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private Sombra's Rule (1NevaxTsumorix1 arkman575)


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Sombra was sitting on his throne when he got news of a train that had been found in his northy kingdom. It simply made him frown, he was going to give the order to have it simpply destroyed but one of his men mentioned that there was somthing cryo-genically frozen in the train and maybe if it was thawed, he was have an old soldier by his side. But the one thought that rang through the kings head at the moment....was there would be somepony from the old kingdom, somepony he coudl talk to. And it put an actual smile on his face, one that hadn't been there in a long time.


Edited by NevaxTsumori


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As the pod was being tampered with, the effects of the thought suppressor was dampened. Inside the pod, the heavily injured wolf began to dream after a 1000 years.


In the darkened mind of Seth Eclipse, the depressed wolf had begun to question many thoughts, including if he was even alive.

‘I know I was injured, but was it so severe that it finally killed off the the once strong warrior?’ Seth questioned.

‘No! You have survived worse. The scar over your eye proved that.’ A voice responded.

‘True, but does it matter? I’ve killed countless others, my death is justified.’

There was no response, proving to Seth he was right.

In the distance, a light started to form.

‘Is this th-the end?’

‘No, only the next step,’ called the voice.

At this point, the light surrounded Seth’s entire field of awareness, as the wolf began to enter reality.

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Sombra has come with not only his ponies, but wolves, every last one of them was under a complete mind control spell. One that placed them each into their own fears, leaving their consioucness out of the equation. Sombra could only smile as he saw the body waking. Instead of trying to take this wolf's mind over, he simply decided that he would talk him into it. the smoke from the wolves and ponies eyes disappeared, making it seem as if they were normal. Sombra sat down as he used his magic to open the door of the pod. "Why hello there" Sombra's voice rang through the ears of everyone there.sending fear and dispair into their hearts.  His voice was smooth and calm, but reverberated alittle with a sence of evil to it.


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As the wolf stirred, pain began to drip into reality as well as his other seances. As his eyes began to open, the harsh light hurt him as much as the growing pain in his side. Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the could-filled sky of the tundra. He felt weak, very weak. With much effort, he looked around to see he was in a pod of some sort... and there was blood. Looking to the cause, he found a hole in his side that was beginning to thaw. That, mixed with the sight of a demonic pony standing over him sent him over the edge. With a blood cuddling scream, he blacked out.

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Sombra smirked at the wolf wiggled in pain and passed out. His horn glowed darkly as the hole in his chest began to fill up. It was painfully healing, and when he woke up, he was really going to feel it. It was the feeling of muscle reforming and reconneting in order to work again.  Sombra placed his head under the wolf and lifted him onto his back carrying him on his back himself. He looked at his subjects and nodded to them. " He is a guest of honor. I wish for their to be a small feast. Bring the princesses up so that we may feast." One of the things sombra had done was turn the princesses themselves into his own personal consorts. It made him smile with glee at the thought of the once mighty princesses were now at his whim. they weren't even mind controled anymore. Their horns had been ripped from their heads as well as their wings. But he made it a point to continue reminding them of wwhat they onces were, in order to get the reaction he wanted.


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Even in the unconscious state, Seth could feel the pain. After hundreds of years without so much as a touch, this was living hell. his body twitched on the king's back as he was taken back to the crystal empire. With the pain of his body and the pain from his past, the wolf's mind couldn't dream. All it could do was take the pain. It was torture.

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Sombra handed him over to one of the other wolves so that they could clean up seth for the dinner. Sombra was making sure that his newest prisoner.....er....guest was as comfortable as possible. He used his power to create a special seat at the table just for seth.



The wolves that left with seth took him into one of the servants baths and ran warm water. They began to scrub him down and keep his head above water as to not drown the kings new toy. They had no expressions, nor really thoughts of their own. The shines in their eyes gone. The other wolves and ponies went and got the princesses and had them prepare a feast for sombra and seth.




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Half way through the bathing, the twitching wolf finally awoke with a bark of pain. Looking around with despite eyes, he found himself in a bath house. Along with that, two wolves stood over him, their expressions moot. The wolf started to calm as he saw his kin, but he didn't stop twitching from the pain. He gripped his chest, feeling a fur-less patch where the new skin had grown over. Looking back ot the wolves, all he could do was mouth a few words. "W...Where am...I..."


The two attendants looked to each other, then to Seth. "At the castle of King Sombra" One said as the other grabbed a towel. Gesturing for the wolf to get out of the tub, Seth only stood still.


'Sombra... There is no kinks in the wolven empire....' He thought.


"Please, you are expected." The one from earlier stated. At the command, Seth attempted to get out, only for his weak form to flop onto the floor. The two assisted in getting the wolf up and getting him ready for the feast. 


Finally, when he was ready, Seth was sent to the main dining hall. He was still very groggy and light-headed, so he had little intention of seeing where he was. As he entered, he nearly stumbled to the floor. Looking to his host, he nearly yelled out again. A pony.

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Sombra smiled at the wolf. Sombra had become around the same size as celestia, but much thicker with muscle. the tyrant looked at seth and pointed to the seat next to him."Sit my friend, you are a far off way from home." He bowed his head politly. The alicorn amulet around his neck, smoke emminating from his eyes, the slits as big as they could possibly get. Sombra was calm and keeping himself composed. The seat next to him was one made of the softest pillows and feathers. He really wanted to make sure that this male was comfortable. The princesses all stood behind him, their eyes glowing with the same purple mist that his were.


"please take a seat young one. It's good to see you in top form, other than the tripping over yourself of course."


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The wolf's jaw dropped at the sight. How could this be? A pony king considered him his guest? No.


With a panicked expression, Seth slowly backed away from the evil king until he hit the door. He then fell to the ground, a single tear forming in his eye.


"No... No! I am done with you ponies! Done! You have taken everything from me! Everything from my nation! You and your tyrant Discord!" He barked out in anger.

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All he heard from the tyrant was a loud boysterous laugh. He shook his head and stood up, getting out of his seat, slowly walking over to the young wolf. "Oh no, there is no discord, only me. I have take everything this world needs to fight back." He leaned his head in closley to seths and smirked at him."Both nations are now one, under one rule, and one alone. That is me" He said in a whispering reverberated tone. The eyes of the wolfs sparked back up again, to show that they were under his control. "Trust me young one, you do have your species. I have made sure they have flourished. I am keeping them as my own personal dogs." His head went up as he laughed manically. " And after dinner, I want to show you something. I'm sure you'll enjoy. Everyone of them has thus far."



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At the comments, Seth's anger grew. "You think me your pet?" He spat out in anger. "I have spent the better part of my life knowing you as my enemy. Now you tell me that my nation is your little plaything and then ask me to just play along with it? You ponies are as ignorant as we always knew you." The warrior finished as he stood up. He didn't care for magic or kings, he cared for his people. If someone was taking his nation, he would not stand for it.

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Sombra motioned his head looking at the wolves. They slowly surrounded him and began growling. " I guess you didn't understand me. Yes they are my dogs, but I put them in much higher reguard thant the pathetic ponies. all about harmony and the crap."  He waved his head once more and they stopped growling. "They are my personal guard, and the ponies, nothing but fodder for war. The ponies....are far to peacful." He laughed heftily."Now please join me. The food was made by the princesses themselves, and I quite like their cooking."

On the table there was a pile of meet. One of the things about the ponies, is they are not carnivors not even omnivors. So the fact that the princesses cooked meat made sombra more than laugh.

He turned around once more and sat back down in his seat. "Besides, if you do not do as I say, I will simply have your kind kill you. So it's either die, or have a peacful meal. And I think I know which choice you'll go for." As he spoke wolves gathered behind him and sat down. Some of them were ponies mixes, or standing up on hind legs, looking stroner and fiercer than the rest of the kind.



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Seth advanced to the table, but didn't stop. "You... this is what the wolfs stand against! Wolves are two things: free and honor-bound. You tell me to toss away both like you forced the others to. You tell me to break away from the one thing I am. You tell me to destroy the last shred of the wolven name I am because ..." At that point, Seth saw something. Behind the darkness of Sombra's mask of evil and his gloating power, there was something.


"Because... you need a companion. The rest of the ponies and wolves and others... they are just your little pawns you can toss around. But I... I am still free to think, and to act. You desire companionship, something I rather die for than give to you. Kill me. Kill me now and I will enjoy knowing that you will forever be alone with your puppets!"

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Sombra raised an eyebrow at seth and smirked, his fangs showing out from under his lips. "Why would I kill you?" Sombra shook his head and began laughing hard."You claim them to not have what they stand for? nothing can be stripped if it wasn't there to begin with. Look, as I said, I can either have your own kind kill you or you can eat with me. Now it seems that I need to change it up a bit." Sombra walked up to him and surrounded them with crystals. "the question, what is going on through your head right now? Tell me? What is yoru worst fear?" Sombra sat infront of him and stared."If you tell me what your thoughts are, i'll tell you something fun." He frowned alittle staring at him, waiting for an answer.


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The warrior backed away from Sombra as they were surrounded by the crystals. At the request for knowledge, he glared at the pony for a long while then finally spoke. "For eight years... I have been fighting a war for my people. I have killed countless ponies with my bare paws. I never wanted to. They were corrupted by Discord. They had no say in the matter. I was just told to fight for our people. Now... I stand before you, you who have taken my people's will. What should I think? The last thing I remember was the sight of a bloody white filly on the streets... killed by me and my people. My worst fear is what I have become: a monster. A killer of innocence."

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Sombra nodded at the wolf. The crystals cleared out of the way and he began to walk away. "Follow me, I have something I wish to show you. I  have not completelyu taken over this ungodly world yet, there is still a bout of your people left without being under my control. But they are still my men. Do you want to know why?" Sombra walked through the large dark crystal doors. Not uddering another word until they would get to their destination.


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Seth fallowed without a word, hating this pony with a passion. As they walked though the castle, the wolf wondered what the hell he had in mind for him, as well as what he meant by nut under his control, but still his men. Wolves would not bow to a pony. Not now nor ever. Not even at the face of death.

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Sombra walked into a room that was seperated but connected to the castle. He smiled as he opened the door. Inside was a pack of wolves that somebra had not messed with in the slightest. Even ponies were in there. They all looked mad and were surrounding a cage."One of the thins I did before I took over was take down that joke of a creature discord. I gave him to the wolves and ponies as a gift. And not only in saving their lives but assiting them getting their revenge, alot of them have become loyal followers that I don't need to do anything to." He looked at the group and they moved aside so that seth could get a good look at discord. He was not dead, but he might as well have been. His eyes were glowing with smoke and his body had been injured but nothing missing. Shackles had been put on him to prevent him from using magic. The sight of it make sombra smile. He looked at seth and smirked."You cannot say that I still not do things in good faith. Discord is transported between both kingdoms each year in order for the celebration of his defeat to take place. The only creatures that are really under my control are the ones at the castle. So, tell me, will you join the ones that have swore loyalty and retain their freedom? will you join my feast in celebration of not only yoru return, but the aniversary of discords defeat?"


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Seth glared at the monstrosity that lay before him. The withered mass looked back. For long minutes, he was silent, just his aggravated gaze making contact with the cowering Discord. Finally, he broke away from the monster and turned to the stallion. "I will join you, on one condition. I take his life."

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Sombra laughed whole heartedly and nodded at him. "Go ahead." He walked up to the cage and opened it himself. Using his magic to keep the other ponies and wolves back. But would allow seth come forward. "Now that wasn't so hard was it" He sat down next to the cage and motioned for him to come forward. "Now the question is, would you like to kill him then make him your slave?" He raised an eyebrow at him. "You know, with dark magic, I am alot less rescricted and can bring him back as many times as you wish."  He stared at him questioningly



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Seth only approached Discord with a rueful glare. He didn't even hear what his new 'friend' had said. When he stood before the creature, he growled low. "Discord... I don't know what time this is or how old you are... Your hands are coated with the blood of my brothers. You nearly caused genocide of two great races. And now... your life is mine to condemn!" HE then placed a paw on the creatures chest, increasing pressure and sinking his claws into his skin.


(I don't plan on killing him, just making him beg until I let him live as my slave)

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Sombra smiled as he watched hte wolf work. He watched hte fear leave discords eyes, atleast that of his spell, and more fear insue as it was true fear, not just make belive. Discord shuddered under him and growled alittle but shaking. "Your 1000 years alittle to late buster.....sombra's ruled for more than 300." discord slowly got up. If there was one thing he was not going to do, it was going to bow down to a wolf. He only bowed to sombra simply because he out classed him. Sombra smirked seeing his choice. His horn glowed and a chain formed around seths paw and on the collar around discords neck." It takes a simple thought to kill him. His magic is now yours to control. You are still free to get him to beg for his life."


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Seth looked to the chain and then to sombra. "I plan on making him more than beg." He said as he pulled hard on the chain, Discords head being forced down. Then, with ample force, Seth punched the approaching face. With a sound of flesh on flesh, the creature fell to the side. "I always wanted to do that." He said in a low voice. "Now what is it you want me to do with you?" He asked, looking to the king.

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He nodded and got up from laying down. He walked out of the room."follow me. I invited you to dinner, and you are going to do so." He turned his head forward again and continued to walk."And think of this pig....as a welcoming give of sorts. I hope you enjoy playing with your new toy. Oh....what is your name by the way?" Sombra spoke still not looking at him.


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