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planning New Pegas, A Fallout: New Vegas inspired RP

Illiad Easle

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On 2023-08-06 at 2:55 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Indeed it is, do you have a character in mind? Or do you need some information first?

I read what you provided to generaldirection. Given there's an Institute stand-in, it gave me an idea.

I have yet to decide on this new OC's sex. Will most likely be male, though.

Any character sheet format I should fill out, or can I use GeneralDirection's entry as a template for my own? In case it is the later, @GeneralDirection would you mind if I copy your format?

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@Props Valroa

Her alignment with respect to personality is up to you. With respect to any faction her alignment will be neutral. I'm thinking that she is grateful to the Æther for thawing her out, but doesn't feel like she particularly owes them anything.

Her role in the story is also up to you. To clarify, every player character will be given the main quest from their respective starting points, but they are in no way obligated to complete that quest or to complete it for their quest giver.

Since this is a larger RP, I don't have particular goals for any character, I just want to see what you all will do in the world I have designed.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

Whatever level you're comfortable with that doesn't break the forum rules. Keep in mind that many factions in this world will take issue with inappropriate behavior.



I don't have a particular format, go ahead with whatever you think is important, and I'll ask questions later if anything is missing.



Go ahead, not having a basis will keep you from leveraging ooc information, so that works out fine.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

We'll go with that. I think it will start out with her being de-thawed by the Aether. She will indeed be grateful for them, but where that goes from there - is up for things for to play out. She will be 35 years old in this RP, I think that is neither too old, or too late. How long do you think she could have been frozen for? 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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I'm happy to help if you need it.

@Props Valroa

Following the story of the Sole Survivor, I'm going with that the Crystal Empire decided to freeze itself solid in order to protect itself from the devastating strikes, but the anti-magic bombs drained the enchantments that would have thawed the kingdom when the war was over, so it remained frozen and many of those who were thawed out didn't make it. Your character is actually the first they've managed to keep alive after thawing. So she's been frozen for hundreds of years.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

So to basically sum things up here - Troy seceded from Equestria hundreds of years ago, and the two nations had an arms race throughout time in which both of them destroyed each other with unique weaponry, leaving remaining factions as we have them in the RP. That is cool. I like it.

I imagine that the freezing of the Empire and the destruction of it at the hands of Troy will make Carnelian more sympathetic towards Equestria than Troy, so she will have a hatred of Troy for that. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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2 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

@Illiad Easle

We'll go with that. I think it will start out with her being de-thawed by the Aether. She will indeed be grateful for them, but where that goes from there - is up for things for to play out. She will be 35 years old in this RP, I think that is neither too old, or too late. How long do you think she could have been frozen for? 

Still in the bracket for Kuya Rrrrrrr....:ButtercupLaugh: no mare is safe.

1 hour ago, Jesse Terrence said:

Nvm that, didn't notice my summer is over. Sorry guys

I wish i had that kinda attitude with my studies.....

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Alright, the appearance is fine, but due to the timing he can't be AJs twin. In terms of backstory we can say that he is a descendant of AJ, we'll say he grew up in a Stable that was seized by the Solar Empire while he was young, and so he grew up under the Solar Empire and was sent to New Pegas as a scout on his first away mission. He was separated from his supervisor/rival during a Legion raid, and is now alone to accomplish his objective, which I'll explain when the RP starts.


@StrawberryMilk Simp @Props Valroa @GeneralDirection @14Fan

That gives us four players, each starting in a different area and each with a weak starting allegiance.

@GeneralDirection Is starting in New Pegas itself, with favor towards the city faction and the casino faction

@Props Valroa is starting to the north west where the Æther is docked over the Mareheim Military Base

@14Fan is starting to the North East, a short distance away from where the Solar Empire have set up a forward camp

@StrawberryMilk Simp is starting to the West in Midnight Castle, where the Legion is holed up and building their numbers.


Any remaining questions? I'm excited to get started.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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His appearance would be unchanged, and he would be a descendant of hers. Going by time we'd say that AJ would be his 5th or 6th great grandmother.

@Props Valroa

I'm thinking he works for the Legion as their patron in secret. He chooses some of the members of the legion and pretends to be Discord's spirit to get them to do things he wants. Does that make sense for him?

Alternatively he's weakened by the years of having no followers and now only exists inside your character's head as the last remaining follower.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Would make sense for him to be part of the legion. If Carnelian was frozen for a few hundred years or however,  its likely he moved on from her to become the patron of the legion. His plan to use her to take over the Crystal Empire failed. It's possible that when he finds out Carnelian still exists she would be used the same way for the Solar Empire by him.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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West in midnight castle, copy.  there Kuya will start to populate his waifu army! Muhahahaha. He shall call 8t the amazoness army khekhkee....( Please dont mind me im just messing around....or am i? Dun dun duuunnnn!)

Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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Name: Daisy "Red" Rider

Species: Earth pony

Backstory: Daisy knows little about her own past, given she recalls waking up six year ago in an empty settlement, surrounded by corpses. Confused by memories that seemed out of place, she started to wander the wasteland and ended up near the strip. Eventually, and due sheer need, she started to take jobs as a transport mule to move chems around New Pegas. She ended up showing her worth in some very extreme gunfights and finally became a courier. Despite this being her main job, she still takes some other tasks such as being a body guard or even doing bounty hunter bussinesses. By some weird reason, she feels her home is far from New Pegas, probably around the commonwealth.

Personality: Although most of the time she's cool and collected, she has a mischievious side which enjoys shootings and a good and fair barehoofed fight. She will also prank other ponies if she becomes too bored, mostly by pick pocketing them and either leaving junk in their saddles and pockets or by extracting items and kindly offering them back as gifts, laughing at the confusion the victim of her prank might run into. While not all in for justice, she still has a sense of righteousness that might take over if moved by the situation.

Age: Unknown. Looks like a young adult, yet her birthdate says she's just 6 years old, but seems to be quite familiarized with the prewar era.

Physical Description: Slightly smaller than average. Blue eyes, cream coat, chocolate mane and tail. Wears a beige duster, a brown texana and a red bandana around her neck.

Magic spells/skills: "Child at heart", lockpicking, proficient with revolvers, shotguns, rifles, knives and dynamite.

Likes: Stargazing, jalapeños, shooting, technology, barfights, poker., pickpocketing "hot potatoes" into raiders pockets.

Dislikes: Radscorps, brotherhood of steel, magic, energy weapons

Edited by Jesse Terrence
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@Jesse Terrence

Going right for the Courier starting point eh? Getting shot in the head won't help her amnesia, and will in fact make it worse.

Your backstory is fine, and she'll be able to remember it as she progresses through the story, the only corrections I'll make are her dislikes, given all but one of the things on that list don't exactly exist in this world.

Radscorps -> Glowing Siltscorps

Brotherhood of Steel -> Brotherhood of Steam

Energy Weapons -> Laser Weapons or Thaum Weapons


Otherwise, no corrections, she'll start at Sweetwater with the same Courier start as the New Vegas game.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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