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  • Mike Mcguffin


    • Age: Around Fourteen to Fifteen.

      Gender: Male

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: <p> Mike McGuffin is a young Earth Pony who is a bit on the small side. He has purple eyes, like his ancestor. His coat is a shade of brown, with his tail and mane being short and of a lighter colour. Mike wears a belt with a saddlebag on one end and a sword on the other. </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> <strong>N/A</strong> </p>

      Personality: <p> Since Mike lived without much outside influence, (And the nature of his father's parenting) he is unaware of the meanings of most Equestrian terms. He also can't stand with large crowds, for the same reason. however, Mike does have an optimistic view on life and is able to stay calm in most situations, even when he is screaming in terror on the inside. He also enjoys helping others Mike is also curious, which leads him to poke his nose into places he shouldn't. </p> <p>   </p> <p>   </p> <p>   </p>

      Backstory: <p>  Mike McGuffin was born in a remote village right at the base of the Crystal Mountains to his mother, who died shortly after he was born, and his father, Smock, a painter from Ponyville. He had a sister who left to live on her own before Mike was born. Most of the village did not follow the traditional Equestrian naming tradition thingies and had an elected leader. (Mention or thought of royalty was nearly non-existent there.) When a forest fire occurred near the village and razed a large portion of it down, Mike escaped to the greater world, armed with his family heirloom, a sword that his ancestor wielded. </p> <p> Mike is now settled down and Protects the Sowrd, trying to find out more about it’s history, the Spirit inside it... </p>

    Mike Mcguffin

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    Maybe you could practice a bit more at the tools and strokes, just every here and there, and picture the image or ma k a rough sketch, or even make it on a pony b generator to get an image of it! I hope you find this feedback useful!

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    yeah like the others said, the art could use a little work but i love the concept of the village you described. it would probably make an interesting fanfiction.

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    Kudos to explaining his lack of Equestrian-lingo from the beginning. Tall girls are hard to come by though, especially since Mike hates alicorns :/

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    On 5/15/2018 at 3:34 AM, Pr0m4NV14 said:

    For some reason, there are a lot of </p>s and <p>s.


    I had a talk with one of the mods about this after the forum had the massive update around a half year or so ago. The random signs there comes in with certain symbols being put into the chat, though it's mostly through paragraphs. From what I could gather from their response (as well as what I have seen on other forums) it's a formatting issue that is only present on the character pages. As you can see, they have yet to fix that.

    As for the character itself, I like the concept, yet you say he have a legendary blade. What makes it legendary? Furthermore, what in his upbringing exactly, makes him against royalty?Even being outside of regular society, it doesn't automatically mean that he should despise the idea of a monarchy. A suggestion there could be to say that in his area, they had an elected leader, and he thinks that should be the same for the rest of the country too. A little low brow, but it would cover it.

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    Most of the village did not follow the traditional Equestrian naming tradition thingies and had an elected leader. (Mention or thought of royalty was nearly non-existent there.)

    @Blitz Boom, this was in the backstory page

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