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How old are the ponies?

Samurai Equine

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Never really understood this, and I couldn't find a topic about it... Has there been any mention of the exact age of our favorite pony characters?


I know Fluttershy is older than Pinkie Pie, and Celestia's been around at least 1000 years. But that's very broad and doesn't really answer anything.

And other clues throw me off as well. In Equestria Girls, Twilight is a teenager. A soon to be high school graduate at best. I know why they went that direction, but I think college student would have been more fitting. But in the show, they make it seem like the ponies are all ready adults. Celestia even said "You've grown up" to Twilight in her ballad.

In fact, it looks like most of the mane 6 live on their own with their own places. Twilight, Fluttershy, possibly Rainbow Dash...
Does Pinkie Pie live with the Cakes? I don't think they're related.

I know we've seen Rarity's parents, but it's a rare occurrence. Does she actually live with them or were they visiting her?

And I don't think AJ counts because she probably wants to inherit Apple Acres some day. She's all ready right where she wants to be.



Edited by Samurai Equine
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Hi @Samurai Equine!  You just touched on one of the forum's greatest long running discussions.  When starting a new topic, please take a moment to see if a similar discussion already exists.  In this case, it most certainly does.   You can see everyone's thoughts here and add your own.  :)  http://mlpforums.com/topic/161-how-old-do-you-think-the-ponies-are/

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