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  • Guardian Angel


    • Age: 17-22 (depends on RP)

      Gender: Male

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: A tall, muscular stallion, with golden like fur, a white and messy mane and tail. His eyes are blue like the ocean.

      Cutie Mark: It's a shield with angel wings, showing that he will protect others and will always watch when he is needed.

      Personality: He has a happy and up-beat attitude. He always has a smile on his face and will help anyone. Whether it be a small and simple task or one that he could lose his life. He will always help.<br /><br />If someone is in danger, he puts all of his efforts into saving them.<br /><br />Guardian will be serious in combat. That is the only time he will not have a smile on his face. When he is serious, he loses his smile, and focuses on the matter at hoof.

      Backstory: Guardian Angel was born to a middle class family who always traveled. One day, his parents finally settled down in Ponyville when he turned 8.<br /><br />When he went to school, he was picked on for not having a cutie mark. He didn't mind the bullying, as long as it did not happen to anyone else. Half way through the school year, a new pony came to town. It was a mare who also did not have a cutie mark. One day, the mare was getting bullied at recess and when Guardian Angel saw that he went to intervene. Before he got there, she was about to be hit. Seeing this, he jumped in the way and took the hit. For once he finally fought back, not for himself but for the mare. He was able to beat the bully, but he was left beaten and bruised badly. After that happened, he declared that he will always help anyone in need, no matter the cost.<br />When he turned 18, he went and trained to be a guard. Guardian Angel soared through the ranks, unseen by any other pony before. One day Princess Celestia sent him to an advanced training coarse that lasted for four years. Upon his return, he has mastered all the arts of self defense, as well as able to handle a blade. He later formed a group that dedicated themselves to help any pony in need.

    Guardian Angel

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Damn, sounds a disturbing amount like Chain Mail in his history.

    Middle Class Citizen (Chain was probably better off because he was in Canterlot)

    Saw a girl picking on another girl

    Stepped in (mine with more violence)

    Got ass kicked

    Trained in foreign lands

    Became a member of the armed forces.


    That is awesome.

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