else. She is a mare that will always try to see the best in everything, even if it's not there to begin with. To quote the phrase "Every cloud has a silver lining," Sunset takes this to heart, and is rarely (if ever) down. In fact quite the opposite, she is almost always seen with a smile on her face and a spring in her step (when she isn't hovering about on graceful wing beats that is.) To compliment this, Sunset is also a very flirty mare, not for any good reason, mind, it simply comes naturally to her. Maybe it's her Prench upbringing, or perhaps it just comes from the way she carries herself. She is a mare that is always happy to make a new friend, regardless of time of day, weather, etc.
Unfortunately, Sunset Airlines can be a bit airheaded at times, not to say that she isn't a smart mare! It takes a lot of knowledge to pilot an airship of course! But she can find it hard to understand some complicated things properly, especially if it's heaped onto her all at once. Most of this comes from a very slight language barrier, but it's nothing that she can't figure out, surely! Her hubris can also get the better of her at times, leading her to believe that she can take on a task that is far too daunting for her to reasonably handle (such as taking on all manner of horrible beastie on her own.) This often times leaves her in a bit of a pickle, and leaves her with a bit more time in the hospital than she would normally like! Despite this, she seems quick to pick up on her mistakes, and she would never make the same one twice, though that doesn't stop her from trying out a new way of tackling a problem and failing a new way!
Likes: Being confined to the ground, being cold, being stuck in the hospitalBorn in the faraway city of Prance to a remarkably average family, Sunset was always quite the ambitious little filly. More than once her parents had to remind her that it would not be wise to chase the sunset. Of course, she didn't understand why at the time, that would come later as she grew older. Much of her life was uneventful, and spent helping out her family at their small restaurant "The Merry Mare." It was here that the small mare found a hobby in cooking, though she wasn't surprised that it wasn't what she would gain her cutie mark in. Sure it was nice as a hobby, but Sunset had her sights set on something more, even from such a young age!
It was around the time of her adolescence that her parents approached her with what appeared to be an offer from a school located far away, one ruled over by two kind and benevolent sisters. It was some sort of exchange program going on, and it seemed that little miss Sunset was the first candidate! Her parents let her know that, regardless of her decision, they would support her in whatever ways they could. Sunset Airlines, being the adventurous young mare that she was, couldn't accept sooner! Not that she wished to be away from home, that certainly wasn't the case; Sunset simply wished to try out something new. After all of the paperwork was filled out and filed, it was only a matter of time before they would send the young mare on her way.
But how were they going to get all the way to Cloudsdale? It wasn't like the cloud city was miraculously going to move itself over to Prance, as it seemed generally content to hover around central Equestria.
Why, by airship of course! Yes this would be the first taste of flight on a giant wood, brass and canvas colossus as it lazily drifted through the air spurred on by its propellers. It would spark the fire deep down inside the mare and give her a craving for flying like this above all else, and would eventually spur her on to raise the funds to buy her own. But that came later, now she was on her way to Cloudsdale, happy as could be as she ran to and fro on the deck of the airship. After an uneventful flight, the young Prench mare would finally step hoof on non-Prench clouds. Not exactly soil, but she could roll with it! It was in Cloudsdale that she would continue her education, before eventually graduating.
Now a young adult fresh out of school, Sunset new exactly what she was going to do: She was going to make enough money to buy herself an airship, or get one built. Something, anything as long as it got her back near those propellers that chopped the wind so elegantly! And so she would set out to make herself some money. But what was a young mare fresh out of school to do for the bits she needed for such an undertaking? Well, keen readers will remember her former hobby of cooking and waiting at her parents' restaurant back in her home town of Prance. It just so happened that in Canterlot, many a restaurant or cafe were more than happy to take on a cute mare with a Prench accent as a waitress or chef. And so she worked, and worked and worked and worked. She would scrimp and save as much as she could to make her dream a reality!
Within a year and a half, she had finally done it, saved up enough to purchase her very own airship. It was nothing special, a junker by any other name, but it was hers and that was what mattered! Over the next few years the young mare would slowly but surely upgrade the parts that made up her little junk ship, until it was a beautiful sight to see soaring through the skies. Treated oak wood, propellers of brass, and brilliantly gleaming dark crimson sails. It was the moment that she finally got her finished ship up in the air that she would gain her cutie mark.
Now Sunset Airlines goes out in search of adventure, wherever it may be found. And if that may fail, she will always pursue the sun, just to see where it takes her. When she's not off gallivanting around and wants to actually make money, she offers her airship as a means of speedy and elegant transportation anywhere in Equestria.
Her airship "The Sun Chaser" which, thanks to its three massive brass beams that keep the balloon in place, give it a distinctly pyramid-like shape, with emphasis towards the front for ramming just in case. Not that there are any sky-pirates about, of course!
Stylish and practical flight attire, consisting of overcoat, undershirt, pants, and thick bandanna with excess fabric for to be pulled up over her muzzle when in flight.
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