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open Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy RP

Galen Selanno

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This has been called off. Don't visit this again.






First two fellow bronies to comment here are the role-players, although there is plenty of room to watch.  :squee:


You also need to have read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


One of the users, who is portraying Ford Prefect, has just saved the other user, Arthur Dent from Earth, after the Vogon Constructor Fleet has destroyed it for their intergalactic freeway.


I may interject at times.


To indicate actions, surround the action with asterisks, like so: *takes off hat.*


Just filling space.


Lyrics to Helping Twilight win the Crown

Hey, hey, everybody,

We've got something to say.

We may seem as different

As the night is from day.

But you look a little closer,

And you will see,

That I"m just like you

And you're just like me, yeah.


*Short instrumental.*


Hey, hey, everybody,

We're here to shout,

That the Magic of Friendship

Is what it's all about, yeah,

We thought we were as different

As the night is from the day,

But Twilight Sparkle

Helped us see another way,



So get up, get down

If you're gonna come around,

We can work together

Helping Twilight win the crown,

So get up, get down,

'Cause it's gonna make a sound,

If we work together

Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown.


*Infamous Pinkie Solo.*

Hey, hey, hands up now,

We're sending a message to the crowd.

Hands wave up, then come down.

Party together, all around.



Generous, Honesty,



Laugher, Kindness, Loyalty



Twilight helped us each to see,


*Rainbow Dash.*

All that we can be,



So get up, get down

If you're gonna come around,

We can work together,

Helping Twilight win the crown,

So get up, get down,

(Rainbow Dash shakes her ass at the screen in this shot)

'Cause it's gonna make a sound.

We can work together

Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown.


*Twilight Sparkle.*

I'm gonna be myself,

No matter what I do.

And if you're different, yeah,

I want you to be true to you.


If you follow me,

We'll put our differences aside.

We'll stick together

As to working on the school pride!



Jump up,

Make a sound, (HEY!)

Stomp your hooves,

Turn around.


Start now,

Make a change.

Gonna come around.


Jump up,

Make a sound, (HEY!)

Stomp your hooves,

Turn around.




Help her win the crown.


Jump up,

Make a sound, (HEY!)

Stomp your hooves,

Turn around.

Start now,
Make a change,
Gonna come around.
Jump up,
Make a sound, (HEY!)
Stomp your hooves,
Turn around.
Help her win the crown.

Jump up,

Make a sound, (HEY!)

Stomp your hooves,

Turn around.


*The Insidious Sunset Shimmer Outro.*


Glad I filled space.


Good Luck and Have Fun!

Edited by TheTechBrony

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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