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private My Little Luna [1 & 1]


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The mare-to-be couldn't speak. She could only look to the crown placed before her. It was too much for her. Tears coming to her eyes, she looked back to her dad. Then with a burst of energy, she took him in a giant hug, not letting go. "Oh dad.... You s-shouldn't have... Thank you!" She cried, her voice instead with tears of joy and love. She loved that he took the effort to make her something so beautiful. It was too much for her.

Edited by arkman575
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He embraced her tightly, smiling happily. The two held close to each other for several seconds before releasing her,

"That's not the only gift. Did some digging in my storage and found this."

He reaches his hands into the box taking out an old cartridge video game console (NES, Super NES, Atari, Genesis, you take a preference.)


"Use to play this all time when I was younger, and I was kinda assuming you weren't enjoying antenna television." He says placing it onto the coffee table.


Next he pulls out a small stack of astronomy textbooks, "Couldn't really think of anything else to get, I knew you love star gazing so I figured you'd like these. Learning about the solar system and the universe." He says holding to his smile.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The pony was only crying. She couldn't help but just hug her dad until her arms got tired from the grasp. "Oh dad... You shouldn't have. For my entire life you have given me only happiness. " she said, looking then to her treasures. "So... want to play a bit?" She asked, looking to him with her loving eyes.


(Sorry for being gone, just been very busy)

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Eulogy smiled happily, "Sure thing dear." He says to her, he picks up the cartridge game system and places it near the TV.

For the first few minutes he shows the mare-to-be how to connect and ready the console.

he activates it and walks to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna fix up some more hot chocolate dear. Want anymore?" He asks.


((it's alrighty friend. Good to see you back :) ))

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Yes please!" She called out, exited about the new toy. Looking to it, she then searched through the games and found a few that seemed rather interesting. Tank commander, Pong, and a few others. Putting them in a little stack, she waited for her dad to return. In the meantime, she played with the controller, seeing all the buttons and wondering if she could sue them with her magic easily.

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From the stove top he stirs about the chocolate mix in a cooking pot, adding a slight bit of French vanilla for that unique blend of both cocoa and vanilla.

Refilling their mugs, he returns to the living room placing them about onto the coffee table.


The duo spend for the couple hours, for Luna it was her first endeavor into the virtual world and for Eulogy it was a nostalgia trip.

They have settled for a final match in Pong, the "classic of classics" as he calls it.


In the end Luna had out surpassed Eulogy.


"Baaah, I'm just getting too old." He says in playful complaint. He gently pets Luna on the head.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The growing filly snuggled close to her dad, twirling the controller in her aura of magic. It had been a close game, but her reflexes bested her dads in the end. With a smile, she levitated her controller to the floor, taking her crown in her grip next. Placing it atop her, she sat up strait. Raising her head, she cleared her throat.


"All hail princess Luna: master of the lands of pong. No pixel ball is safe from my tyrannical rule!"

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Eulogy couldn't help but chuckle at her, feeling confident he joins in,

"First the pong! Next-" he holds up a cartridge of Pac Man. "Next! Pac-Man will belong to Luna! Watch out ghosties she's coming for you." He ends with a laugh.

"Grandma was right I should be an actor." He says laughing.


He smiles at his little princess.

"I'll go make some lunch." He says.


Luna heard the house phone ring on the coffee table, looking on the ID it reads Amanda/Mom.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I shall take no prisoners! No wounded! And all who try and bow down shall be banished to the moon where they can parish!" Luna yelled out, a fire of energy going through her. It felt so.. .right. 


Luna looked to the phone, wondering if she should answer it. Seeing it was her grandma, she levitated the phone in her arua's grip, bringing it over to her ear as she had seen her dad do many times over. Putting the receiver to her mouth, she spoke.


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"Hey there dearie!" Her grandmothers cheerful voice spoke.

"Happy holidays. Did your pappy get you anything good?" Sheasks before speaking in a whispering in a playful sinister voice,

"Come to the dark side Luna." She says, before her cheerful tone returns, "I have double chocolate chip cookie." She says.


It's obvious were Eulogy gets his sense of humor from.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The girl nearly jumped at the evil tone, somewhat fearing it. However, when her grandmother mentioned cookies, her mood changed entirely.  With a light laugh, she tried to calm herself. "He got me a real crown! how did he know i wanted one?" She asked, knowing the console was second to the home made beauty. "He really got me a crown! Made it himself! This is the best Christmas ever!!!"


Sitting on her sister's bed, Princess Celestia looked to a picture of Luna, meany others scattered around her. It had been only a month now, and yet the pain hung deep in her chest. She had given the throne to Twilight for the time being, hating herself too much to ever return to power. The news of Celestia banishing her younger sister was eventually leaked, and ponies no longer remembered Nightmare Mood the evil. They just knew Luna the innocent, and Celestia the killer.

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"That's wonderful! He's always a thoughtful man. I just wanted to call and tell you all happy holidays. Now you stay warm deary. I love you." Her grandmother finishes before hanging up.


Bishop returned bringing back two bowls of steaming ramen.

"Wanted to make something quick." He says placing two pairs of chopsticks and forks.


Fizzy Potion and Twilight walk about into the Advanced Magics Department in the Canterlot Magical Academy, they walk along down a hall toward the testing lab.

"What can we do? Celestia has never acted so sadly. Despite our progress and reports none have believed us. I'm pleading you have to believe us, Luna is still alive." He says

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The pony smiled, taking the cup and taking some noodles in her arua. "Thanks!" She said, smiling to her dad. "Grandma called, she wished us a merry Christmas." She then hugged her dad as she levitated her noodles.




"She fears for her sister... and she cannot forgiver herself for what she has done." He said, looking to their work. "We need to crack the teleportation spell... all the results are too high... they all say shes billions of miles away..."

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Eulogy sits about next to her grasping the noodles with a pair of chopsticks, "Just like back Japan." He whispers to himself recalling a time in his service as he ate.

He sits about watching as Luna plays about on the retro console.


"We're getting to that your highness." Fizzy responds, with two ready with tinted goggles they enter a rest chamber, two unicorns ready with garbs and tint goggles.

A hissing rat awaits in a cage.

"This is test number 5 in three, two, one." one of unicorns count down as both their horns glow brightly, a loud bang follows with a flash as the rat disappears leaving ash.

"That's our first success, we need to get these ash samples to alchemy. We've discovered your highness that the ash remains from the teleport spell were not Luna's but in fact other minerals from the sent position of the teleport. Further results showed that it was of... A rather unknown soil." One explains

"Meaning she is not anywhere in Equestria. Those miles upon miles reach farther out into... Space."

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Luna had just beaten another round of pacman, on the third level by now, when a puff of smoke appeared right before her. Stumbling back, she knocked over her empty cup. "What it the world?" She gasped, looking to what the smoke was. On the ground was a rat. A mid-sized rat. However, it didn't look... normal. She had read up on rats and seen meany pictures, but this one wasn't right. Unlike normal rats, it had black eyes. In fact... it mostly had just black dots. And it didn't run. It just sat there, looking to luna with a smile. After five seconds of just watching it, she screamed. "DADDY!!!!"

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In a burst of alert energy Eulogy dashes out from the kitchen, "What happened!?" He exclaims in panic, composing himself he notices the odd looking rat in the living room.

"The hell is that?" He mutters, it didn't move or anything, it seemed rather intrigued at the duo.

Feeling bolder he quickly picks up the rat by the tail and quickly tossing it into the empty box that once contained Luna's gifts.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Luna looked to the rat, the to her dad. "That thing... that thing isn't normal. It just... appeared!" She said, taking a step towards the box. 

The rat looked like it was brushing it's self off, then looked to luna. It was smiling. As Luna approached, her horn began to glow brighter. 

"What are you..."


At that moment, her horn discharged, knocking the filly out. the magic was launched and sinjed a mark into the wall. It was that of the equestrian banner. It was what the rat was meant to do: magical link to the princess. A magical waypoint to her.

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Quickly he catches her as she is forced back by the recoil of the magic spell.

After checking for injuries he carefully places her onto the couch. And approaches to the sigil, the sun emblem.

"What in the world.." He whispered remembering thus symbol yet trying to piece together what this ment.

Was Celestia coming? Is someone trying to communicate?


Questions boggled the mind he looked to the rat.

"Did someone send you?" He asked thinking it possibly understood him.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Luna was out, the magical pulse draining her of energy. She lay on the couch,  to tired to even dream.

The rat only looked up to the man, smiling. It was completely ignorant of what the man was saying, or what just happened.



"Um... Twilight?" The science pony called, looking to some readouts on a screen. "We... we might have just made a breakthrough."

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With a break in this scene Eulogy takes the moment to clean about the mess, wiping up the spilled chocolate and wiping up the scorched ash.

Feeling a bit empathetic for the rat he places a slice of cheese in the box for it to eat.


"Wow..." Fizzy Potion whispered watching about the arcanian equations appear on the monitor.

"I've read that only Star Swirl could create such complex equations for magical dimension rifts. This is quite the achievement. Book Worm! Bring in every volume of Star Swirls The Rift now!" He orders one of the assisting ponies.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Luna wok after an hour of rest, unsure what had happened. Moaning lightly, she opened her eyes, only to get a bit of a head ache. "Ow... Daddy?" She called out, seeing a symbol on the side of the wall. "Dad? What happened?" She called, slowly getting up again. "Why does my head hurt?"

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Eulogy gently pets her head in a comforting manner.

"Easy dear... I don't know what happened." He says, even though knowing a little of what might this mean he is rather sincere about this situation.

"Just take it easy. " he says to her.

He looks about back to the sigil on the wall.

"That's gonna be hard to fix up." He mutters

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  • 2 weeks later...

The mare looked to the symbol again, feeling a pang of familiarity. It was so odd for her. 
"Dad... can I just go to bed? My head is killing me..." She spoke, holding a hoof to her head. Her eyes were tired, even after being passed out. This was one of the most strenuous magical strains on her.

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"Of course dear." He replied, he gently picks up Luna into his arms and returns upstairs placing her upon her bed.

"Get some rest sweetheart." He says gently petting her head, careful not to make her migraine worsen.

He returns downstairs, that sigil doesn't look too fitting on the wall... From his old closet downstairs near the stairs he retrieves one of his older paintings.

"Hey there mister, it's been awhile."

Grabbing a thumb nail he hangs upon his painting covering up the wall damaging sigil.


With their holiday cheer come and go, this event soon went on as the memories do. Luna continued to grow at her incredible rate. With extra birthdays celebrated and the near caught discovery of a trip to Myrtle, their bond couldn't grow any further.


It's been well over a year and a half, Luna has grown to almost 5 feet, as tall as her grandmother, her mane and tail now in it's flowing star shimmering galore. And she almost daily wears about her crown in pride.


The two are heading about to Amanda's home, seemingingly knowing by heart the roads to the countryside home.

No longer having to hide behind blankets and such along with way, the tinted windows masquerade her from other eyes.


They pull up about into the gravel driveway. Her grandmother quickly putting away her cigarettes.

"Heeyyy." She happily greets as the two approach.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Luna smiled with joy as they approached, looking to her grandma. When the car stopped, she jumped out of the car and ran to her with excitement "Grandma!" She exclaimed, running over and tossing one hoof around to hug her kin. 


Luna had begun to learn to fly by this point, her dad taking her out on fields and letting what came naturally She did have a few collisions, but she did manage to fly every once and a while. Now, she could fly a good distance, however, she rarely got the chance. She had no more experiences with the rat, and concluded that it was just some weird magic cold thing. 

As she got older, her dreams had been filled with other people. Most seemed to know her and interact with her well. They seemed to real... It was her only contact with people... and it wasn't even true contact. They all seemed to ask questions about other ponies... always asking about her live in a different place. It was... troubling at times to say she had no clue what they were talking about. And then there was the mare. The white mare. She had lost it. In her dreams, she had seen her turn into a cruel, heartless dictator. When she noticed luna, she always glared at her and said 'You... you never came back...'

It always frightened luna more than anything else to have that dream. And yet... she knew little about her.

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