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Zyla Fae

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"Good place, indeed! Makes one wonder why this could be thought of a place of banishment, more like a place for vacation! Who'd guess the moon was this awesome?" Blitz squeed. "I still wonder, though... is everything here giant, or are we tiny... I'd think we're tiny since it'd be scientifically implausible for bugs and such to be that big... but then again, magic could explain it, or they could have a different physiology..." Blitz mused. "Anyhow, long as we're careful, we needn't worry!"


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"Hey... Blitz... what do you think about all of this? I mean, getting lost in a cave underground then ending up on a... moon? It's not a moon from any book I've read. Like some sort of dream..." Astral pondered.


He pinched himself a few times then shook his head vigorously. "This isn't a dream... check... ow, right."

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"I agree, it is pretty dreamlike and odd... and are we stuck here? Well, if we're stuck here, all the better to be stuck here with a friend..." he supposed, wrapping friendly hooves around Astral's and Moon's shoulder. "It is a pretty nice place, too... I don't really mind being stuck here with you two buds here for a bit..." he contentedly sighed.


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Jabbing playfully at Blitz Astral chuckles and smiles, "Aww... group hug!" pulling the other two in.


Then he paused for a moment, cocking his head to one side, "Stuck here...? Nah... Moon, you seem like you're kinda familiar with the place already. You probably already have some sort of plan for when we want to get out of here, right?"

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"Kah!" choked Moon Shine as Astral pulled him and Blitz in for the group hug, Blitz had placed his hoof a tiny bit too close to Moon's throat when he rested his hoof on his friends' shoulders. He was a great guy, but he could be a bit clumsy at times....


Moon's smile grew as his two friends talked about the fact that they were lucky to be stuck with each other at least, and it was true, Moon Shine couldn't think of anypony that he'd prefer to be stuck with. However, his smile dimmed a bit when Astral asked if he had come up with any method of escape.. "Sorry Astral," he said while shaking his head "I haven't really found anything that we might be able to get home with, the pedestal that we arrived on seems to be a one way road here. And due to the bugs and stuff I've been afraid to roam away from the hollow. There is a tunnel leading down from the hollow, but I haven't really had the time to check it out, so I've just been in the main room..."

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"Let's maybe go down there together, maybe, later, once we're all settled in nicely here? I think I've done a pretty nice job with this place..." Blitz remarked. "Not saying I want to go now, but options are always nice... y'all up for it? Besides, any new data, like whatever's down the hollow-tunnel, could help me resolves whether we're tiny or everything else is big..."


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"My thoughts exactly, but we should probably come up with a plan or something first, huh?" Astral warned, "I'd hate to run into another one of those giant bugs or giant... whatever else this place might have."


He paced around the hollow, admiring Blitz's handiwork, "It is pretty cozy here... we should probably spend the night at least. We've got enough food and a warm place to sleep. No sense in looking for answers half asleep in the dark."

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'No sense in stopping them from sleeping if they're tired..' Moon Shine thought to himself "I'm not really that tired, but you guys go ahead and sleep, I'll keep lookout"


'I guess it probably isn't necessary, but it'll give me some time to think...' Moon Shine walked over to the hollow with Astral and Blitz, stopping at the entrance and starting to watch for anything that might come by.

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"Okay, sounds good to me." Blitz confirm while beaming inside because of Astral liking his handiwork. "Will we take shifts, or do you just sleep at a totally different time?" he asked as he walked into the hollow and settled on one of the beds. "Ah... I think I'll... make a clearing for a planning room in here when I wake up..." and fell to sleep.


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"Perfect. Go ahead and wake me up if you want a break or somethin'," he smiled as he trotted over to a vacant bed next to Blitz.


He laid back onto the soft bed and stretched out, yawning, "Spending half the day looking for food really tires ya out doesn't it Blitz?"


Realizing that he was already fast asleep, Astral nodded, "Yeah. Me too, buddy." With that, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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Quiet. That's all that surrounded Moon Shine. It wasn't a peace and quiet sort of silence, it was sort of eerie in the dark silence of the moon. Moon Shine was used to being alone for long periods of time, but usually he had his books with him, and this time he had nothing but his thought, and nothing important was coming from them...


After a few hours, Moon Shine walked back into the hollow to check if Astral or Blitz were awake, he could stay up longer as a lookout, but it would be nice to have some company.

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"Righht, ahhh, that's enough sleep..." Blitz moaned quietly as he awoke and yawned. After smacking his lips and a bit of rolling a bit, he slowly rose out of bed. "Oh... hi Astral, you tired yet or just checking up? 'cuz I'm awake now, and widely so..." he yawned. "Yeah.... wide.... awake..."


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Suddenly, Astral yawned loudly, blinking slowly several times before answering. He turned to Blitz bleary eyed, still yawning, "Couldn't get much sleep, guess I have too much on my mind. Still thinking about how we're gonna get out of here. I mean I like it here and all, but I'm starting to miss home, ya know?"


He stood up and paced part way towards the entrance into the main area of the hollow, "I'm gonna go check on Moon. You're welcome to come with if you want."

Edited by Lunatic Envy
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(For the record, I accidentally put Astral instead of Moon in my previous post... but I guess it's better this way, since it gives you a good way to get back in. XD )


"That's... a good... idea..." Blitz yawned. "Well, if you can.... check up on Moon... I guess I don't have to..." he said before yawning and flopping back onto his bed, falling asleep quickly.


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Usually, being as tired as he was, Astral wouldn't have any trouble falling asleep, but with so many thoughts racing through his mind he decided to join Moon out on lookout duty.


"Heh... no worries, I'll go check up on him, you get some sleep," he said as he trotted back outside to see Moon heading back into the hollow.


Raising a hoof and smiling, he called out to Moon quietly, "Hey, I couldn't sleep. Thought you might've wanted some company. If you're tired you can head on in, I'll take the next shift."

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Very happy to see his friend, Moon Shine smiled and walked towards Astral.

Listening to his offer to take over the watch, Moon Shine smiled and refused. "I'm fine with keeping watch, you can sit with me if you want, but if you're tired, try and get some more sleep, I'm used to being by myself"


"It's not a total lie..." Moon Shine thought to himself "I am used to being by myself, I just usually have books to read or something to keep me busy..."

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"Well, I wouldn't want to impose or anything... I haven't been able to get to sleep so I figured I might as well quit tossing and turning. But hey, if you're up for a chat, I'm game," he smiled.


He grabbed his knapsack from the small makeshift counter Blitz had fashioned out of some random sticks and rocks and walked over to Moon, "Blitz sure is handy with this stuff... it's almost like this place came fully furnished," he mused while looking for something in his pack.


"So, I miss anything exciting?"

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"'Xactly nothing.." Moon Shine muttered before turning to resond to Astral "It's been quiet out here all night, in fact, the moon's been pretty quiet since you guys arrived"


(OoC: I really don't care much for this post, but as always, the 'x' seems to have gotten me..)

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"Yikes!" Astral exclaimed as he accidentally sat on a particularly sharp bed of rocks. "Yeh... can barely see over here," he quietly mumbled while fumbling around for a stick to light.


His ears perked up at the sound of Moon's voice. "You think something's up? Maybe a little too quiet," he chuckled while kneeling in front of the campfire warming himself a bit and lighting his makeshift torch.

Edited by Lunatic Envy
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"Z'rak" Moon Shine cursed under his breath "You're right... It wasn't quiet at all until after you guys arrived..." Moon Shine thought for a second before continuing "But at the same time... We don't know anything about the creatures on this moon, it could be seasonal or something... And we don't really know anything about the moon either.... Well, except for the fact that it's in a synchronous rotation with its planet, but that's pretty obvious from the fact that the planet doesn't appear to move at all, and we can guess that it's an oxygen-rich atmosphere due to the fact we can breath, and then there's..."


Moon Shine looked over at Astral and stopped after realizing that his friend probably didn't find this conversation as entertaining as he did.

"*Ahem* Sorry... Got a bit carried away..."

Edited by Esrevni Ma'i
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And as a new cycle is born to our story,

another is brought to partake in the glory;

the glory of the adventure that is close at hand,

though for now, he watches this merry little band.


For the group of friends chatting obliviously,

notice not the one who was watching all three.


"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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Canthropis this place surely was not,

and this stallion's appearance startled me a lot.

But I had seen stranger and more unexpected
than teleportation that was surely connected


to how I got here, waking up in this place,

when just last night I was lying on my face

in my bed sleeping soundly, until a strange noise

awoke me, in a forest that I didn't enjoy.


I emerged from the shrubs, looking for answers.

I soon found none, only more factors.


"May the Force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" ~ Gandalf the Grey

This is my OC with the unoriginal, therefore original name,

John Smith

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Dazed by the sudden portal explosion, Astral leaps back holding his flaming torch at the ready. "What the...? What in Celestia's name is... is that a pony...?"


Shading his eyes from the blinding light, he quickly glances to over to where Moon was sitting, "Moon! You alright?!"

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"Ehhhh.... ahhhh... what was that... noise, fellas...." Blitz yawned as he woke up from the loud noise, slowly getting up and starting towards the hollow's entrance. He squinted against the dark of the night and noticed a figure ahead. "Huh...? That head doesn't look like Astral's or Moon's..."


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