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planning New Pegas, A Fallout: New Vegas inspired RP

Illiad Easle

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I did something like this before, and I thought it went well until the other player left the forums.

Anyway, this RP is NOT based on the Fallout Equestria series, as I haven't read them, and would like this to be my own work. So you don't need to know anything about that in order to participate.

This world will be based much more off of my own stories and RPs, but as those happened in the past you won't have to be familiar with them either.

The premise is this: The Equestrian Continent was divided with Equestria and its allies to the North and East, and the Trojan Empire and its allies to the South and West, with the city of Las Pegasus caught in the middle. Tensions rose until both sides launched an all out strike on the other, and both were decimated. Each side preserved some remnants of their civilizations in Equestrian Stables and Trojan Vaults, operating much like the vaults in Fallout, to open decades later when the worst of the effects had passed.

I've got a bunch of different factions, locations, and characters in mind, I can supply more information depending on interest.

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Can i put Kuya here or can i join?


Earth pony


Hunter, mercenary, drunkard, womanizer....mareanizer, expert swordstallion.

Resume: fast, strong, and precise, to compete with pegasi and unicorns. Have fought and hunted all types of monsters.

Has excellent physic, street smarts and haggling.

Will take any type of currency, especially if it involves boos and mares.


Originally from the past where the 3 ponies are not united, but was eaten by a worm hole.... A bit racist, unless he's talking to a mare.

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That was quick, and I'm glad to hear that you're interested!

Alright, more details....

It might be best if you asked questions, like what specifically you're interested in knowing, but here's a more detailed overview:

In this universe, Troy was founded in the south 100 years prior to Nightmare Moon to facilitate the southern trade caravans and was originally an Equestrian city. In the wake of Nightmare Moon and due to rampant corruption that Celestia did not address, Troy and the surrounding cities of Alphyns, Æther, Delphi, Spartrot, and Deltrot seceded from Equestria, with the city of Eponsilon being destroyed in the revolution. Celestia wrote in history that all the cities had been destroyed in the revolution, while they formed together into the Trojan Empire and established connections with the nations outside of Equestria, continuing to be a thriving trade hub.

The two nations entered into a continuous arms race, each trying to one up the other while Celestia continued trying to keep Troy's existence and success a secret from Equestria. Eventually a conflict on the neighboring continent brought the two nations into direct conflict. While the fighting started on the other continent, it eventually spread to the Equestrian continent and the Trojan/Equestrian border. Eventually, both sides launched their super weapons, as many as could were sent to the shelters, and both nations were destroyed. Troy had several Deep Science Vaults, where the residents would be tested on / exposed to items akin to those in the SCP catalogue, while Equestria had several Stables designed and controlled by Academics from her school, where the residents would be tested on similar to the Fallout vaults.

Troy and Equestria serve as opposites, while Equestria prioritized magic, Troy prioritized science. Troy also had a larger racial diversity than Equestria. Trojan weapons include standard firearms and laser weaponry, things that don't require magic to use and are adaptable to different races. Equestrian weapons were designed with ponies in mind, and are typically enchantable or require magic to use. These include the plasma and nuclear type weaponry.

The two nation's super weapons were similarly opposed, and give us two alternatives to nuclear fallout: Thaumatological residue and Antimagical residue.

Troy's antimagic bombs left several areas devoid of magic, antimagical residue is a fine powder that, when it comes into contact with a creature either on their skin or when inhaled, reduces that creature's ability to cast and be affected by magic until the powder is washed off or expelled. High enough concentrations of antimagic can result in permanent effects. This powder is often collected to make alloys that are resistant or impervious to magic, which makes for effective armor, weapons, and ammunition when fighting against a magical opponent.

Equestria's elixir bombs are made with concentrated wild magic, and has left several areas covered with a swirling miasmic goo that increases magical potency when nearby, but too much exposure can burn out the magical conduits in creatures, resulting in complete loss of magic at best or painful firey death at worst. Direct exposure to the residue can cause sudden transformations (mutations) some helpful but most deadly. In rare cases this direct exposure can cause one to transform into a faux-licorn (super-mutant), a very powerful creature who thrives in thaumatological zones but the magical overdose has caused some level of brain damage, and they quickly wither when not near thaumatological residue. This residue is often collected to make stimulants and referred to as Thaum. If administered properly it can boost your magic for a short while but can quickly cause a dependency as it burns your magical conduits.

As a third issue, the Gates of Tartarus were opened in the conflict, causing the spawn (withered husks of creatures who had been tormented in Tartarus to the point where they've forgotten everything about themselves and know only pain and hunger, they replace the ghouls) to wander the wastes. On rare occasion one will retain some memories of their past life and will be able to maintain civility. Some spawn when in contact with thaumatological residue will have a transformation similar to a faux-licorn, but not quite as powerful (replacing glowing ones).

When anti-magic and thaumatological residue are mixed it forms a sticky tar that is even harder to clean up than either of the other two separate. And if one who is infected with antimagic is exposed to Thaum it can cause the tar to form inside them.


The stage set, here's the players:

Las Pegasus sat near the border of Troy and Equestria, the city swapping loyalties at a few points in the conflict. Both sides wanted it and both didn't want the other to have it. Similar to in New Vegas, one of those living there devised a plan, and was able to spare the city and surrounding area from most of the destruction when the bombs fell. At the time the story will be set in the city is renamed New Pegas, and seeks to remain independent.

To the south, the remnants of Troy have reformed into the New Lunar Republic, which is our NCR stand-in.

To the north, the Solar Empire approaches, claiming to be the true heirs of Equestria and the whole continent, they are our Enclave stand-in, though they are more akin to the fallout 3 enclave than the New Vegas enclave.

To the east, and a large island to the west, Discord's Legion, who seek only to subjugate and destroy all civilization, citing it as corrupt and flawed, and remake the world in their own vision, they are our Legion stand-in. They have taken the castle on the island and have a portal there that they use to being in reinforcements from their western territories.

Soon after the RP begins, a large cloud structure will arrive from the Trojan side, stationing itself above the Moon Flyer's forward outpost (Nellis airforce base). They call themselves the Æther and are a stand-in/introduction of the Institute for this story, replacing the Boomers.


Per a map, you take the New Vegas map and rotate it 180 degrees. I use the Equestria and Beyond map, which puts Las Pegasus on the west side of Equestria facing water to the west with mountains on the east, so turning the New Vegas map around and making the other side of the dam an island allows me to not have to make a whole new map. Areas on the Trojan side of Las Pegasus have more Thaumatological residue, while areas on the Equestrian side of Las Pegasus have more antimagical residue. There are exceptions to this, like Black Mountain which is covered in Thaum and as such a haven for faux-licorns.


I think that's enough to get started at least, any questions?


@StrawberryMilk Simp

Joining will be a bit later as we first need to decide how your character enters the area, and make sure we have all the necessary details. Given your history I think it would make sense for Discord's Legion to summon you, they want great warriors who can help them win in battle.

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@Illiad Easle

First of all, I appreciate the amount of effort you put into this! ^^

This looks like a lot of fun. My questions for you are:

What style of RP will this be? Do you have an end goal? What types of characters would you be interested in having participate? Do we pick which faction we wish to join? 

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1 hour ago, GeneralDirection said:

What style of RP will this be?

That depends on what the players want. I could do it as a tabletop rpg, or as a simpler RP. When I did it before it involved some tabletop mechanics on my end.

1 hour ago, GeneralDirection said:

Do you have an end goal?

I think that loosely following the Courier's questline is my goal. Essentially either one faction will take control of the city, or an alliance of factions. To that end, the NLR, SE, and DL, are diametrically opposed and as such no alliance can be forged between them except for NLR and SE joining to defeat DL, at which point they will then resume hostilities.

1 hour ago, GeneralDirection said:

What types of characters would you be interested in having participate?

Any character that is not too powerful to start, that could reasonably arrive in the area at the start of the story is welcome. I envision that, similar to the Courier's journey, the characters in this RP will grow over the course of it. I don't mind if that means that a player controls more than one character or changes characters over time. Similar to a long form D&D campaign, a character could die and be replaced.

1 hour ago, GeneralDirection said:

Do we pick which faction we wish to join? 

Of course! Whether you start your journey with one of the factions or start unaffiliated and decide which faction to join is up to you, and you're free to change your allegiance later if it suits you.

Similar to New Vegas, I intend for each faction to have its perks and flaws, none of them are definitively the right faction to join, although I do have a preference.

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@Illiad Easle

Ok, this all sounds great to be honest, I like the D&D style so no issues from me there. I think a Fallout-based RP would need to have at least some tabletop mechanics. I do have one more question, are you open to having filly/foal OCs in your RP?

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@Illiad Easle

This is a very interesting concept, I have been looking to join new RPs for a long time now and you have colored my interest. Note - I will not be doing canon characters this time around like I have done in the Aether Project RP. Spiral Spell will also not be present in this RP either, I wish to use someone completely new I have not used in the forums before. 

With that in mind, I have been given permission by someone who was on the forums a long time ago to make my own version of a character he had - called Carnelian Clout. My character will have the same name, but motivations and backstory is up to change to make it fit within this RP, perhaps. I have other characters you could also look at, but they do not interest me as much as Carnelian Clout does at the moment, as I have never played her on the forums before outside of the World Cup.

I am thinking about a text-style RP, though some tabletop and different mechanics than what we have done before is quite welcome. 

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3 hours ago, GeneralDirection said:

are you open to having filly/foal OCs in your RP?

As your main character? I'd prefer that they be at least nearly adults (Like, at least 16-17 in human years)

As a sidekick to your main character? As long as you're okay with them potentially dying, I don't have any issues there.

@Props Valroa

2 minutes ago, Props Valroa said:

Note - I will not be doing canon characters this time around

No worries, there are no show canon characters here. Only my canon characters, and those are all mine so...

3 minutes ago, Props Valroa said:

called Carnelian Clout.

Hmm.... were they in the Blackwater Quarry RP by chance? I think I remember them.

4 minutes ago, Props Valroa said:

, though some tabletop and different mechanics than what we have done before is quite welcome. 

Most likely, I'll be rolling dice on my end, and the players will only need to declare actions. IFF we decide to have tabletop elements that is. We'll just use the same skill system as New Vegas.

Given what has been explained, what do you think your character's introduction/motivations here would be?

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@Illiad Easle

Yes, Carnelian Clout was in the BlackWater Quarry RP. I am fine with character death as long as it is something that is discussed beforehand and is meaningful for the plot to advance. Carnelian Clout, I discussed her with Hazard Time recently and he gave complete permission for me to use the name for my version of her, which is a bit different anyway. 

I will share with you the character sheet I have written up for her, though I will emphasize that it is completely subject to change as per your wishes.

We can discuss motivations and introduction after you have looked through her character sheet.


Name: Carnelian Clout

Age: 55

Gender: Female

Species: Crystal Pony

Personality: Carnelian is a complex individual with deep insecurities stemming from a traumatic upbringing. She is highly narcissistic, vain, and prideful, which often leads to her behaving shamelessly. Despite her cunning and intelligence, she struggles with genuine empathy and compassion. She is also known to be extremely ruthless towards anyone who crosses her. Carnelian Clout harbors absolute hatred for Equestria and their leadership.

Appearance: Carnelian is a regal-looking mare with a good looking build and striking blue eyes which are often described as intense and piercing. Her ruby mane is styled into an elaborate coiffure and adorned with a silver laurel crown. Her coat shimmers with a subtle iridescence and looks like polished marble. She carries herself with a confident and elegant posture, and when she moves, there's a fluidity to her motions that's almost hypnotic. Despite her beautiful appearance, there's an air of danger about her. Despite her elegant appearance, there is a piercing quality to her gaze that makes others feel judged in her presence.

Her need for control and dominance is often at odds with her capacity for empathy and compassion, which she struggles to express. Despite her intelligence and cunning, she's a loose cannon when pushed to her limits and has a violent streak that she's not afraid to indulge. Anyone who crosses her or gets in her way should expect to face her wrath.


Born into the noble House Onyx in the Crystal Empire, Carnelian was the eldest of two siblings. Her family had a dark secret - they were involved in a pact with an ancient shadow being called an umbrum named Malzorath. Malzorath granted them power and longevity in exchange for souls, and when Carnelian was born, her parents marked her soul with the  Malzorath's power. 

Carnelian's childhood was a traumatic one. As the firstborn daughter of the House Onyx, she was marked from birth as a vessel for Malzorath's power. Her parents subjected her to grueling physical and psychological training that left her emotionally scarred and detached from others. She was taught to view herself as superior to others and was encouraged to be ruthless in her pursuit of power. Carnelian's sister Lapis was the only source of comfort and affection in her early years. However, Lapis tragically passed away during a plague outbreak in the Crystal Empire, leaving Carnelian alone and adrift.

After years of conditioning, Carnelian rebelled against her parents and became the Malzorath's champion. She married a stallion named Flourite Jade and had a foal with him. She had planned to offer her daughter, Lazulia, to the Malzorath but her plan was foiled by her husband. In a reckless move, she murdered him and proceeded to indoctrinate Lazulia much like her own parents had done to her.

Years later, during King Sombra's reign, Carnelian attempted to seduce him to gain power. However, she was humiliated by the king and retreated into the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike. She eventually got her chance when Sombra was defeated by the royal sisters, but her daughter fled the empire, leaving her in a vulnerable position.

Despite this setback, Carnelian is still a formidable figure.

Malzorath, the Shadow Umbrum:

Malzorath is an ancient and malevolent entity that hails from a realm beyond the Crystal Empire. He is a towering figure of darkness and corruption, with hooves dripping with shadow energy and eyes that glow like molten lava. His power is immeasurable, and his influence over the House Onyx runs deep. He is a being of chaos and destruction, always seeking to sow discord, fear, and despair wherever he goes. His ultimate goal is to corrupt the Crystal Empire from within and spread his influence across all realms.

However, unlike most Umbrum, Malzorath is capable of manipulating reality and shape-shifting into several forms, which he uses to masquerade as a trusted advisor and ally to the Onyx family. His deal with them grants him a powerful anchor to the mortal realm, allowing him to manifest his power and influence with ease.


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@Props Valroa

I'll give my thoughts as I read through the sheet as to how she might fit in the universe.

13 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

Age: 55

That's a bit old to be an adventurer in the wasteland, also not much room to grow as by that stage of life one typically is set in their ways.

13 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

Species: Crystal Pony

Difficult, but doable. Being from so far north begs the question of what she's doing here, and how she got here. It would also predispose herself to loyalty to the Solar Empire given their professed connections to the alicorns of old.


Per her backstory, we have a few options.

  1. We adapt her story such that it happened in an Equestrian Stable, perhaps having the pact brought upon her by academics rather than her parents.
  2. We adapt the Sole Survivor story from Fallout 4 and have her cryogenically frozen. Her backstory is unaffected but she is now the only living creature with any connection to Malzorath.
  3. We come up with something else.

One concern I have is character motivation. It seems her primary goal as a character is the Crystal Empire, but New Pegas is a long way from there. Does she want to corrupt New Pegas instead? It doesn't exactly have much influence so she'd likely have more desire to go either to Canter Rock (SE capitol) or Phi Basin (NLR capitol).

The other concern is age. As-is, I could see her as a side character or a faction leader, like some official in the SE, but I don't think her character and motivations are really suited to be a main character in this story. 


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@Illiad Easle

We can make her younger. How does age 35 sound, for example? That would take care of the age issue, for one. In case we go with her being cryogenically frozen, we should work out why she was frozen, and why she awakened. If we go with that, it is likely Malzorath has something to do with Discord's legion. 

Or we could do something else, I am open to something else, like I said, her backstory could be entirely changed to fit the RP and we can discuss that. It is likely Carnelian Clout will be motivated by power, and not by the "common good" like Maud or Spiral, though in my writing of the character I would intend on her having valid reasons, and points, for why she does what she does rather than it being out of pure ego. 

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@Props Valroa

The idea that comes to mind is that perhaps she was frozen, along with the rest of the Crystal Empire, when everywhere else was destroyed. She was thawed out when the Æther arrived looking for resources, and wanted some information from her.

Although, that still asks how she got to New Pegas, did she stay with the Æther after being unfrozen?

I want the player characters to have a minimum of loyalty/animosity to existing factions when the story begins though, to maximize your ability to choose as the story progresses.

This can all be resolved if you're fine playing Carnelian as a Companion, someone who can be recruited by a main character.

Actually, @StrawberryMilk Simp, I think that would also make sense for your character. A Legion allied companion that could be recruited or sent out against a main character as the story progresses. What do you think about that?

@Props Valroa @StrawberryMilk Simp If we take that route, you'd each make a new character to serve as your Main character, one without much backstory or allegiance that you can shape into your own, then once your Companion characters are encountered you'd get to play them as well. 

@GeneralDirection, you've got this option too. You haven't put forward a character yet, but what are your thoughts?

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Kuya is somewhat set as a new character. He was eaten by a wormhole creature.. the next thing he knows he was isekaied. No need to be taken by discord etc. Easy.

5 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

want the player characters to have a minimum of loyalty/animosity to existing factions when the story begins though, to maximize your ability to choose as the story progresses.

Kuya has that already set... From the past medieval times set to the future. Unique and open to ideas, has lots of potential. And is a mercenary... So he already fits in on the chaos of it all.

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@Illiad Easle

That is a possible idea - however, I am not sure what my ideas would be if I was going to create a new character for this. I am open to the idea, however I can imagine for Carnelian, since everywhere else was destroyed she possibly throws her lot in with one of factions in hopes of achieving power over them. She will hate alicorns and Equestrians, however, as she views Crystal Ponies as entirely separate from Equestrians.

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@Illiad Easle

Apologies for not responding sooner. I would like to use my character Nebel for this RP. I had also been contemplating adding one of his younger sisters, Nightfall Horizon as a companion for him. I shall post her info below.

Backstory: Nightfall is the antithesis of her older brother, Nebel. She is very headstrong, willing to fight anypony, and constantly pushing herself to show her father that she has what it takes to join the Canterlot Royal Guard. Most of her energy is put towards this goal, and she doesn’t feel that her schoolwork is important. She does not understand why her brother will not step up into the roles everypony around him is expecting him to be filling.

Personality: Nightfall is a strong fighter, not very sociable, stands up for her family and the few friends she has. Likes to be outside and active in sports when not training to be a solider. Jealous of her younger sister for already having a cutie mark.

Age: 12

Physical Description: Average height and build, burgundy coat, brown and dark blue mane, and brown eyes. Her horn glows turquoise when using her magic.

Magic spells/skills: Training her skill in spells for combat. Does not have a cutie mark yet.

Likes: Fighting, training, sports

Dislikes: Meek ponies, bullies, injustice

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@StrawberryMilk Simp

You know, I think that's fair. It also gives me a better idea as to how I can tie all the player characters into the central plot hook. Kuya would be summoned as a great historical warrior and promised great power if he completes a certain task for the Legion.


@Props Valroa

On 2023-08-04 at 5:34 PM, Props Valroa said:

That is a possible idea - however, I am not sure what my ideas would be if I was going to create a new character for this. I am open to the idea, however I can imagine for Carnelian, since everywhere else was destroyed she possibly throws her lot in with one of factions in hopes of achieving power over them. She will hate alicorns and Equestrians, however, as she views Crystal Ponies as entirely separate from Equestrians.

That would cause her to clash with the Solar Empire's ideals, as they assert that the Crystal Empire is part of Equestria and thus subject to them. It will be interesting to see how this can play out.

I'm thinking that we can do something similar to @StrawberryMilk Simp's plot hook. Supposing she was thawed out by the Æther, and the Æther gave her a quest and turned her loose when they arrived at New Pegas, whould she feel particularly indebted to them? What might have happened to her during the trip that would make her no more than slightly grateful and no worse than ambivalent about them when free to do as she likes?



Nebel is fine, and including his sister as a companion works out. Given their age and Equestrian heritage I think it would make sense for them to have grown up in an Equestrian Stable near Las Pegasus, Stable 21, (The one where disputes are settled by gambling) It's history is similar to the story of Vault 21 in New Vegas, only replacing Mr. House with the Casino Heads. I'm thinking that a request was put in for the stable to send out a volunteer for a mission with a large reward for completion, and the lot fell on Nebel to complete it, his sister tags along regardless because she cannot be dissuaded.



Indeed it is, do you have a character in mind? Or do you need some information first?

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30 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Nebel is fine, and including his sister as a companion works out. Given their age and Equestrian heritage I think it would make sense for them to have grown up in an Equestrian Stable near Las Pegasus, Stable 21, (The one where disputes are settled by gambling) It's history is similar to the story of Vault 21 in New Vegas, only replacing Mr. House with the Casino Heads. I'm thinking that a request was put in for the stable to send out a volunteer for a mission with a large reward for completion, and the lot fell on Nebel to complete it, his sister tags along regardless because she cannot be dissuaded.

Very nice! I like this a lot and I agree it would make the most sense given the setting and the characters I have provided. I look forward to seeing where this will go! :kirin:

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@Illiad Easle


That would cause her to clash with the Solar Empire's ideals, as they assert that the Crystal Empire is part of Equestria and thus subject to them. It will be interesting to see how this can play out.

I'm thinking that we can do something similar to @StrawberryMilk Simp's plot hook. Supposing she was thawed out by the Æther, and the Æther gave her a quest and turned her loose when they arrived at New Pegas, whould she feel particularly indebted to them? What might have happened to her during the trip that would make her no more than slightly grateful and no worse than ambivalent about them when free to do as she likes?


Carnelian Clout absolutely hates alicorns and the leadership of Equestria (even back then), so now she would more or less despise the Solar Empire's ideals. If she is involved with the Solar Empire's faction, I suppose she would work against them and plot their downfall, if that would be possible. Carnelian's preference for Monarchy would likely put her at Odds with the NLR. It strikes me that there are a few paths Carnelian could go for here.

She would work with the Solar Empire faction and seek to dismantle their leadership and destroy them from within, one possible idea.

As for the Aether, if she was thawed out and they gave her a quest and turned her loose - depending on what that quest will be, and for who it was specifically, I am not exactly sure what my answer would be for the moment of that. 

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