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Why people dislike "neutrals"


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I usually avoid taking any stances on politics, religion or society issuess but there are some people who just can't understand it and try to convert me.


Does anypony else feels the same way?


  • Brohoof 3
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People dislike "Neutrals" because they don't support the same view as them. People, especially when it comes to politics, religions, and tons of other things believe that their way is the best way for things to happen. But that also means that if you don't support that vision, you're horribly wrong.

It's really stupid, but that's just how the way it is. Everybody thinks they're right.

  • Brohoof 8

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I'm pretty neutral to religion..... Just keep your beliefs to yourself and don't shove them down my throat and we will get along.


It's best not to talk aboot politics with me.... Sence my stance on politics has me comparing our government to something that might find its way coming out of the back end of a cow.

  • Brohoof 8
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I usually avoid taking any stances on politics, religion or society issuess but there are some people who just can't understand it and try to convert me.


Does anypony else feels the same way?


I don't experience it very often, but two of my friends became politicians (from same political party) and they annoyed me so much. Spamming me with all this political nonsense, saying that I am "a traitor" because I don't attend elections (who am I supposed to vote on when every politician is equally bad? I am not going to choose "lesser evil" in politics as it is still evil) and in the end both blocked me, because I was obviouslly too shallow to be friends with them (one did it actually about 2-3 weeks ago :v ). 


And why do they do it? People fail to understand that not everyone shares their views on the world. And when they see their opinions as superior over everyone else's this is exactly, what happens. You won't prove them wrong, because they are too shallow to even try to understand anything, You won't debate with them, because (in my case) this is where they start calling You "an idiot" without providing with arguments that can back up their opinion. I am always open for discussion and when someone proves me wrong... well, happens, nobody is perfect and I just accept "defeat" (well... actually it's hardly a defeat as my knowledge is increasing that way as well). 


But if everyone treats You like that - You have really bad luck. Like I said - I only have this issue with my political ex-friends :v 

  • Brohoof 5


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

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Those darned Neutrals! When will they learn they must take side in galactic conflicts!!



But most people do not dislike neutrals, but those that find them irritating often do because they view the issue that the person is neutral on as important enough to warrant a response either way. Being overly neutral can also come across as un-caring and in different, sometimes in cases of great personal matter to people. So while it is never 100% wrong to be neutral, if done incorrectly, it can come across as uncaring, and in some sensitive issues people can find that offensive.

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I don't necessarily feel this way about every "neutral" that ever was (and I'm not going after anyone in this thread), but sometimes it strikes me as rather...  Noncommittal lol.  I get it if you're undecided about something; not all of us "know" what we do or don't believe.  We're still working things out; developing our own convictions.  And I get it if you wanna be Switzerland and not get involved in heated debates with someone.


But I know someone who won't outright say that he believes in god.  But he has, on several occasions, pointed to magical events that, according to him, supposedly support the existence of a god (like a vanishing / reappearing grocery list - don't ask).  He won't openly or explicitly say that he believes, but he will make vague, blanket statements like, "I believe that anything is possible."  And insists that there could have been a real-deal Noah's Ark.  Despite the...  Not-openly-believing in god thing.  He's still quite opinionated about things like that.  And I think the reason this irks me is because I feel like he's leaving things open just in case.  If he supports my stance - an atheistic one - then he potentially goes to a hell that he's not 100% sure doesn't exist.  If he openly says, "Yes, I believe in Todd.  I mean god!"  Then...  Idunno.  My brother and I are both atheists.  The three of us are actually quite close.  So maybe he's afraid that we'll look down on him?  Tirelessly debate him??!?  What have I done!!  I should go to him, now! xD


Maybe it's actually partly my fault lol.  I can be opinionated at times / concerning certain subjects.  I've no fear of hell because it doesn't exist (that's my stance, is what I'm saying), and I don't believe one should do good simply for fear of hell or due to the promise of heaven.  And it's okay if you disagree with me on something that is opinion / belief-based; obviously you don't even need my permission like I just sorta gave. xD  It just bothers me that he both won't take a position...  AND totally DOES take a position, judging from the points he argues / relevant things he believes.  Maybe I've completely misunderstood the meaning of "neutral."

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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That's not good to hear.


I hate debating myself and avoid it at all cost.




Those darned Neutrals! When will they learn they must take side in galactic conflicts!!

But most people do not dislike neutrals, but those that find them irritating often do because they view the issue that the person is neutral on as important enough to warrant a response either way. Being overly neutral can also come across as un-caring and in different, sometimes in cases of great personal matter to people. So while it is never 100% wrong to be neutral, if done incorrectly, it can come across as uncaring, and in some sensitive issues people can find that offensive.

I might be uncaring, and indifferent.



But still that doesn't justify people showing their issues into my face.

I do it for my emotional well being after all.



Personally I prefer to be a friend of all happy pony.

Politics and stuff like that only divides people.


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@,Aww.That's not good to hear. I hate debating myself and avoid it at all cost. :o  I might be uncaring, and indifferent.Yes. But still that doesn't justify people showing their issues into my face.I do it for my emotional well being after all. @,Yeah.Personally I prefer to be a friend of all happy pony.Politics and stuff like that only divides people. :eww:

I never said they were justified in forcing you into the issue, I was just explaining why they felt as such towards your position.

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I feel the same too. I'm a neutral person. I pretty much don't pay attention to those kind of things you mentioned. Yet when I interact with some people by them asking what religion, politics, etc I'm in, I always say none since I'm not interested in those. Yet by saying that, quite a few people try to persuade me (of course, it never works).

Edited by Jamaican Jam
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Well, as I am a Christian, my faith is ultimately the #1 priority in my life, and I like to keep it that way. Spending a lot of time around folks who don't share that worldview can be draining. I prefer to be with other Christians, so they and I can build each other up in the faith we share.


I imagine it's sort of like that for other things like politics, too. To some folks, their political party or stance on social issues is what they value above all else, and they like it that way, but being around people who just don't care can be draining. I don't think it's meant to be taken personally. It's just the worldview they've chosen. And even being around people who passionately disagree can be better than being around people who just don't care, because at least it gives affirmation that the issue is worth being passionate about.


And I don't think it's just obvious things like politics and religion, either. I'd bet that everyone has some issue they're madly passionate about, and can't understand how others could be ambivalent.

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't think people "hate" neutrals at all. In my experience, the most passionate responses are to people who have an opposing viewpoint rather than a lack of one.


Personally, I think everyone should take a stance on something. Pure apathy is just unfeasible not to mention it can be just another form of extremism.


"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."


That isn't the same as just saying many topics are outside of your ability or interest to comment on, just that we should all have an idealogical grounding.

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I never said they were justified in forcing you into the issue, I was just explaining why they felt as such towards your position.


I see their point.

I think this will help me with being more tolerant with them.




I don't think people "hate" neutrals at all. In my experience, the most passionate responses are to people who have an opposing viewpoint rather than a lack of one.


Personally, I think everyone should take a stance on something. Pure apathy is just unfeasible not to mention it can be just another form of extremism.


"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."


That isn't the same as just saying many topics are outside of your ability or interest to comment on, just that we should all have an idealogical grounding.

I wouldn't really call it apathy.

I would say it's ignoring the bad things so you can live more peacefully.


Ideologies are OK, as long as it leaves me be.

I would rather pretend not having an opinion than to have a bad opinion and lose friends.



I feel the same too. I'm a neutral person. I pretty much don't pay attention to those kind of things you mentioned. Yet when I interact with some people by them asking what religion, politics, etc I'm in, I always say none since I'm not interested in those. Yet by saying that, quite a few people try to persuade me (of course, it never works).


Some people seem to have it as the alpha and the omega of a person instead of you know trying to know the person as a person instead of a set of stereotypes based on where would he draw a little x...



Well, as I am a Christian, my faith is ultimately the #1 priority in my life, and I like to keep it that way. Spending a lot of time around folks who don't share that worldview can be draining. I prefer to be with other Christians, so they and I can build each other up in the faith we share.


I imagine it's sort of like that for other things like politics, too. To some folks, their political party or stance on social issues is what they value above all else, and they like it that way, but being around people who just don't care can be draining. I don't think it's meant to be taken personally. It's just the worldview they've chosen. And even being around people who passionately disagree can be better than being around people who just don't care, because at least it gives affirmation that the issue is worth being passionate about.


And I don't think it's just obvious things like politics and religion, either. I'd bet that everyone has some issue they're madly passionate about, and can't understand how others could be ambivalent.

I see your point.



I used to have passionate issues but I am actively working on to kill them off from my system.


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And why do they do it? People fail to understand that not everyone shares their views on the world. And when they see their opinions as superior over everyone else's this is exactly, what happens. You won't prove them wrong, because they are too shallow to even try to understand anything, You won't debate with them, because (in my case) this is where they start calling You "an idiot" without providing with arguments that can back up their opinion. I am always open for discussion and when someone proves me wrong... well, happens, nobody is perfect and I just accept "defeat" (well... actually it's hardly a defeat as my knowledge is increasing that way as well). 


Everyone sees their opinions as superior to everyone else's on some level, even if that opinion is that no opinions are superior. That's the inherent nature of opinions. It is impossible to believe something to be true without believing the converse to be false. Sure, a politically fanatic worldview may seem absurd to you, but a politically apathetic worldview would seem equally absurd to the people you mentioned. And who's to say one way of thinking is better than the other?


Even by talking with disdain about people who are fanatic about what they believe, you show that you yourself believe your worldview to be superior. But that's not a bad thing, that's just the nature of worldview. Believing your beliefs to be superior than others' is unavoidable; it's only a problem when people see themselves as superior to other people because of their beliefs.

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Everyone sees their opinions as superior to everyone else's on some level, even if that opinion is that no opinions are superior. That's the inherent nature of opinions. It is impossible to believe something to be true without believing the converse to be false. Sure, a politically fanatic worldview may seem absurd to you, but a politically apathetic worldview would seem equally absurd to the people you mentioned. And who's to say one way of thinking is better than the other?


Even by talking with disdain about people who are fanatic about what they believe, you show that you yourself believe your worldview to be superior. But that's not a bad thing, that's just the nature of worldview. Believing your beliefs to be superior than others' is unavoidable; it's only a problem when people see themselves as superior to other people because of their beliefs.

Ehhh, You have a point, I went a bit too far. Yes, I am generally harsh about any kind of fanatic who sees world in simple "black and white" colours as You've pointed it out. My bad. 


And You have a point in last sentence You've written as well, sorry. 

  • Brohoof 2


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

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I think a major reason is that being neutral on an issue is often seen as tacitly endorsing it, i.e., you're not gonna try to stop it from happening, therefore you're okay with it happening.  So being neutral often has the same effect, either practically, in appearance, or both, as taking a stance for one side or the other.


For the required Godwin-flavored example: "I'm not gonna say whether exterminating the Jews is right or wrong.  I'm just gonna stand by and let everyone do their thing."  Now apply that to pretty much ANYTHING that somebody feels strongly about, and you'll see why that attitude can piss people off.

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I wouldn't really call it apathy. I would say it's ignoring the bad things so you can live more peacefully.   Ideologies are OK, as long as it leaves me be. I would rather pretend not having an opinion than to have a bad opinion and lose friends.


You really don't believe in anything? You don't ascribe to a single set of ethics, philosophy, or anything?

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You really don't believe in anything? You don't ascribe to a single set of ethics, philosophy, or anything?

I do have some but I am working to get free of it.


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I think people who are "neutral/non-extremist" with respect to many things tend to be intelligent.  That being said, for the things which I have been neutral about, I can't recall anyone every really disliking my stance.

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Why? To be just an empty vessel with no sense of moral direction?

If I was accepting my values, people would hate me.

I am doing my best to be a nice pony, friendly etc.


There are some things more important that "truth" for me.

Happiness is a thing.


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If I was accepting my values, people would hate me.

I am doing my best to be a nice pony, friendly etc.


There are some things more important that "truth" for me.

Happiness is a thing.



Well . . . that actually sounds like a belief then doesn't it?  :P

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