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planning My Little Hunter (Supernatural RP) ((Deanmon))


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This rp is based off of the CW series "Supernatural". I happen to be a huge fan, so I'm making an rp. I guess that was sorta obvious.... Hmmmm...


Anyway! So, I will be roleplaying Deanmon. Since I don't exactly have a fully-developed plot for this rp, we're just gonna rp some random stuff with Deanmon and see where everything leads.



Yes, I know what you're thinking. '"dEmOnS dOn'T fOlLoW rUlEs" But you're not a demon. You're a pony. No, you're not a demon pony.


1. All forum rules apply.

2. Keep it as appropriate as the show.

3. We will be roleplaying as characters from the show, but if you really want to rp as your OC, let me know and I will approve your OC.

4. Destiel is canon. Although I'm all for smutty fanfics, we must adhere to the site's rules. So, it has to be fluffy.

5. I don't ship Wincest (though I don't hate those who do), so no Wincest. Sorry to those who ship it.

6. No spamming. Seriously, it's annoying.

7. Proper grammar is a must.

8. Make sure to correctly interpret the character's personality.

If you've read the rules, put "Ben is Dean's biological child" at the end of your post when you join.




If you don't follow the rules, you get punished. Seriously. (Except for the Wincest one, if you break that one, I won't penalize you. But still, try to stay away from that.)

1st offense: Warning

2nd offense (not that there should even be a first offense): Angel banishing sigil (suspension)

3rd offense (you should have learned your lesson by now, but just in case): Purgatory (banned from the rp)

Edited by Lightning Strike :3


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