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private humanxpony rp

dusk shade

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Disk Shade just raised an eyebrow, saying", don't look at me", and tilted his head toward the princesses. Celestia said simply,"the name fits you well, of course you may take it on". Luna chimed in as if on que", Okay a few questions. One, you need to pick a guide. Two, you will eventually have to pick a town or city to settle in. Three, you will also need a job".

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The newly named pony started to think. He looked about his area and then his eyes fell upon Dusk Shade. He slowly thought aobut how wise this would be but, strangely enough, he trusted Dusk Shade, "If it is allowed, your highness, I would like to have Dusk Shade be my guide. He is the only pony other than you taht I know, and from what I have seen, he is an intellegent and capable guide."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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Dusk Shade eyes widened as he made a pleading face to the princesses beggibg for them to refuse. "I will leave thst decision for Luna as he belongd to her", Celestia jided. "I belong to nopony...if you were not a princess, I would have killed for that". "Very well, Dream Catcher...Dusk Shade shall be your guide. "God, dammit"!

Edited by Dusk Shade
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Dream Catcher bowed to Dusk Shade and then to Luna, "thank you, princess. Dusk Shade, I promise to you in front of the princesses  that I will do whatever you wish and that I will be obedient to you until I have learnd the ways of Equestria." He arose, then he bowed again to the princess of the night.

((My idea is that they end up becoming close friends and almost father-son style relationship. At first, they'd be angry and rocky, but over time theyd' realize that they actually care for each other and that they can't bear to see the other pnoy go. See where I'm going with this?))






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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(OOC-I sort of figured you had something like that planned hence my use of Dusk Shade considering his personality).


"Since Luna has appearently dubbed me your foalsitter, I suppose I should be nice.. I suppose getting you aqquainted with our world would be easist if we began here in Canterlot. Follow me", he said leaving the castle.

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The pony nodded and he stayed behind Dusk Shade. He didn't want to make the elder pony mad, especially seeing how the pony seemed to be. He didn't want to end up getting fried by his unicorn horn. The pony actually realized taht he had wings now, but he wasn't going to use them quite yet.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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As if reading Dream Catcher's mind, Dusk Shade turned to him and said simply, "I am not going to harm you. I am under orders not to frlm Luna since she knows full well that were I not...you might have already been killed. Oh..by the way, you will want to get used to your wings quickly".

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The pony nodded, "Alright. Do you want me to call you anything specific?" He wasn't sure. He didn't want to break the ice between them, but he wasn't going to annoy him either. He flapped his new wigns to get used to them, then he looked at him, "How did you meet Luna?" he asked, then corrected hisemfl, "Princess Luna, I digress."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Dusk Shade smiled slighty. (Yes, he smiled the world now end.) "Nos that is a story centuries in the making. But it is a simple tale. I was bofn during Discord's reign. I was alone in the Everfree forest, near the Tree of Harmony. When Celestia and Luna came looking for the Elements...I know thier location. But, I did not trust them at forst so I showed them the tree on the condition that I went woth them against Discord to ensire the Elements had not fallen intk the wrong hands. As I said...a simple tale".

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Dream Catcher actually liked the way that sounded. He looked at him with a newfound respect, "Discord?" He inquired, "Who is Discord? He sounds like an important pony." He was having to adjust himself. He nearly said 'person.' This would get a little getting used to. But he actually liked dusk shade so far.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Discord was..is not a pony. He is a Draconaques and also happens to be the God of Chaos. Now...a draconaques...is quite like a chimera. It's body is made of various body segments of various different animals. As for Discord specifically, he has particularlly powerful magic that allows him to control reality itself".

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Blinking, he began formulating what he knew to be a chimera. He nodded, getting an image far off, but close enough for his reference purpose, "Makes sense why you call him Discord." He noted, "Sounds impressive, yet I imagine he caused Equestria quite the pain during his...reign, did you call it?"






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Yes. He ruled before Luna and Celeatia came to power. Equestria was in ruin from his .... merryment. But enough about that, yes? Let us focus on the present", he said glancing at his brokeb horn "The past is best left in the past, no"? Dusk Shade stood and waited patiently for any comments or questions from Dream Catcher.

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"I agree." The pony said, slowly ruffling his wings. He flapped them to make sure they were still attached before he casually began flapping to test them. Flying instantly became a lot harder than it looked, so he ignored it. He isntead went back to the ground and asked, "So this is Canterlot, are there other cities?"






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Indeed...our world has quite a few beutiful cities and towns, empires and nations...you will likely get to know many of them well. But...Canterlot, the crown jewel of Equestrian society is first. Do not worry..flight will eventually become second nature for you".

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"You refer to the two princesses as the heads, yet is there a queen? Or does the hierarchy stop there?" The fact puzzled him. Why not call Celestia Queen rather than Princess? Luna looked younge rthan her, she should be a princess. The thing was just something he wanted to be made known.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"You would dare imply that Celestia is more worthy to rule than Luna? Luna and Celestia are the same age. And you adress them as Princess Luna and Princess Celstia, not just Luna and Celatia. The only reason luna looks so young is was non-existant for a thousand years. She was Nightmare moon at that point. Before you ask, Nightmare Moon is what Luna became after centuries of being treated like a lesser being by hersubjects. Nightmare wished to create an eternal night but was stopped by Celestia using the elements of harmony".

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Nodding quickly, he corrected hismelf, "I-In my world we judge the ability to rule upon age, forgive me." He was thankful he was always more upbeat when it came to language. His teahers had done him some good, "Please, the princesses must be very close knit if they can rule together. From where I come from that has sparked years of civil war and violence."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Yes, well...as you have seen, our two worlds are vastly different. The princess have had thier own civil war...I suppose you could call it a civil war when Luna lost control. Anyways, on that pleasant note, this is Canterlot the prode of Equestria. This city ids populated by the highly elite including, fashion stars, royal soldiers and of course the princesses themselves".

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Nodding, he slowly turned out his head and, in the distance, saw tiny thatched roofs. He coudln't tell what they were, but he knew that they were buildings of some sort, "What's that out there?" He asked, pointing a hoof out towards it. He noticed a train station as well that apparntly lead to that settlement.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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(pOOC-I will just assume that you are referancing ponyville.)


Dusk Shade glanced in the direction that Dream Catcher was pointing in. "Ah, that my ill-informed disciple...is Ponyville. It is nice enough, as small towns go. You will visit Ponyville shortly, not to worry".

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The pony nodded, "Ponyville." He continued walking and then he saw somethign. There was a vendor with figurines of six ponies. One pink, one orange, one purple, one white, one cyan, and the other was yellow. they were postiioned in a floating semicircle. Light was eminating from them and the necklaces on them were flashing. He noticed it and asked, "Who are they?" he pionted at the elements of harmony.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Pinki Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Also known as the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. They have protected Equestria alongside with the princesses. They battled against Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis and other threats to Equestria's safety".

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"So they weild...super-weapons?" He asked, walking up to the little figurine carving. He stared at it and he nodded softly, "I like the concept but, if they were to use them for evil, could they become dangerous?" He asked out of left field, softly so only Dusk Shade heard it.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"I suppose you could refer to them as super weapons, yes. But...they will never be used for evil. If they were, I would put an end to it", Dusk Shade said darkly, crushing the figurine of Princess Twilight Sparkle to make his point. "You see though, they wont work for evil purposed...that is how they function".

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