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private Manehatten Misadventures [1x1]


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Remix shrugged. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. I have a friend who has panic attacks and public breakdowns sometimes too, so I've learnt the best way to deal with them through experience." she said, crossing her own front hooves casually. She found herself falling into a natural silence, something that never really happened unless she was around Jazz. Feeling somewhat surprised by this new revelation, she racked her brain for a topic that would please Nightlight and get him talking again. "Hm... When's that play you said you were performing in?" she asked, tilting her head a little. "If I've got the time, I might pop in and watch you perform."

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Nightlight's ears flopped down. "That would be nice, but we haven't even started rehearsing yet. Heck, we don't even have a cast put together." He sighed. "It won't be for a few more months..." Nightlight felt lost in heavy depression. He'd have to stay in Manehatten for quite some time so he could rehearse. Many lonely nights awaited him in his new tiny apartment in Manehatten.  He hated thinking about it, but it wasn't enough to send him into panic mode for a second time. He let himself collapse on the seat, now lying down. He laid his head sideways, looking up at the ceiling with a forlorn expression.

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Remix frowned, staring into the distance as she tried to sort out her own jumbled up thoughts. "Oh." she said, her voice a mumble as she looked anywhere but at Nightlight. She couldn't fathom the idea of losing another friend to the simple reason of distance. "I can't stay that long. I've got friends at home. They... Need me." she said, sighing as she thought of Jazz, and the promise she'd made to be home as soon as possible. She felt him shift, and looked over to see him flopped on the seat. I better move before I take up any more space. Standing up, she moved over back to her own seat, his face now obscured by the table. 


((dang this sounds like a breakup god that took a depressing turn))

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"O-Oh. I see." Nightlight replied, not moving from his flopped-over position, relieved to see Remix had returned to her seat rather than taking off. I knew it was a lie. I knew she'd have to leave... He sighed. There was no use crying over it. He raced through his mind, looking to anything for a solution. Realization struck him: They could write letters! That's how Twilight kept in contact with Celestia. But... they'd be so far away from each other... Nightlight could already imagine freaking himself out about when her next letter would arrive. I-I can't let her go! I-I need her! We were going to be friends...!


Suddenly, Nightlight sat bolt upright, ears pricked, staring into Remix's eyes intensely, wearing what was quite possibly the most serious look he'd ever given anypony. "Let me go with you."

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Remix sighed, wondering whether or not she should call over the waitress to take their plates. Nothing for it, I guess we have to leave. Just as she was going to lift a hoof, Nightlight shot up from his seat, scaring the living daylights out of her and almost making her fall off her seat herself. She met his eyes, shocked by the intensity of the gaze and feeling like he was almost staring straight into her soul. "With me?" she asked, mimicking his words. "What? How... Where would you stay? What about the play? It would never work out." she said, shaking her head sadly. 

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Nightlight grew desperate. "Please, I'll do anything!! I just... don't want to be alone anymore... A-and besides, I don't really care about the play anyway." That wasn't true. He loved performing. But if he had to choose between friendship and the stage, there was only one right choice.


Realizing the situation was futile, he bit his lip to keep from sobbing. He didn't know where he'd stay, and he didn't want Remix to be annoyed by his presence. "I-I'll miss you," he squeaked, before dashing out out of the restaurant, leaving the lavender unicorn behind him. Tears flooded his eyes, streaming down his face as he galloped down the streets. He didn't know where he was going, and he didn't care.

Edited by Nightlight Sparkle
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Remix opened her mouth to respond with a goodbye when all of a sudden, in a blur of movement, he was gone. She looked up, startled, her eyes wide, only to be met by emptiness. Feeling a sudden wave of regret, she quickly called for the waitress, throwing bits into her hooves. "I'll be back for the change later!" she exclaimed, dashing out the door and onto the crowded street. She looked left and right, surveying the faces before being quickly lost and swamped by the crowd. "Dang it!" she exclaimed, feeling like her search was futile. "Which way did he go?"

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Panting, Nightlight found himself at the train station. He went inside, relieved to see nearly nopony around. He climbed onto one of the chairs, buried his face and his hooves, and continued to sob silently. If only it was meant to be... Despite the recent events, Nightlight kept dreaming about him and Remix being together. She was so nice, and now she'd have to leave...

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Remix approached a random pony, who was crossing her path. "Hi! Hello, uh, have you seen a pony, about this high, with a monocle and a bow?" she asked, gesturing with her hooves as she spoke. The pony frowned, seemingly deep in thought, before glancing back and forth and nodding, pointing to some distant direction. "Train station." Letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding, she thanked the pony profusely, bowing repeatedly before dashing off in the direction of the station. Please be there. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

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Nightlight's tears stopped flowing, save for a drop here and there. He stared at the clock, watching time tick slowly by. Did anything really matter anymore? He was all alone in a city for a play he wouldn't make any friends in. He cancelled the levitation spell on his monocle, causing it to crack against the floor. He loosened the bow from his mane, untying it and placing it over the fractured monocle. I don't even know who I am anymore. I-I was fine this morning, wasn't I? B-but now... Nightlight just shook his head, staring at the floor where his things lay. He was so confused about so many things, and he was in no shape to figure them out. ...I could catch the train to Ponyville and say hi to Twilight... I might as well before I disappear from this realm for good. He eyed the ticket window tiredly, debating weather or not to get up to leave.

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Remix pushed through the doors of the train station, her breath escaping from her mouth in pants. She was tired, but thanked all those years of chasing after a flying Jazz to keep her body somewhat fit. Nightlight, Nightlight, Nightlight, where is he? she thought, scanning the ponies seated at the various platforms for her friend. Unable to distinguish him, she was just about to turn away and look somewhere else when she heard the crack of glass, whipping around almost instinctively to see what the sound was. What she saw shocked her. "Nightlight?" she mumbled under her breath, noticing that a monocle was lying shattered by his hooves. As soon as he started untying the bow, her eyes widened. What is he doing? She quickly navigated to his platform, creeping up unseen as he watched the ticket booth, lifting the bow with her magic and fastening it back in his mane. "I told you already. It suits you."

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Nightlight stared, dumbfounded, at the mare that had spoken. R-Remix...? "Y-you're here..." He looked down at his broken monocle again. "I-I thought you had to leave..." His ears flopped. He couldn't keep from looking back up at Remix, still saddened, yet with a spark of hope in his eyes.

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"Well no, I'm not here, I'm a hallucination." she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes before grinning. "I do! Tonight in fact. My train is at about 11:00, after my gig ends." she said, somewhat happily even though she knew she shouldn't be. "Don't be such a Debby Downer!" she chirped, ruffling his hair. "I came to find you to say goodbye."

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Goodbye... Nightlight replayed the word in his mind as if it was foreign. He stared at Remix a long moment before embracing her tightly. I don't want you to go... He sighed sadly. "I'm going to miss you. A lot." I literally don't even know what I'll do when you're gone...

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Remix tensed up at the embrace, shocked by the somewhat out of character gesture. After a couple of seconds, however, she awkwardly and gently hugged back, patting his back a little. "Hey, I'm going to miss you too! Friends always miss each other, right?" she asked, more to console herself than him. "Just a little distance doesn't mean we won't be friends anymore." 

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Nightlight smiled sadly, not bothering to wipe away his tears. Slowly, he pulled away, beginning to accept this fate. "Th-that's true..." He looked down. "Strange how we met just hours ago, and yet I'm so attached to you..." A blush overcame Nightlight's face as he realized what he'd said. "Th-that is, um..." He sighed, impulsively embracing Remix again. "I've just never had a friend like you before." There's still so much to discuss...

Edited by Nightlight Sparkle
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Remix smiled, appreciating his sentiment. "Aw, thanks. I'm glad you think that. Guess we were just meant to be, ay?" she asked, winking and nudging Nightlight, before realising what sort of implications that sentence could've had. "Uh... I meant friends. Meant to be friends." she quickly tacked on, suddenly feeling extremely awkward. She accepted the embrace, once again patting his back. "Yep! I'm one of a kind! Just kidding." she joked, grinning from ear to ear. "Just think about it! We've only been friends for a couple of hours! If you could get close to me so easily, what's to say you can't do that for other ponies?"

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Nightlight blushed and his heart raced as Remix winked and nudged him. Did she feel the same way...? When she corrected herself, Nightlight felt his heart bruise as disappointment filled his very being. Right... Just friends...


Nightlight's ears pricked. Kidding...? What other pony could possibly be as crazy and wonderful as this mare?


Other ponies...? Nightlight sank to the ground as low as he could while remaining on his hooves. "U-um, I-I..." It wasn't that he had nothing to say. He just didn't know how to say it. Because you're outgoing and easy to talk to. Other ponies are scary. I would really rather not, and just keep to myself. Other ponies are mean. They judge. Sometimes, they throw things. Nightlight shook his head. "I can't."

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Remix watched him literally deflate, her brow furrowing in puzzlement at his odd actions. "Whyever not?" she asked, tilting her head a little. "Friends are one of the best things in the world. They bring smiles and laughter, and are there for you when you need them to be, no matter what." she said, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "I've got a friend back in Ponyville, and we've grown so close that I can't even imagine life without her." she said, smiling fondly as she thought of Jazz. "If they're mean, then it's not worth being friends with them anyway. You gotta push through the rain to see the rainbow, after all."

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I don't really have any friends... Nightlight's ears flattened. Others had given him similar advice, and he'd never found it to be helpful. "Wait, did you say Ponyville? I've always wanted to go to Ponyville!" He lit up. "Is that where you're going?" He was about to ask if he could tag along, before remembering her previous response. "...Are you sure I can't come with? I'd only visit for the night." He crossed his hooves, looking down, displaying a neutral expression.

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Remix nodded. "Yep! I live in Ponyville! The sweet, sweet, place I call home." she said, smiling. "Oh... Hmm... a night?" she thought aloud, stroking her chin as she pondered the question. "I'm not sure. Jazz doesn't tend to take well to strangers..." she said, somewhat sadly. "I'd love to have you visit, but I'd have to check it out with Jazz first." she explained, hoping he would understand. "I'd also need her to set up a room for you. We've got a guest bedroom, but it hasn't been used in a while, and we'll be reaching Ponyville early in the morning."

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"Oh..." Nightlight sighed. Must we truly say goodbye? "I-I'm still going anyway," he said in a dejected tone, his head down, slowly walking to the ticket window to get in line. "I wanted to say hi to Princess Twilight." And after that, who knows what I'll do... He looked back over at his still-shattered monocle, sighing once more.

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Remix shrugged. "Feel free. I just might be unable to accomodate you. I'd like to, I mean, the hotels in Ponyville are always a pretty bit, but if I can't then we can still hang out before you come back to Manehatten." she said, smiling at the idea of being able to spend more time with her friend. Glancing out the window, she started a little at the realisation that the sun was already low in the sky. "Shoot! What time is it?"

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Nightlight shrugged, suddenly alarmed. He hadn't brought his pocket-watch with him. "Why? What is i--?" He suddenly remembered. "You have that one thing at 11:00, right?" He looked out the window. "You still have plenty of time, by the looks of it. It's not even dark yet." Should I go watch her perform?

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"No, I don't have the thing at 11!" she exclaimed, somewhat less worried now. "My train's at 11! My gig is before that, it starts at about 8 and ends at 10 with the first wave of ponies at the nightclub. I have to be there at 7 to set up and get ready. The music's supposed to be pumping by the time ponies arrive!" she explained, somewhat grateful that she was the starting act. That meant that she wouldn't have to deal with ponies who were drunk off their hooves and the waves of requests that grew as the night went on. "The club normally cycles between DJs, one every 2 hours. I'm first up, then there's 2 after me. I'm supposed to be the one that brings them in and convinces them to stay."

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