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Brony article in Vancouver Magazine

Twilight Sparkle ✨

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Vancouver Magazine published an article about bronies in their April issue, which I thought you all might be interested in reading. I've attached the article (stitched together from two pages) and the cover of the issue it appeared in to this post.


Sadly, MLP Forums was not mentioned in there.

Vancouver Magazine - April 2012 Cover.jpg

Vancouver Magazine - Brony Article.jpg

  • Brohoof 9

Twilight SIG 8.png

Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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I need to pick up a copy of this! Its going into the archives for me. Most of my archives are nintendo magazines... BUT YES. A BRONY REFERENCE I CAN ACTUALLY GET AN OFFICIAL COPY OF. Never been prouder to live in vancouver.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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I don't see what the big deal is. Magazines make brief shoutouts to fan bases now and again, whilst I think it's awesome that i'm part of the fan base that was recognized. It happens all the time :3 If we had recognition on a large scale, It would be amazing :'D
  • Brohoof 1

The AMAZING Spider-Man

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