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private Manehatten Misadventures [1x1]


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"Oh." The implications of the word "club" went totally over Nightlight's head. They didn't have those back home, but he did know there was music. "Can I, um, help you or anything? With setting up?" Nightlight enjoyed musical theater, but he was into some pop culture music too.

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"Setting up?" Remix repeated, scratching her chin. "I dunno. It's mainly organising the stage to my preference, so I'm not sure." she said, smiling somewhat apologetically before a grin spread across her face as she was struck by an idea. "Hey! I know! Why don't you come chill at the club while I play so you can make new friends? Everypony who goes to a club goes to socialise, pretty much."

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Nightlight shrugged, but the idea made him feel slightly better. "Okay." He smiled. "Shall you lead the way, then?" He wasn't sure about this, but he had nothing better to do, and if any of the attendees were half as lively as Remix, it was bound to be worth going.

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Remix smiled, nodding. "Sure! I think it's not that far from the station..." she murmured, pulling a slip of paper out from behind her ear and unfolding it. "Yep, it's through here." she said, setting off through one of the exits. "I already got all my tracks dropped off there for  easier access later."

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Nightlight trotted after remix, grateful he was no longer alone. This could be fun! He could already hear the beat of the music in his mind, saw himself dancing to it. Suddenly, he stopped, mid-trot. "Wait!" He dashed back and levitated the broken shards of his monocle. After a quick flash of his blue magic, it was repaired and hovering back over his left eye. He quickly caught up to Remix, ready for whatever wonders the night ahead would bring.

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Remix turned when he stopped, somewhat confused, only to see him reappear with a repaired monocle. Smiling, she shook her head a little before ruffling his mane. "You look more like yourself now." she said, before turning away again. "Alrighty! Allons-y!" she exclaimed, pointing a hoof dramatically and taking a step. Pausing, she glanced around before turning around, pointing in the opposite direction. "That way. Sorry. Wrong way."

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Nightlight followed suit, giggling when Remix decided they were going the wrong way. This'll be an adventure... he thought, smiling as he chased Remix to their destination. With the wind in his mane, a sudden thought struck Nightlight. I have to tell her how I feel... Before we never see each other again, at least. He then thought better of this. No! I can't tell her! I don't need to, either. We might see each other again. ...Eventually. He just shook his head as his mind quarreled with itself.

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Remix smiled happily, trotting along at a jaunty pace while whistling an equally jaunty tune, interspersing her happy song with the occasional, nonsensical lyric. They soon passed a couple of shops, the windows reflecting them both with perfect clarity. Casting an eye over the reflection, she couldn't help but smile, noting that they were quite a sight to see compared to the somewhat formal and rather stiff ponies that milled about them. "Wow, ponies here need to lighten up!"

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Nightlight snapped from his thoughts and looked around to see Remix was right. Most of the passersby were rather dull and dreary. As he saw their reflections in the window, he added a spring to his trot. We're different from them, and we'll bring the power of music crashing down on this concrete jungle!! He beamed at Remix, attempting to harmonize with her melody (mostly successful), and throwing a nonsensical lyric of his own in every now and then.

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Remix smiled, hearing him harmonize. Huh! He's pretty goshdarn on top of it. she said, raising an eyebrow at the occasional off noteDang, this brings back memories of messing around with Jazz. Pausing, she stopped singing just as she stopped walking, looking down a street and checking it's name. "Yep! Down here. Some of the shops are a little seedy in this area, so pay no mind." she said, speaking in a somewhat quieter voice as she looked pointedly at a club which had a neon sign of a mare posing seductively,

Edited by MiniKirby123
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nightlight's singing came to an abrupt stop as he saw a bright neon sign depicting a seductive mare. His eyes widened before he shook his head and kept his eyes on the ground. Maybe this was a bad idea... he said, now cautious and slower in his step. "Wh-what do ponies do at these clubs, exactly?" He questioned, daring to raise his eyes just enough to meet Remix's. He was sure she'd already told him, but he'd since forgotten.

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"Oh... Uh, whatever they wish, to be honest. As the saying goes, the law doesn't apply in those clubs." she said, shrugging a little, having grown used to the facts of the cities. "No matter where you go, there'll always be stallions looking for mares and mares willing to do anything for bits." she said, shaking her head in sadness. "That's the only thing I dislike about my job." she sighed, staring into space a little. 

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Nightlight froze, processing this new information. He knew exactly what Remix meant by that; it was one of the subject matters in the play he would soon be a part of, Les Ponies Miserables. He began quivering, his instincts telling him this was no safe place to be. If a risque mare threw herself at him, he was too physically weak to get to safety. He took a step back. As much as it saddened him to leave Remix, he just couldn't bring himself to enter the nightclub. "R-Remix...?" He was about to say I'm leaving, but what he said instead was, "I'm scared..." Shrinking down to the ground, he grasped Remix's hoof, even though he knew he'd have to let go soon.

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