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Goochy-Goo (1x1 between Rainbow Eclipse and Sapphiredragoon)

Rainbow Eclipse

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'What... the... Sapphire just offered me free money. She must have a lot of it.'


Ember shook his hooves in front of him. "N-no, I couldn't possibly..."


He was grateful that Aurora's question had given him an excuse to change the subject. "Well, how about we go off and play in the meadow?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"So do you go to School Fire?" Sapphire giggles and looks to him

Aurora looks to Sapphire, "I wonder why she is asking him that..." She wonders to herself, "School is important for all Fillies and Colts Lady Sapphire." She looks to Fire for him to answer her question

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Ember popped the last of his cupcake into his mouth before chewing it up and swallowing it, banishing it to the pits of his stomach forever (well, more like until the way out, but I won't go into detail).


"Of course I do," he said. "Though I've never seen you around."


"Anyway, ready to go to the meadow?" he asked, standing by the door.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sapphire gives her cupcake to Aurora who scarfs it down, "I don't go to school." She walks out of Sugarcube Corner and back to her house.

Aurora opens her wings and grows bigger flying after Sapphire, "Seems she is coming back to Normal again." She smiles, "It has been along time since this happened."

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Ember was just about to make a comment about Sapphire's lack of school attendance, but then decided that it wasn't so out of place comapred to what else he'd been told.


He did admire Aurora's flying, though.


He galloped after them. "I thought we were going to the meadow?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"We have somethings to take care of first..." Aurora grabs him in her talons and flies off to the upper areas of their house, "Hope you like heights."

"Long day..." Sapphire sits in her sauna, "I wonder what's taking Aurora so long to get in here..." She sees Aurora coming in through the upper levels and she comes into the Sauna.

"Sorry i am Late for spa time milady." Aurora smiles sitting next to Sapphire.

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"Whoa!" exclaimed Ember as Aurora flew him up to the upper areas of Sapphure and Aurora's home.


He then got down and planted his hooves onto the ground. "I was not expecting you to pick me up with your talons and then fly me up here. You're certainly plenty stronger than me."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Ember took a step back in response to Aurora's evil grin and brooding voice. "...I hope you're only doing that as a way of playing around," he commented.


'I wonder where Sapphire went?' he thought to himself. 'Maybe she'll show up to save my rump if Aurora does something evil...'

OCs: RileyAnala

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"I am a full grown Dragon little foal there is little you can do about me." She roars breaking the glass in the room, "You can have a head start and you better start running."

Sapphire shakes her head watching this, "She always loves the hunt... how fun." She continues to watch.

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'First she's nice, and now she's gonna turn into a rampaging monster. What was all that about?'


Ember's eyes widened as he looked up at Aurora. He let out a pitiful squeak.


He then did the first thing that popped into his head. That being, gallop and hide behind Sapphire.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sapphire gets out of the sauna and dries herself off and she heads into the Armory getting a Longsword and her Cloak out, "So It's time to leave this Place forever to find a new place in the world." She heads into her vault and retrives abit of her money before teleporting the items in her Armory and the rest of the things in her vault away.

Aurora starts to chase Fire through the house, "I will catch you soon enough Little Foal." She roars again

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'There's no time for rumination. Get away from that crazy dragon!'


Ember scurried off into the kitchen.


'Is Sapphire crazy too?'


He picked up a conveniently-placed bottle and fearfully threw it at Aurora.


The bottle turned out to contain a shrinking potion.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Aurora starts to shrink down, "Cheap shot." She hisses she flies into the other room to Sapphire, "He found a shrinking potion, seriously... why do you keep these things around?" She grumbles.

"Yes well not my fault." She frowns, "He just found a random bottle." She starts to walk outside, "Now... how am i suppost to ride a Small Dragon?"

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Ember realised he had gotten some of the potion on himself as well. Then, he popped down to a cetnimetre tall.


"Great... now what?"


He sighed and lay down in the bowl of a tablespoon.


"Maybe this will wear off eventually. But if not, well, what are Mom and Dad going to say?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sapphire walks over to where Fire is and looks to Aurora, "We can't do much now can we?" She shakes her head and frowns, "I can't do anything now!" She growls hitting the wall.


Aurora roars, "That foal... he burned my wings the thing was bloody Acid!" She breaths Silver fire at the wall.

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"I-I was just s-scared, I-I didn't th-think some bottle w-would make this happen..."


Ember just stayed there for a few seconds before he ran off across the kitchen counter with all the energy in his puny body, eventually scurrying into a bag of flour.


One of the advantages of being small - you can have awesome games of hide-and-seek.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Aurora washes her wings getting the acid off, "We better find him before he gets lost in this place, Fire i was never going to hurt you don't worry." She looks around for him, "Where could he of gone?"

Sapphire looks around for him, "Good Question..." Her horn glows light blue causing a light to appear it counters the shrinking potion causing Aurora to turn small,and back to her baby form, "We maybe able to use this for Fire as well."

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Fire heard Aurora calling out for him.


'Do you really trust her after what just happened?'


'Let's just go on out, they might be able to get you back to normal size. Unless you wanna go into the Everfree Forest while you're this tiny.'


Ember slowly exited the bag of flour, trembling.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"We can help you return back to Normal Fire if you come out of hiding that is." Sapphire looks through the items in the kitchen for him, "I hope we can get moving before dark." She continues to look for him

Aurora breaths silver light onto her wings healing them, "I never ment to Harm you Fire..."

Sapphire smiles, "You are a healing dragon... i forgot... you almost never use your powers anymore not breathing Fire not even healing..."

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Ember was dumbfounded, he was right on the kitchen counter. The filly and the dragon had not seemed to notice him, perhaps given how tiny he was now. "GUYS! I'M RIGHT HERE!" he yelled. In a further attempt to gain the attention of his companions, he turned the tap on.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Aurora focuses her eyes looking at the tiny figure, "Fire...?" her wings glow silver same with her eyes, "Dispel!" a wave of light blue magic washes over Fire removing the Shrinking Magic, "do you feel anybetter now...?" She looks at him slightly sad

Sapphire sits down, "We need to go now Aurora, i know you like him and everything but we need to go."

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Fire looked at himself, then at his surroundings. He was back to his normal size, it seemed. "I feel much better, thank you," he replied. He hopped off the kitchen counter which he had been sitting on.


"Sorry," he said. "I was just scared, I didn't know what else to do..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sapphire's eyes through her cloak look dark blue,  "Now we have to go Aurora Now." She walks outside without waiting.

"what does she mean by that? oh... right the place is burning down... Damn it." She turns back into her adult form and grabs Fire and breaks through the wall with her silver fire, "Really have to stop doing that." She puts Fire on the ground, "It's time to get going then Sapphire, but... Fire would you like to come with us?"

Edited by Sapphiredragoon
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