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It's A-maze-ing


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Here it is. The Maze. The building of mass destruction. And he was going to go inside it. "Wow..." Drill Horn said while walking through The Maze gate, which would be closed and locked after the rest of the ponies he got teamed up with enter. Drill Horn was an architect. Even though it was probably the most deadly thing in Equestria, he still admired it. It's pretty hard for an architect to not admire a Giant Maze that was built by an unknown pony and controls itself. Anyways, there was 6 other ponies that also got picked to enter and complete The Maze. After walking for about 30 seconds, the gate closed behind them. As they walked a bit further. Just a few yards away, a sign said "Once you past this sign, The Maze shall detect you and your fun, but deadly adventure shall begin! Well if Drill Horn was gonna have to complete this maze with other ponies, guess he should get to know them. "So..... How are things guys?"

  • Brohoof 1

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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"What the...heck?" Aeron said as he walked through the massive gate that served as the enterance. He wasn't alone though, he was folloowed by 6 other ponies, all of them seemed to be awestruck. As he walked further into the maze, he stopped and looked around. He only noticed a sign. Just as he was going to say something, one of the ponies, Drill Horn broke the awkward silence with a question. "Fine, I suppose...could be better" He replied, walking up to Drill and offering a friendly bro-hoof. "May as well try to be friendly" he thought to himself. 

  • Brohoof 1


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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Kaymen, having a mischievous grin on his face since he had laid eyes on the maze, bearing his sharpened teeth. He floated over to the sign with the other two, his grin grew slightly as drill horn asked him how he was "Couldn't be better" he continued to float around with that grin on his face, looking like he was on the verge of chuckling "Nice glasses...yellow guy" he said with a really sarcastic attitude

Edited by Tone shift
  • Brohoof 1

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Echo stayed behind the others and said nothing before the maze. It felt like being a real rat in a real maze, not the ones your used to seeing on paper. It felt hopeless. Most definitely, there were more than lines, more than monsters, more than death. What laid beyond the walls he saw was an ending that no one ever seen. Echo was determined to discover something nothing anyone have: The end of this labyrinth.


"This is not for all of you."


Remnantion Ran past the sign and begun the maze alone, he jogged. Nothing rivaled the concentration in his mind, it focused on thought. Split at every fork, take every path. Split every fork, take every path. Split every fork, take every...  The chant continued. The chant continued.


"2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 7, 12, 24, 48, 47, 65, 130, 241, 506, 1,267, 2,376, 7,902..." The number he spoke was the number of paths taken by his iterations, he tried limiting the spectrum to 5,000 but every possibility grew exponentially. The multiplicities in his head, saw flashes of intercepting themselves over and over again. He couldn't focus hard enough to get rid of these extranalities so he split it with his first iteration. Still too much.


"187,090... 590,651, 989,001...." 


He started counting backwards, slowly trying to retrieve the information from the 'clones'. Instead of a series of bunched up images there where two dimension lines that made a map from a birds eye view. The lines crossed in places it shouldn't be. The mental map that tried to make sense of the maze. The whole thing looked like an angry scribbled tree. Impossible... The maze wrapped around the entrance like a fruit to a seed. He smiled. Then the moment passed, he forgot every bit of the map.


"Que sera, sera. What will be, will be."

Edited by MisterRe
  • Brohoof 1

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Void was very freaked out but he regained his composure. A maze in a building? Well I am not the only one here.

He saw a sign but bothered not to read it on the path walk up with the other six around him. I hope they don't hate Changelings Void thought as he looked around to see some others talking, Drill Horn asked a question to break the awestruck silence. "I am quite good"

He didn't want to seem distant and far away from the ones that are with him.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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As all of the ponies were talking, (In a rush so just gonna call him/her Echo) Echo rushed past them and entered the maze already. "Wow". Said Drill Horn. Echo disappeared into the distance until she was no longer visible. "I guess we should start also. Can't chat all day". Drill Horn approached the sign. As much as he hated it, he raised one hoof over the line and and stepped onto the other side. He waited... Nothing? It was probably waiting for the other ponies. Drill Horn looked back with a look saying "C'mon, hurry up".

  • Brohoof 1

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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As Void zoned out as he was looking around the area as he noticed Drill Horn looking back. He must have went ahead whilst he was in his own little world. Void picked up the pace until he reached the line. "No going back now eh? Well then" As he put one of his holed hooves over the line a weird feeling shot through his body but he ignored it, little did he know that his magic was taken from him until he lives the maze, or dies... I looked over at Drill Horn and wondered if we are all going solo or as a group. 

Edited by Void Crawler
  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"Two...T-two... o-two. TWO... TWO! On-TWO!" Remnation's voice echoed with no pony to hear it, he was furious that an iteration developed a conscious. Now, he had to find him before he got out of the maze. If he did not and he have gotten out, There was a possibility to be stuck back inside the maze. Though it would interesting to him, it would be a high inconvenience.


"Remnant, the Minotaur, I shall find you and we will meet."


Echo walked on, searching for an exit. 




Remnant stopped running and took his first breathe of life; he was a copy no more, but now he was a part of missing whole. Halved, he knew how to become whole but his origination was no where to be found. You must have every remnant to become Remnation. ​This instinct was inscribed in every body that had the fortune to become self-aware. Remnant back-tracked to the group of ponies.


"I don't remember if I had pleasure to meet you ponies. My name is Remnant." The stallion said to every pony where still grouped.




Two remnants roam within these walls. Two ponies with different dispositions with different affiliations but come from the same entity. The same entity: Echo Remnation.

  • Brohoof 1

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Kaymen just slowly floats over the line "Don't tell me what to do, only my friends can tell me what to do, and none of them are here..." He paused to lift up his cape to reveal a fruit bat he was hiding under there "Except for him of course, just try not to get yourself killed, ok?" He said as he puts his cape back down letting the bat sleep more "Now, how do we get through this maze without dying?" He said as he floated around, looking at our options on where to go "They all look the damn same...how do we know where to go? ...wait, that's the point isn't it?" He let out a small chuckle as he grinned more

  • Brohoof 1

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Honey Dew walked slowly towards the line unsure if she should stop over or not. She heard a lot of stories about the maze before and she was afraid of it. Yet here she stands in front of it.

   "U-um Drill Horn? Do you think this is a good idea? For sure you've heard the stories about this maze." Honey Dew says looking down at her hooves.

  • Brohoof 1



Oh you don't like Rarity?


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Kaymen just floated around, then saw honey dew "Come on you scardypony, it's not like we can even go back now" points his hoof behind her towards the door, which had shut "so we better get going, my friends are waiting for me" he floats off towards one of the forks waiting for someone to come with him "Come one, let's get going you guys"

  • Brohoof 1

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Honey Dew drags her hooves on the ground while Kaymen floated above her. She looked around her in fear. What is going to happen next? Will a scary monster jump out of nowhere? Or will a ghost scare us?

   "U-um Kaymen? What do you think will happen to us? Will we make it out?" Honey Dew says scared.

  • Brohoof 1



Oh you don't like Rarity?


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Kaymen gained his huge grin back "Heh...Who can really tell? The maze shall decide, or maybe we will decide it for you" he swirls his cape around, kicking up dirt. When the dirt settles, he appears behind her "You never know who you can trust...especially in a place like this" he floats back to where he was laughing softly

Edited by Tone shift
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Drill Horn watches Kaymen mess around with Honey Dew. He grins and says "Oh c'mon. You can handle a little action. It's just a maze filled with monster and deathtraps and-" Drill Horn stops and thinks. "Wait, maybe I should've said that differently" Looking at Honey Dew to see if he scared her. "I meant that the maze isn't that bad and if we all work together then we can make it". This was the only year they were letting ponies team up to complete the maze. The only reason they did it was because they needed to test out how hard/easy the maze would still be if there were teams.

  • Brohoof 1

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Honey Dew smiled at Drill Horn thankful he was being nice and sort of understood that she was afraid of the maze. Even if he made it sound slightly less scary she was still a bit uneasy about the monsters and traps that might be here. Her smile faltered as soon as it appeared.

   "What happened to the group of friends?" She asked.

  • Brohoof 1



Oh you don't like Rarity?


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"On another note, Why are I/We are here? Is there some great prize at the end? I remember coming from one end path to and back again here with you guys." Remnant asked Honey dew, his memories didn't include anything before the maze. The memories he contained was only after his conception. "This place gives me the creeps."

  • Brohoof 1

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"On another note, Why are I/We are here? Is there some great prize at the end? I remember coming from one end path to and back again here with you guys." Remnant asked Honey dew, his memories didn't include anything before the maze. The memories he contained was only after his conception. "This place gives me the creeps."

Honey Dew shrugged looking at the tall walls

   "I don't know. I've never talked about this maze because I am afraid of it. Other ponies have died here way back. I don't think I want to die." She says kicking a lone pebble out of her way. "I've heard that the people who get through gets a prize. I don't know what it is though."

  • Brohoof 1



Oh you don't like Rarity?


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"Well, we better get started". Drill Horn said. He walked forward into a room with 2 tunnels connected to it. "Wow. The most easiest trick ever, but also a dangerous one". Drill Horn studied the 2 tunnels. "Which way do you think we should go? I think we should go left". Drill Horn waited for their response.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Honey Dew studied the two tunnels they looked identical and she wasn't sure which one was safer. She didn't want the group to split up because she felt safer in groups so she stuck with Drill Horn's suggestion. The phrase 'the more the merrier' didn't really work out down here since you can die any moment now from the traps and monsters.

   "Yeah let's go left." She says walking towards the tunnel.

Edited by Elegance



Oh you don't like Rarity?


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"There is trick to solving these things but I'm guessing this is an 'open' maze with islands of walls. So following a wall to the end is impossible. We could be circle a single area for the rest of our lives." Remant followed Honey and the group, he wondered where his other self went.


Monster's everywhere. Remantion never felt so exhausted. Shadow figure's, mythical beast's and other cretins of creation had offered a bit of difficulty late in this maze. Maybe Remnation should just Die? It didn't matter because the remnant would live on for him. But the problem is: What mania does he have? Is it utterly and foolishly good or utterly and foolishly evil. Neither one had been a worthwhile outcome.

"When I find a safe spot to meditate. I will contact you my friend."

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Kaymen thinks of something "Hey, wait, why don't we see if my friend here can help out" he lifts his cape and wakes up his bat friend "Hey buddy, ready to help us out" the bat lets out a yawn and and annoyed screech "Oh come on! Do you want to get out of here or not!?" Kaymen reaches his hoof for the bat "All you gotta do is do some surveying, if it looks dangerous then come right back"

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"Heheh, Can I just say even the creatures lurking in the dark are the least of my worries. The traps are the most worrying especially in a tunnel like this, I can't be the only one fearing these concealed objects of death right?"

Void looked unsure but followed down the left tunnel he made some strange chirping sound as he looked forward at the group, he put on a very mischievous looking smile. "I am gonna stay at the back if that if that is alright".

Edited by Void Crawler

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"Anyway... umm yeah..." It was uneasy being this close to changeling: Even worse as it spoke. "Traps, that doesn't seem like a good thing."


Remnant was starting to get paranoid. If one of them set off a trap it'd be an end to them. Not him though, he had another life... somewhere also in danger... "Wait!"


There was an almost transparent string a few meters ahead. Remnant's clone had tripped this certain trap when he sent it out to run. The result was the ceilling coming down and bloody mess afterward.


"There's a string ahead..." Re said. "Do NOT trip it."

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Kaymen grows more and more annoyed "HEY! Don't ignore us!" The bat lets out a few screeches, both at Kaymen and at the others "Hey, it's like you don't even kno-" the bat screeches more at Kaymen "...fine! Let's just hurry up and get out of here, will you-" more screeching at Kaymen from the bat "...please?" The bat then nods and flies down one of the tunnels "humph...you guys are lucky she's here..."

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Void was watching Kaymen as he argued with his bat. "So I am guessing you speak fluent bat then?"

As Void was looking towards Kaymen he heard Remnant shout. "Wait!"

Void listened as Remnant finished explaining the Wire.

"That could have been bad, heheh... Stupid Tripwire" Void said with an awkward smile.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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