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private 1x1 romance RP(might open up to more people, depending)


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A noise comes from behind soula and if she turns around she would spot a grey and red dragon, a chefs hat on his head.


"Ah and who might you be, I didn't know my lord was letting mortals have free reign of the castle, where is he anyway, he didn't have any dinner last night"

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She looked at him. She smiled at the dragon and laughed alittle." He was....more or less helping me with some sleeping problems I was having." she turned around. There was a plethroa of food behind her. She had cooked to her hearts content and simply had fun with it.

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The Dragon smiled and leaned over the counter, and chuckled lightly.


"Well master always had a nack for putting mares to sleep after a night full of load bangs and moaning, I'm sure he showed you a good time last night, many a mare would be jealous, and I'm sure Princess Luna would be very upset if she found out"

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Soula blushed deeply and shook her head no."I meant I had been crying.....what would....Oh no, I would never do that with somepony I just met." Her ears were back as she sat down, looking very shocked and embarrased. She sighed alittle."I simply wished to thank him with helping me console over a friends death."

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The dragon chuckled and readjusted his hat.


"Relax little lady, I was only joking, somewhat, anyway, would you like any assistance, I am the castle chef after all, even though you seem to be doing a fine job"


He then looked around, as if he was a bit paranoid.


"So how do you feel about my lord, he is very unique, and I'm quite surprised you didn't run and hide when you met him"

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She looked at him confused as she began to calm down."What do you mean?Why would I run from somepony that has helped me through such an ordeal" One ear remained up while the other went down, making her look alittle cute with her mix matched colored eyes.

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The Dragon shrugged and moved to the fridge.


"Well not many can stand to look at him, he is a very weird looking pony, and I've seen quite a few, most ponies run in fear when they lay eyes on him, yet you've stuck around"


He pulls out a large ruby and a carton of milk and sets them on the counter.

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"Well he's kept his cape on this entire time, I have been unable to see him as of yet. I wish to properly thank him." she smiled alittle."maybe he's just shy." She thought about him having a decently funny face, or something disformed, seeing what she coudl that would get other ponies to run in fear.

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The dragon nodded and took a bite of his ruby.


"My lord is definitely not shy, tell me, do you know what my lord does, I'm sure you would understand the situation a little better if you knew"




Death slowly starts to rise, and also stretches, before making his way out the room, forgetting to put his robe on.

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Death coudl smell the cooking from the kitchen. It was an over loading smell of diffrent foods.



she shrugged alittle."Well to me it really doesn't matter what he does. He's a good colt, why would I run from him." She smiled at the dragon as he ate. She begna working around the kitchen again, attempting to make gem cupcakes.

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The dragon nods and continues to snack on his gem.




Death walks down the hall, following the smell of food, walking through the door he as he speaks.


"Dova what are you cooking, it doesn't smell like your usual foo..."


He stops as he spots soula, a slightly worried look on his face.

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She looked back at him and smiles alittle."Well it seems you've gotten the courage to show your ture self." She grabbed a plate of food and walked over to him.She had fixed eggs and hay bacon, as well as bagels, cakes, you name it, it was up there. She spared just about nothing in the kitchen.

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Death stood there unmoving, almost nervous.


"Your not scared, aren't you gonna scream and run in fear, maybe gather a mob of angry villagers with pitchforks and torches, throw a pan at me?"


Dova smiles and pours himself a glass of milk, before taking a gulp.

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She shook her head no."Why woudl I when you have been so kind to me. And again thank you." She set the plate at the table and looked at him."Are you gonna eat with me or am I going to have to eat alone?" she went to the oven and pulled out hte cupcakes and handed them over to Dova.

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Dova took the cupcakes and smiled.


"I like this mare, let's keep her"


Death chuckled, and walked over to the table, he sat and started to eat.


"Thanks for the meal, but you didn't have to do all this"


He picked up a piece of bacon and ate it, the bacon seemingly disappearing, even though he has no stomach.


"This is divine, I might have to hire you as the new castle chef"


Dova gives Death the Evil eyes.

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She smiled alittle. Cooking was one of her big specialties, infact is was about the only good magic hat she could preform without fear of turning evil. "There is no need for that. I havn't been able to cook for over 20 years. This felt fantastic. I apologize though....I used up all of hte food."

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Death smiled and continued to eat his meal, before looking over at soula.


"While this food is nice I must be heading soon, may I ask, on what terms are you on with, Celestia"


He stood from the table and once again stretched, a few bones cracking loudly.


"Ah that hits the spot"

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She shook her head alittle." I am not aligned with either luna or celestia. I am more of a neutral party." She smiled at him and stretched as well. "Would you mind if I came with you? Maybe get out of here so I may walk around with you?" she tilted her head, waiting for a response, and also staring at him in curiosity.

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Death nodded and started to leave, heading for his room.


"It was be a pleasure for you to accompany me on my duties, I'm sure you'll have some interest in the first task, I'm going to be meeting celestia, to have a few choice words about what happened to your friend, and I would enjoy if you weighed in with your opinion on that tragic moment"

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Soula's head went down alittle but she nodded and followed him out. She kept her coat on as to keep her wings hidden from everypony else. She looked ahead and followed him out of the castle, to go on their way to go see her fellow princesses. Soula kept her head up as they walked.

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As they arrived at canterlot castle, having gone through a hidden passage that goes through the crystal cavern underneath canterlot, death adjusts his cloak and summons his scythe, having left it at his castle, he looks to soula


"Are you alright dear"

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"I simply wish to keep myself hidden. I do not wish to be treated any diffrently by simply being what I am" She smiled and wlkaed beside him looking around the caverns."This place is absolutly beautiful. I won't under stand why they keep this place hideen."

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Death nods and begins to walk to a big door, most likely the throne room.


"I understand you completely, but at least you aren't just bones and a cloak, you know how hard it is to find a bar that serves skeletons, I had to travel to the dragon kingdom in the far north"

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She smiled and nodded at him. "then the next time you go to a bar i'll get you something and bring it over." she walked through the big door with a sigh and kept her head down to hide it. Again not really wanting to be seen, but at this point they were in the castle, not really easy to do.

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At the end of the room are two thrones, one smaller than the other, the biggest thrones is occupied by a white alicorn, the ruler of equestria, she looks down upon Both Death and Soula before she speaks in her motherly tone.


"Hello there my little ponies how my I help you today"


Death pulls his hood back revealing his skull.


"Hello Celestia, my friend would like to have a word with you about an incident involving your guards"


Celestia looks at Death, a scowl on her muzzle, before looking to Soula.


"What is the problem My Little Pony"

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