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Hypnoponies and mind control?

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Hypnosis and Mind Control


it seems to me that people are getting mind controlled, brainwashing, possession and corruption


honetly this is beyond not proper


yet there are over 5000 people participating in this



i dont know much about this topic (came here for answers)


if i have false facts please let me know


and what do you think about this

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<p class="bbc_center">30u8r4i.jpg</p>

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  • 3 months later...


I could be wrong but I think that you are referring to the Pony Hypnosis concept. If I am correct, I suggest that you peruse this topic as it goes into detail. However, I would advice strongly against using a potential pejorative like witchcraft in that thread. If you don't like the idea, don't bash those that do. 


If I am wrong, and you had a different subject in mind, go ahead and PM me fully explaining what you are talking about and I will see if this discussion can resume with elaboration. 


Locking this for now. 



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