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private My Little Luna [1 & 1]


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Eulogy heard the soft sniffles and continued holding the sad little mare in his warm embrace.

"Everything will be okay sweetie." He say softly to her.


He didn't want to tell her. He couldn't stand to hurt with sad truths but she didn't deserve a lie.

He promised that when she gets older, he'll explain everything.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She continued to cry for a bit, but eventually the mare calmed down enough go back to her playing. She went over to her play area and began to work on a small block castle. Inside,she still wished for her mother, but she couldn't cry forever. Time was what she needed now.

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Eulogy nods to himself, knowing she needs space. He gets up and enters into the kitchen deciding to prepare dinner, now he usually doesn't like to go for a vegetarian meal but for this he didn't want to expose her to the idea of meat, she is a pony after all.


From the cabinet he takes out some canned corn, carrots and some insta mash. He retrieves the bread from the cupboard.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The two didnt speak for some time, as Luna was still hurt from the fact. Her castle ended up in the shape of a crescent moon. In her mind, she was taking refuge within its walls, hiding from the horrible truths of real life. She only returned to the real world when dinner was prepared. Going to he table, she sat down and sighed. "Thanks for making me dinner..." She said, looking to her plate, sorrow in her eyes.

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Eulogy looked to her, feeling regret for making her saddened. She didn't deserve to be miserable. He looks at his own food a bit.

He tries to put on a smile,

"So sweetie? I promised you I'd take you outside again. So tonight I know a good place noone can bother us. You can run play be as loud as you'd like." He says trying to encourage her.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Looking up, the filly give a light smile to her dad. "Can... can we see the moon rise? Outside?" She asked with a despite plea. She had always wanted to see the mone riase outside of her home. It was nice, but to see the first glimpses of the moons light break the horizon was something else.

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He smiles, "Yes we can." He says, thankful that she seems pleased to hear. The two continue with their dinner.


Roughly and hour after, Eulogy is beginning to pack up small essentials into a personnel backpack.

Loading in a small blanket, a couple of snacks and some water. Just for Luna.

Looking outside the sun is soon readying to set.

Returning downstairs, Luna awaiting patiently but knowing that she is eager. He scoops her up into his arms.


Outside he looks about for any bystanders and makes his way out to his vehicle. He opens the metallic door and places her onto the back seats.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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After finishing her diner, the filly couldn't stop running around the house until her dad was ready. She had kept asking 'ready?' or 'Are you ready yet?' until they were in the car. She had been in Eulogy's car a few times, and she was used to the strap she had to wear. Buckling it on, she waited for her dad to take her to where they were headed.

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Eulogy chuckles as he sees her in her eager demeanor. He starts the vehicle, the engine roaring to life, clattering a bit due to age but still managing.

he puts into reverse and pulls out, turning about he then accelerates beginning his drive out of the neighborhood and heading toward the highway.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Luna was looking at the window, enjoying the view of the city lights as the drove along. She couldn't help but smile at the bightness of the night. It was one of menu things she loved about night. "How long till we get there?" She asked, getting slightly impatient, as all kids would.

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"We'll be there before you know it dear." He responds.

Turning off from the highway exit he enters onto a county road following into the forested landscape.

Taking another turn he pulls along up onto a dirt path, the vehicle rocking back and forth whilst along the uphill journey. After several minutes he pulls off leading onto near a hillside, the view giving a perfect lookout to the city below and to the stars above.

"Here we are princess." He says to her and unloads letting her out.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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With much joy, the filly bounded out of the car and ran circles around the the car, glad to finally be outside, not even contained by a fence. This was a first for the filly, and she loved every single second of it. "Thank you thank you thank you!" She cheered, jumping up and squealing in joy.

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His cheeks flush red as his smile widens, he can't remember the last time he had contained this much joy in himself, almost comparable to like say : graduation or getting his first pet dog.

But no this sweet little filly was more than that. This was that happiness that every parent felt seeing their child become joyful, even if she wasn't directly his child.


He takes the backpack out and takes a seat at the top of the hill watching Luna trot about happily.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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With the wide open field, Luna practiced her runing and seeing how fast she could dash. Without the cunstraint of fencing, she could run without stop. After a while, the filly eventually got a bit tired and joined her dad on the hill. The sun was just now setting and the two were every aeaiting the moon rise. "Hey dad?" she asked. "Why is the moon so prity?"

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Eulogy smiles at her pondering on the question, he chuckles a bit, "Maybe hmmm, maybe its happy to see a certain little filly I know." He replies, wrapping his arm around her in a warm embrace.


The two remain onto the hill watching up at the moonlight sky.

Eulogy could remember this feeling, this sense of completion. He know Luna wouldn't be here forever, but for what time he had, he'll take care of her.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Cuddling close, the filly looked to the moon rise, her eyes wide with anticipation. As it was half way up, her eyes were locked on it. She studied the face for every detail like she always did. "It's even more beautiful out here..." She said, holding herself close to her dad.

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Eulogy also watches up... His mind ever so drifting back into the wild imagination he had in his early youth. So many ideas pondering, as if reality halted for a moment.

He reaches his hand out to the moon,

"When I was a young boy I always imagined the moon to be a wish granting stone. It could give me whatever I wanted.." He whispers before composing himself he clears his throat.

"Yes Luna... It's so much better out here." He says gently petting her.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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As the moon rose, the little mare eventually grew tired from the late hour and began to doze off next to her dad. Snuggling close, she nudged him with her horn. As she did, a light aura lit from it for a second. it was then that the moon seemed to brighten some, just very subtly though. In her dream, he was on the moon, enjoying the warmth the light gave it. She loved the sight of the night life of the world. She almost envied the day, as most stayed in doors and seemed rather drab. At night, lights shown, showing new life to the world.

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He smiles down at the sleeping filly, reaching into the backpack he takes out the blanket he packed carefully drapping it over the little princess.

He lounges back onto the grassy hill, Luna resting happily on his lap as he himself begins to drift to sleep.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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It had been a month since that night, and the filly had already showing signs of growth. They weren't much, but she was gaining. She had begun to grasp the English language well, with the help of her dad. She had even attempted flight a few times on her own, but it resulted with crashes in the back yard. Her magic was beginning to show it's face as well, occasionally building if she got aggravated. That didn't mean she had any idea how to use it. She just had the power without guidance. She desired for her dad to teach her something about what magic was... but she held her tong on the subject most of the time. Today, a month after the moon watching incident, the mare was taking a nap on the couch. She had begun to feel more tired during the day and more awake at night.

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Eulogy pulls up into the driveway after finally this week of work. He unlocks the door and enters seeing her resting on the couch.

He smiles, she had grown a bit height too. When he half first found her, she had been no higher than maybe 2 feet, now reaching up to roughly 3


He smiles at the sleeping princess saying nothing, not wanting to wake her up. As he heads upstairs .

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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/me slowly woke a half hour later, smiling from the rest. Yawning, she slowly got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. She was getting a glass of water when she heard you up stares. Drinking her water quickly, she dashed for the stairwell to meet you. "Daddy!" She called with much excitement.

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Eulogy was just making his way down when he encounters the sparkling manned filly,

"There's my little princess!" He says in his happy tone, he kneels down and picks up the little mare embracing as he continues back downstairs,

"Did you have a good nap?" He asks her

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I did!" She said ,kissing him on the cheek. She loved being home with him. It was then the phone rang and she was forced to hop off of her dad to let him answer it. She then got quiet, as she knew that it wasn't good if she talked while he was on the phone. It was her dad's mother.

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He approaches to the house phone, picking it up.

"Hello? ... What am I doing? I don't know.. Talking to an awesome mother." he snickers, "Oh really! That's great! Tell him I said congratulations. I know know... Huh?..." He asks, he looks over to Luna listening to his mother.

"Actually... We got time... And yes we... I got someone I want you to meet... We'll be over sometime soon... Okay. Love you." He says hanging up.

"Luna. I got some news.." He walks over sitting next to her, "How would you like to meet my mother?" He asks

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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