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private A day in the city of Trottingham [1x1]


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While his expression remained fairly even, Ash's teeth were clenched behind his lips. Believe it or not, Ash didn't have a whole ton of friends, and Jazz seemed like she could be a good one. She was putting up with him, at least. That was always a good sign. "Cross my heart," he said, looking her in the eye for maybe the second or third time since they'd met. "I'll get out of your mane soon enough, but come and finish that drink, will you?"

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Jazz sighed, wondering if she was going to regret this sooner or later when something went wrong. However, she felt that some part of her didn't want that to happen. Sliding back into the seat, she felt herself melt down a little at the judgmental stares from other ponies. 'If only Remix was here...' she thought to herself, thinking back to her friend who always managed to make her feel better, no matter what. She sat in silence, feeling like her previous act had caused an awkward and rather tense silence between the two of them.

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Ash seemed a little uncomfortable for a few moments, as if he was having a battle inside his head. After several seconds of silence he sighed and looked at Jazz again. "I sincerely apologize about that, Jazz. I don't know why I asked you to follow me, and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry," he said, looking away as he made it to the end of his sentence. He really did feel bad for what he did. He'd get out of her hair soon enough. After he did just one thing...


"What's that?" he asked suddenly, gesturing towards something behind Jazz.

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"It's... It's okay." Jazz said, finally looking up and meeting Ash's eyes. "In a way, it's my fault for even agreeing to come with you, hotshot." she said, grinning and feeling oddly relieved that the awkward silence was broken and that she could talk freely again. "Huh?" she asked, turning around and glancing behind her to try to figure out what he was talking about. "What's what?" she asked, seeing nothing unusual but other ponies and her own luggage. 

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Ash quickly fished the bits out of his bandana and lifted the top off Jazz's cup. "Yea it's tough ta see, but you're looking in the right direction," he said, silently dropping the coins into her drink and closing it back up. "Ah, nevermind. I should get going soon. I was supposed to be at work... About half an hour ago. Your hotel's just up the street. Remember, Blue Gears. See you around." And with that, the orange pegasus got up and left the shop, grinning to himself at what he'd just done. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, before Jazz realized the coins were in her drink.

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Jazz turned around again just after Ash had managed to replace the top of the cup, frowning a little. "Are you pulling my leg?" she asked, eyes narrowing as she smiled. "Ah, whatever. You should go to work, hotshot. You can never be later for a gig." she said, punching his shoulder lightly as she stood up, picking up the drink cup while she did so. "Up the street? Gotcha." she said, following him through the door before waving goodbye as they parted ways. "See you around, Ash." she called, trotting off in the now right direction. As she began to walk, she contemplated tossing her now empty drink into a bin, but when she lifted it, a familiar jangle caught her attention. "Oh, no he didn't..." she mumbled, uncapping it to find bits lying at the bottom, just as she had suspected. "It. Is. On." Jazz murmured to herself, a smile crossing her face. At least now she had a reason to visit her first, and only, friend in Trottingham again.

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Ash smiled to himself as he entered his shop. He figured that Jazz had found the bits by now, which might give her a reason to actually swing by and see him, if she really cared that much about him paying for her earlier. Maybe she would come and see him, maybe she wouldn't. Either way, Ash had things to do. What those things were, he had no idea. But there were always things to do, so he'd figure it out eventually.

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"Blue Gears, Blue Gears, Blue Gears..." Jazz muttered, intent on finding the right shop. This time, it had taken her about half an hour where it only should've taken her ten minutes. Given her complete and utter lack of directional understanding, coupled with the fact that this was a brand new city, she hadn't actually done that bad. "Aha! Found it!" she said happily, before walking up and pausing in front of the door. "No.1 thing to do: give his bits back. "No.2: Ask if he can show me around." she muttered to herself, before pressing a hoof to the door and winging it open

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Inside, one would find a small workshop with tools and spare parts all over the place. The only pony seemingly working there was an orange pegasus wearing a blue bandana. Now who could that be? He was at a workbench with some sort of device, a pair of goggles over his eyes and a wrench in mouth. He was tightening something on the machine at the moment, and it didn't look like he had noticed Jazz enter.

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Jazz peered into the room, glancing around and surprised to find no-pony there... Until she spotted a familiar looking orange pony busy working on something. Suddenly, a thought popped into her mind, and she smirked somewhat evilly before putting her wings to good use, flapping along silently until she was right behind Ash. An evil grin on her face, she lowered herself to the ground before leaning right next to his ear. "BOO!" 

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Ash did not hear Jazz come up behind him, so when a loud "BOO!" sounded in his ear, he flinched and dropped his wrench. He turned incredibly fast, a flash of anger in his eyes. As soon as he saw it was Jazz, Ash's expression softened to a mild annoyance and he sighed, picking up his wrench. "Was that necessary?" he asked, trying to stifle a smile at the sight of the pegasus. She had actually swung by!

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Jazz was momentarily scared when he turned around angry, but when that faded she quickly got a hold of herself and grinned wolfishly. "Well of course it was! It was the perfect opportunity. I took it and ran with it like a thief." she said, smiling and happy that he wasn't too angry. More importantly, he seemed fairly pleased to see her, and that made her happy. "Anyway. Matter of business 1." she said, grabbing the bits and placing them on the table before pushing them towards him, shaking her head. "You are one sneaky sneaky stallion."

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"Well you certainly succeeded, I'll give you that," he said, his annoyance now fading completely as well. When she placed the bits on his table, he sighed and placed them back in his bandana. "I prefer the term... clever. Anyway, is that the only reason you came by? Or did I manage to wow you with my social awkwardness and white lies?" he asked, a cheeky grin making its way onto his face as he began to walk around the shop.

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Jazz rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Pfft, as if. You're going to need more luck than a four-leaf-clover if you wanna wow anypony." she said, smirking a little as she watched him walk around the shop, doing things. "Nah, I came to see if you were busy. If not, can you show me around Trottingham?" she asked, tilting her head a little. "You're the only local I know, and I... I don't really want to try talking to anypony new..." she said, playing with her mane as she looked down in embarrassment.  

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"Hm. That's borderline insulting," Ash noted, still walking around the shop and checking up on a few things. "Today's a bad day for business anyway. I honestly don't have a clue why. Rarely anyone comes in on this specific day of the week. Anyway, that means I'm fairly free to show you around. I can close up shop a little early." Ash stopped looking around and came back over to  Jazz.

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"I was wondering why your store was so empty." she said, glancing around and taking in the different bits and pieces scattered around the place. "That's weird. I wonder why they don't come. Oh well. I'm just glad that I got you on a good day then." she said, smiling as she wandered over to the door. "You sure? I mean, what if somepony comes in with an emergency and you aren't there to help?" she asked, leaning against the doorframe.

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Ash shook his head as he followed her. "Don't worry about that. My parents own a shop on the other side of the city. I opened up this one over here for ease of access to the residents, but if it's an emergency they'll probably be willing to head over to theirs. Now, shall we get going?" he explained, going through the door way and keeping the door open with his back hoof as he looked up and down the street.

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"Oh cool. That's good. Means you can share the load." she murmured quietly, thinking back to her own parents. She became silent as she reminisced, her eyes downcast and her mane covering her face so Ash couldn't read her expression. When he asked her a question, she looked up quickly, snapping out of it almost instantly. "What? Oh, yeah, right. Let's go." she said, smiling a little and following him through the door, letting it close behind her. "What are we gonna do first?"

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Ash cast a look backwards at her sudden silence and slightly solemn tone. He saw her looking down at her hooves, her mane covering her face. He already guessed several things, but didn't ask any questions. It wasn't his place to prod (usually, sometimes it was his job), especially not with someone he just met. "I haven't the slightest. Anything you were planning on seeing?" he asked her, turning his head back forward when she looked up.

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Jazz frowned, tapping her hoof on her chin. "Idunno. What is there to see? I never even thought about being a tourist here to be honest, I only came because my friend asked me to play for her." she said, shrugging. "Maybe I should've done my research first..." she mumbled, suddenly feeling awkward and feeling bad that she had dragged Ash out of his job when she didn't even have a plan or a good reason.

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Ash shrugged. "Dunno, really. I've never really gone to any major landmarks or anything 'round here. Actually, I've never really been around the city at all. I ah.... Don't get out too much, believe it or not," the pegasus said, snickering a bit at his own cheeky comment. He looked up and down the street again, a pondering look on his face. "I suppose we could just wander around and stop at anything that catches your eye. Wandering's always fun... Heh, ask my cousins." Ash seemed to find what he said to be a bit amusing, although only ponies that knew his family would understand why.

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Jazz's eyes widened. "You live in Trottingham, but you've never seen the sights?" she asked, incredulous. "You don't get out much? That's not much of a reason! I'm practically a hermit, and even I know about my hometown." she said, shaking her head melodramatically at him. "Well, no time like the present, I guess. Let's get started." she said, linking her hoof through his before she set off. The street they started off on was relatively empty, but as the made their way onto the main street, it began to fill up with ponies. Instantly, Jazz remembered why she was a hermit, immediately feeling suffocated and swamped by the amount of ponies. Subconsciously, she pulled closer to Ash for comfort, feeling like he was the stable rock in a sea of unknown faces, as she tried to remember how to breathe.

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Ash shrugged. "I'm just not one for sight seeing, I suppose. Neither were my parents. We were all rather secluded, keeping to our own devices. Literally, mind you. Our family time was a group project. Whether it be a commission or one of my mother's ideas, that was when we all got together," Ash said, making a face when Jazz locked legs with him. He was looking away, so Jazz wouldn't see. Ash wasn't a huge fan of physical contact from other ponies, but he made no verbal signs of this. He just kept walking, and when Jazz got closer, he cast a glance over at her. What was she trying to- Oh, she looked rather... scared? "Not a fan of crowds, I presume," Ash commented, his face showing a little concern.

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Jazz smiled, though anypony could tell it was ridiculously forced. "Ahahahah. That's funny." she said, her laugh coming out as a nervous chuckle instead of a proper laugh. "You're lucky you had a reason to spend time with your parents." she said, her voice wavering a little from both sadness and fear. She stopped talking altogether after that, hyperventilating a little bit as her eyes widened, suppressing a scream when another pony brushed against her. "You..." she managed to say, pausing to try to swallow the brick in her throat, "You could say that." she whispered, gripping Ash's arm tighter before she just froze altogether, struggling to find words. "Can we... fly? Please?" she mumbled, barely audible except to the keenest of ears, amber eyes locking onto Ash's blue ones pleadingly.

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Ash noted the forced smile and the saddened tone, and Ash noticed this was the second time she'd done this when he spoke of his parents. He made a mental note not to mention his parents very often in the future. There was likely some bad memories lying with Jazz. Ash decided it would be better if he didn't even comment on the matter, and moved on to the problem at hand. "Oh my, you're really not a fan, hm? I suppose we could fly if you'd like. We'll get a better view of the sights as well," Ash noted, finding flying to be a good idea. She'd also stop touching him if they flew, so that was a plus.

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