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Royal Conspiracies


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Diary Entry 1,


Well, seeing as I recently found an old journal in the back of my room, I, Quililna Script, royal scribe to Luna herself of Canterlot, have decided to keep a small diary every so often of my life. Honestly I haven't seen or heard anything work recording, so I'm going to simply keep this entry shortened.




Quillina Script was a gray earth pony with a flowing purple mane. Her flank was adorned by a quill and ink pen cutie mark, symbolizing her talent as a writer and scripter. This talent had drawn Princess Luna, who had apparently been in need of a replacement for her royal scribe.


This lead to her being brought (under pane of arrest, ironically, as Luna enjoyed pranks) to Luna, and being asked to be her scribe. She quickly accepted and now happily lived in a large library-like room near, but not too close, to Luna's personal chambers.


Sighing, she slowly walked out of the room and then instantly bumped into somepony. Her eyes rolled about and finally she was able to stammer out, "Oh! Sorry, didn't recognize you!" She smiled, "How's my friend doing?"

Edited by BionicBrony






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Im fine Quillina though you should really watch where you are walking next time" Equinox, friend to Quill and one of Lukas guards, said. Equinox was a dark gray unicorn with purple eyes. He was a friendly to most people including to Quillina who he had been friends with for a while.


Equinox was not like most of the guards in attire like or weapons. He wore a dark cloak around him which was the only thing he wore and the weapon, other then his magic, was a Dar black Crystal katana that was enchanted. Equinox looked at Quill and spoke. "So how do you like being a scribe for Princess Luna so far" He asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Quillina blinked a little and thought to herself about the question. She honestly had never been directly asked what she thought of Luna, or being her scribe. She scrunched up her face in thought, then slowly relaxed it as an answer came to her.


"I really enjoy it, it's just getting used to waking up at night that's the issue." She giggled, "Luna's a nice pony and I'm glad to be under her wing as her scribe."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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There was a knock on the door.  "Come in," said Ennex, in his smooth voice.  The door opened, and a grey pony in a black suit stepped in.

"Sir," he said, "your carriage is waiting."

"Thank you," he replied, "I will be down shortly.  The suited pony bowed and stepped back into the hall, closing the door.

Ennex stood up from his chair, and walked around his desk, stopping at a large, framed map of Equestria that covered the left wall of his office.  It was marked in various places with indicators for his businesses, among other things.  

He frowned.  "Luna better go for this," he said to himself.  "Otherwise the entire project may be unraveled."  Returning to his desk, he retrieved his black-leather saddlebag, put it on, and headed for the door.  

A few flights of stairs later, and he was in his carriage, on the way to Luna and Celestia's castle....





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"You'll get used to waking up at night trust me...I had to" Equinox said as he remembered when he first started working here. "That or just sleep the whole day and wake up at night" Equinox joked. "Luna is a nice pony and I'm going to make sure nothing happens to either of you" Equinox said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Nodding, Quillina smiled, "Well I'm running some scrolls down to the Royal Library, then I'll be right back up. If you want to accompany me, than you very much can." She slowly jerked her tongue a bit, "Ugh, trying to speak more formal is a lot harder than writing it down on a scroll."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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The carriage arrived outside the castle, and a guard opened the door.  Ennex stepped out, and smiled to himself as he looked up at the towers.  After a moment, he approached the doors.  A guard stepped in his way.

"Ennex, from DeltaCorp, to see Princess Luna.  I believe I have an appointment."

The guard stepped aside, and allowed him to pass.  He entered the castle, and started working his way up the stairs.  Rounding a corner, he nearly bumped into a grey Earth Pony.

"Oh, excuse me miss."  Ennex looked up, and a smile came appeared on his face.  "Ah, Quillina," he exclaimed.  "My apologizes, I was distracted."  He nodded to the cloaked guard also standing there, then turned back to the mare.  "How is life in the castle today?"





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Quillina blinked and turned, squinting her eyes as dying sunlight in a nearby window got in her eyes. She blinked, trying to recall where she'd seen this particular stallion before. She wasn't sure, and decided to go with the safe approach.


"Have we met before?" She asked gently, not looking him directly in the eyes and rather almost at his hooves.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"You'll get used to it...and you don't always need to talk like that either" Equinox said as he was walking with Quill till she bumped into a stallion that apparently knew her name. "I'm sorry if I sound rude but who are you exactly? And how do you know Quill" Equinox asked in a kind tone. "Oh where are my manners my name is Equinox"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Please," Ennex replied, "forgive me.  Having been here to visit with Princess's Celestia and Luna many times, I assumed you remembered me."  That friendly smile of his again.  "I never forget a face."  He mock-bowed.  "Allow myself to introduce.  I am Ennex, head of DeltaCorp, from Manehatten.  Luna introduced us once, but it was brief, just before a meeting."  He nodded to the guard.  "While I have seen you here before, I do not believe I have had the pleasure.  Greetings Equinox..."




OOC Note...

Edited by nx9100





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"I remember seeing you before...though I never got your name until now" Equinox said. "It is a pleasure to meet you also Ennex" Equinox said bowing. "Hopefully you have a good time here and treat the Princesses with respect..." Equinox said looking at Ennex.



((Is it okay if Equinox is captain of the guards by any chance?))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((I do not mind))


Quillina nodded and she smiled, but she seemed shy in a way. Living a life in succession and seclusion doesn't build social skills, and thus was terrified of this. She looked away and began moving, trying to avoid further conversation. She weakly managed a chuckle.






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Of course," he nodded to Equinox, "I have the utmost respect for both Celestia and Luna, I assure you."  He noticed Quillina slowly moving away.  "Ah," he said to her, "forgive me.  You must have an important errand to run, and I have delayed you."  He gave her a small bow.  That pleasant, yet almost conspiratorial smile back on his face.  "I have an appointment with Princess Luna, one that I cannot afford to miss.  Allow me to take my leave."  Then, with another nod to Equinox, he adjusted his black saddlebag, and continued on down the hallway, towards the Princess's chambers... 





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Equinox waited till Ennex was far enough away before speaking. "I don't know why...but something seem off about him..." Equinox said to Quillina. "Probably just me being paranoid though he seems like a nice guy thats for sure" Equinox said



((Heh Equinox...being suspecious))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Quillina turned away and continued to move along, feeling like she'd done something wrong. She looked away and continued to move, trying to focus on the way in front of her. She was halfway down the stairs when she realzied that her friend wasn't following. She turned and softly called, "Equinox, are you going to come with me?"






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Yeah I am" Equinox said catching up to Quillina. "Sorry I went into a deep thought for a moment there" Equinox said as he looked at the sky. "The day has been pretty calm so far don't you think" Equinox asked. "Nothing could make this day any more quieter then it already is"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Quillina actually giggled and she looked up, "the day's over, it's sunset." She smiled, but then she stopped talking. IT was common for her, mainly because she was so socially inept this was basically how she actually lived her life. She smiled and weakly whispered, "I'm going to...going to the library."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



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"Thank you for your time, Princess.  I hope you will reconsider my offer."  With a respectful bow, he stepped back into the hallway.  Once the door closed, his friendly smile and respectful demeanor disappeared.  An angry scowl appeared on his face.  Stupid witch! he thought to himself, why do you have to be so stubborn!  This could ruin everything!  After a moment, he took a deep breath, and calmness took over.  Fine then.  I will just have to go about this another way.  Turning to leave, he started down the hallway, heading back to the stairs...





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"Do you want me to walk with you to the library then Quillina" Equinox asked. "After all the guards are still doing a good job guarding the night so I'm free during the day..." Equinox said smiling before seeing Ennex leave the palace. "Hey Ennex how did the meeting go with Princess Luna" Equinox asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Quillina gently followed him, guiding him down the spiral staircase. As they did, she whispered, "I'm not sure, but I don't like him. He's so...so...weird. He feels off to me." She bent down, her little bit of courage now mostly gone. Trying to resummon it, she whispered, "So..uh...what's your favorite color?"






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"My favorite color as got to be gray actually" Equinox said. "Heh...that's probably a boring color huh?" Equinox asked before whispering to her. "I don't like him either but so far he hasn't done anything wrong so there is no reason to distrust him" Equinox whispered. "What about you what is your favorite color.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Quillina nodded to the color, smiling. As they got to the end of the stairs, she blushed when he got close to her ear, "w-well...I've always liked....blue." She giggled, "ironically I now work for Luna." She smiled, feeling a bit silly at the same time. She turned a corner, "why Gray?"






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"Well..I like the color gray it's simple yet there are many shades of gray it's not just one color on it's own...it can mean many thing if used in a poem also" Equinox said. "So why do you like the color blue exactly" Equinox asked Quillina


(I almost said fifty shades of gray....god I am glad I didn't))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Quillina listened to his every word and than gently added,Gray is okay, but is kinda close to black." She then responded, "I love the moon. The night. The ocean! Blue is everywhere, even when you don't see it! I started seeing it everywhere and I realized how much I loved the cor. It's been a few years of work to decide."






Quillina Script: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/quillina-script-r6594



Emerald Shine: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/emerald-shine-r6640



Sky Chaser:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sky-chaser-r6602



Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony!


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"I see" Equinox said before sighing before being stopped by a guard. "What now...alright you can go now" Equinox said as the guard left. "Looks like my posistion changed for this week...I need to watch over you for now" Equinox said



((Just wondering is there a relationship between the two?))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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