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private humanxpony rp

dusk shade

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Jason had no idea how his luck had somehow ran out completely and now delved into the realm of complete and utter bedlam of death. He gently bent over and looked at him, "I-I didn't mean insult....I-it was...j-just..." the scythe had pushed against his neck, and now he'd fallen backwards onto the ground, a look of fear in his eyes. He wanted to talk, but he had no idea what to say. Instead, he decided it would be wise to keep his mouth shut and only speak when spoken to. He saw the way the unicorn could move the scythe without touching it...and he didn't want to see what would happen if it moved closer.

(OOC)- Just to clarify, not worthy? Can't anyone see Luna and Celestia..?






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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(OOC) not worthy in his eyes as Jason is not an Equestrian citizen. Sorry should have clarified.


Dusk Shade then began see-sawing the scythe on Jason's neck as Dusk was slowly envoloped in a white light. When the light faded hfe was now white rather than his former black coat. His eyes were now black holes. He lifted the scythe and smiled like the devil. "You cant see the princesses because you are going to die right now".

(OOC)- Void Miester: Dusk Shades dark side like nightmare moon comes out when loses control of his power or temper...like right now.

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Jason opened his eyes wide and suddenly his adrenaline kicked in. He kicked out with his foot out of a whim, and it knocked the scythe off his neck, while the skin bled. He rolled to the side and missed it, then stood up and he began running, running blindly into the woods. He gasped when he tripped, falling face first into the dirt. Hearing the pony behind him, he held back a scream and he began running at a large rock in the distance, which happened to be the castle of the two sisters in ruins.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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Void Miester holds out a hoof and stops Jason dead in his tracks. "Where do you think you are going vermin? I never said you could go anywhere". He once again brought the scythe to his neck. At that moment he shrouded himself in shadows, reverting back to a much less wrathful Dusk Shade who reduced his scythe to nothing. "I am sorry you hsd to fsce that... but you pushed me too far. Come, I will take you.to the princesses...pherhaps they may be able to sort you out". He then teleported bith of them to Canterlot Castle.

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This was now getting completely strange for the boy. Seeing the pony transform twice had now confused him. But again, seeing the pain that he could face if this happened, he remained rather quiet. He started to look at dusk shade closely when they were suddenly in the proud city of Canterlot.

Awe struck him and he looked at the pony, "where are we now?"






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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Dusk Shade took a deep to breath keep from stranggling Jason. "Pherhaps you should check the map I gave you. This is Canterlot, the pride and joy of Equestria. It also happens to be home to the two princesses, Luna and Celestia. I expect you on your best behavior...they are quite powerful...do not offend them."

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Jason nodded and checked the map and, he found, they were indeed in Canterlot. He looked to Dusk Shade again and then asked one final question, "Do I need to bow to them, just makign sure..." He was now afraid that Dusk was going ot kill him before he even got to see the princesses.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Lets put it this way. I bow in respect to them and Luna and I are....good friends. So, it would be safe to assume that, yes, you need to bow". He then used his magic to teleport them to the throne room doors where he walked in literally through the closed door and bowed. "Princesses...I regretfully bring...this to your attention", he said using his magec to pull Jason through the door who was encircled by royal guards.

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Jason was wide eyed, but he tried to keep himself calm. He slowly bowed down as easily as he could, surrounded by the royal guards as he was. Luckily, he knew how to do so properaly and he didn't look like a fool. He waited to be told to rise, as was a due respect to the ponies.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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Princess aceleatia waved a hoof to the guatds and they returned to formation. "Rise human", said Luna and Celestia in unison. Dusk Shade on the side staring vacantly into space. "What is your purpose here, hunan"? asked Celestia with Luna following up with an inquiry as to hiw he arrived in the first place.

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Jason stood up and he put his hands to his sides, stanidng straight and using his best posture, which was good. Staring at them, he looked them in the eyes, but not challeningly, "My name is Jason, I was sittign in my room, then next thing I know, a blidning flash teleported me here with Dusk Shade. I do not know why it is that I'm here, but I want to ask if there is a way for me to get back to Earth."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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Celestia was the first to speak. "It is indeed possible for you to return home, but an endevour of that caliber...my sister muat must maintain our power to control the sun and moon. We cnnot cast the spell as it would be costly on our ability to perform our duties". "Unless of coure you wish to take the moon route", Luna said slowly.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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Looking up, his first instinct was the shout 'what is the moon route?!?' Upon looking over at Dusk's face, however, he slowly calmed himself down and looked at them, but not in the eyes, "The route of the moon? May I ask how that works, your highness?" He looked to the younger sister, the dark alicorn named Luna.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Forgive me", said Luna a small luagh acvompanying her speech. "The moon route simply be my dear sister banishing you to the moon for one thousand years if you so desire". "Pheraps once you are there, one of your human astronauts may come to rescue, if you survive the lack of oxygen...", Dusk Shade as his cruel smile from when he had decoded to kill Jason returned.

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Looking at them, his face went bale and he looked down, "I-I digress....n-no thank you..." He looked at the ground, "I-if my fate is to remain here, is there a way to....become one of your kind?" he had the idea come at random, and he blushed at the though of that. It was an alien idea.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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The room fell silent after asked his queation. Moments passed before Dusk Dhade spoke. "Pardon me, but when did anypony say that you had to remain here...there are alternatives". "If that is truly your wish...I suppose it is a possiblity", said Celestia whose speech was complwted by Luna. "But be warned...should you become a pony, you can never retirn to earth...uoi will be here for the rest of your natural life".

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That last part about 'never returning' struck a chrod within him. He gulped, then he tried to steely himself and he looked at the dark pony, "Before I make that decision, could you enlighten me on those...alternatives?" He looked down, "If there is a way for me to return home, I'd like that very much."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"You would return home safe and sound as promised...you would just be...less alive than you currently are now. That is your alternative. If that option does you then you can become one of us it seems". "Dusk Shade is copletley serious...unfortunatly. Now, decide", Celestia commanded.

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Slowly blinking, he began to weigh his options. Thinking about how this could turn out, he started to imagine how life in Equestria would be. He slowly started to contemplate, then looked at Celestia, "if I may turn into a pony, will I have another pony to show me around this land and how it works?" He asked, going again to her.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Jason...before that question can be officially answered...you will have officially become a ponyas ridiculous as that soubds. As for a guide...know this....the princesses cannot do it...they are far too busy...you would need to locate another available pony that they would trust with the task".

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Blinking, he weighed the options. Taking a breath, he stepped forward, "alright, I will definitely become a pony of Equestria." He stood stiff and straightened his arms, closing his eyes. He awaited for the moment that it would begin, terrified of what would happen.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Let me"- "No you"- "Just le"- "Just you"- "Will you c"- "Can you stop acting like this is a game please?" The princesses stopped thier argument and Celestia strode to Jason and cast her spell. When she had finished, he had become a ponified version of himself. "You will however be a blank flank until earn a cutie mark", Luna warned him.

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The new pony was a light teal, with a short cropped green mane and tail. He was thin and his legs were slightly long. He moored  Celestia and bowed, "thank you princess. I appreciate that, thank you again." He trotted to dusk shade, and blinked his thanks' "thank you."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"If I am no longer needed here...I will return to my home in the Everfree. I hope you live a successful life here, hum-...Jason. Ah, do you wish to rename yourself? This is your life, after all....a new life and a new image do warrant a new more fitting name. Jason will sound very strange here, I am afraid".

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Looking over his body, thinking about his name and his coat, he slowly thought, "what about...Dream Catcher?" He asked. His body reminded him of a dream catcher. His fur even had white patches similar to it. He looked over his body and nodded, "I'd Like that name, if I may take it on."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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