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  • Void

    Blitz Boom

    • Age: 26

      Gender: Female

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: <p> <strong>Physical things not depicted clearly:</strong> Void is larger than a regular earth pony. </p> <p> <strong>Anything of note:</strong> She haves a black, wooden back leg. The right to be exact. It haves joints, but feels uncomfortable if she runs, and clacks when she steps on hard surfaces. Her left eye is made of glass, but is a good piece of work, so can be mistaken for a real one at a glance. </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> <strong>Cutie Mark: </strong>A purple, swirling black hole going counterclockwise, showing her skill for nullifying magic. </p>

      Personality: <p> <strong>Personality:</strong> Nervous, scared of others and have a hard time finding trust. She is a generally nice mare though, and only rarely gets forceful or show anger. Tends to stutter, though it varies how much depending on how comfortable she is around others. Only her sister Null tends to be one she can speak completely clearly to, if they are alone. She's a good cook and likes feeding others. </p>

      Backstory: <p> <strong>Birthplace: </strong>Troy, in a local community of a few hundred, 7 miles outside the ruined city of <span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#353c41;font-size:14px;">Eponsilon.</span> </p> <p> <strong>Occupation: </strong>None, but is a skilled glass-blower. Likely to come into play. </p> <p> <strong>Special Powers: </strong>Like her sister, born with an anti-magic aura that is always active. Magic within a hoof's width of her dissolves and fizzles out. Magic users in that field have active spells on them destroyed, and their magic shut off until they move away. Curse magic is suppressed the same way as users, but not destroyed. </p> <p> <strong>Brief history: </strong>Null and Void were born in Troy to a pegasus mother and earth pony father in a small desert community on the outskirts of the ruins of Eponsilon. Due to concerns about the foals powers, they were kept away from much social interaction since their early foalhood. Eventually they started to be around others with their parents, but in the magic-leaning local society, they quickly became pariahs as soon as somepony figured out it was them that caused magic to stop working around them. </p> <p> They were kept mostly alone as long as they kept to themselves, and Void trailed along in the safe distance from others, reading books and generally staying close to her parents, as she didn't like the look others gave her, though Null tended to lure her out now and again to try and have some fun. </p> <p> One day she were wandering back home via a small alleyway with a new book she had found, when she heard a commotion and curiously went there to find Null in a pretty bad state whilst ponies stood around bickering and trying to figure out what they were going to do here, and muttering about *this wasn't supposed to go this far* whilst seemingly fighting between eachother on how to handle the aftermath of this. She didn't know what was going on, but she wanted to help her big sister so she charged into a bundle of them whilst screaming, and amidst the increased chaos, she somehow ended up losing her right back leg, though not even she is sure how. </p> <p> Their parents arrived, naturally horrified at what they saw, as well as how the citizens didn't seem like to bothered them that much. In fact, they seemed to think that the idea that Null were now permanently grounded were a good idea, with Void being a small accident, which made their parents yell at them and tell them that they were going to pay for this before taking their injured children home to try and patch them up and console them as best as they could. </p> <p> Three days later, with Null ranging between rage and depression over not being able to fly anymore, and Void constantly crying, members of the community guard came around to arrest the parents for what they classified as death threats and unwarranted hostility. The fact that their foals had been attacked were not something they cared about, and had been dismissed as a *harmless prank ending in an accident* which made the two see red and finally snap, attacking the guards and knocking them out. </p> <p> Knowing where this would lead, and seeing that there truly were no hope left for them, they hastily packed a few things and made a run for it with their foals, heading in the direction of Equestria, and almost managed to get to the border before they got ambushed by the Grey, an outlaw organization that enforced their laws in the deserts of Troy, and the four of them stood to be captured. In a last ditch effort to save their foals, since reason clearly wouldn’t work, their parents launched a diversion attack on the Grey enforcers while telling Null and Void to run for it. Null and Void were scared of course, but they ran, barely escaping the enforcers as they crossed the Equestrian border, and have been running ever since. They have wandered from place to place, seeking a home but not finding any who would trust or accept them. They don't believe that their parents are still alive. </p> <p> The laws in the deserts of Troy are as harsh and unforgiving as its sands, and the sisters were seen as monsters in their community. Being captured would at least mean a life in chains, or worse. Thus they were left to fend for themselves, Null having to try and ignore her own pains as much as she could and grow tougher, so Void would have somepony there to keep her safe and raise her right. Void owes her sister much for this, but she worries constantly about the effect this forced growing up and pains from being denied the open sky have had on her, and not just in regards to her often volatile anger at the smallest sign of something going wrong. </p> <p> They recently came to Equestria, and stumbled over Ponyville after it got attacked. The city and country in general seems mostly okay with them being there, and after helping the town get patched up again, they have tentatively settled down in a small house at the edge of town, and try to integrate among the seemingly more accepting ponies in the area. Void are attempting to get along with their new neighbors, but it's hard for her to get used to anypony being friendly towards them without some kind of ulterior motive, and with Null watching over her like a hawk more often than not, it can be a trying affair to get anywhere. </p>

    • Brohoof 1

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       ...what's with all the </strong> ?  Oh, and I tend to put the Powers, Abilities, Jobs or Accoutrements down on separate lines down in the Other section. I try to make as many paragraphs as possible since the new format change kinda clusters everything together into one big pile.

      I, uh... don't think a Black Hole on a Black mare is going to show up too well. Nor can I think of what shape a Black Hole would take to be a visible enough symbol for a cutie mark.

      Uhm... also... don't understand the nullification make all that well. It's just a natural aura? From what I've heard, it tends to be hard for any sort of magic to stand up by its own. And... it comes from an Earth Pony's feathers?.... Where's her feathers coming from? Cause Horsefeathers is kinda a famous swear because of the dubious nature of horses having feathers. Of course, now I'm getting all confused as to where the feathers start growing from on a pegasus!

     Oh, and you don't need to specify that their parents were also a pegasus & earth pony. From what we've seen, ponies seem to come out randomly granted one of three types.

     Do hope that bandana is a reoccurring thing for her! It looks so adorable on her!

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    Alright, liking it.

    In Troy, due to all their cities being in the desert and on oases, there are not very many cities, and thus you cannot just make one up for the empire. It doesn't work like in Equestria. That said, what you describe sounds very much like Eponsilon before the revolution. Would be something you could consider if you don't mind moving your characters back to before Nightmare Moon.

    However an argument could be made that they lived in a small desert community in the ruins of Eponsilon, and a cult of the old times decided to make an example of them? It might even be better to say they were abducted as said cult wanted to distill their aura into a power they could use to take control again.

    Just thoughts, also, Troy does not glorify magic, they glorify science.

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    @Illiad Easle

    At the time, you hadn't really given that many details about Troy, so I just made up the name of a place. I'll edit in the name you mentioned instead then, and will consider this as having happened before said revolution. It was 15 years ago, so there was ample time. As for the cult... Eh, I like to think more of a bunch of disgruntled, hateful ponies that had until then just spread badmouthing about the sisters, and some corrupt officials. There's always some, and unfortunately, in certain areas, those beings tend to gather with others that share their view. Enough to make it seem as if nopony wanted anything good for them, and with others not raising a hoof against it.

    In regards to what is glorified, science may be the most important, but magic play a good part too, otherwise anti-magic wouldn't be too big of a deal. I'll rephrase the word glorified though.

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    It's a start, the revolution happened a thousand years ago though.

    Though if they lived in the ruins of Eponsilon or in a community outside of the cities then this whole situation could very well happen within the borders of Troy.

    It is a very interesting take and exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for when I came up with Troy, that someone would want to be a part of it.

    Let me know if you have any questions about Troy, I'd love if you wanted to have more related characters

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