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ooc New Pegas, A Fallout: New Vegas inspired RP

Illiad Easle

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Here's the OOC for the RP. The players are as follows:

@GeneralDirection Playing Nebel and Nightfall

@Props Valroa Playing Carnelian

@14Fan Playing Empire Jack

@StrawberryMilk Simp Playing Kuya

@Jesse Terrence Playing Daisy Rider


RP link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/200520-new-pegas-a-fallout-new-vegas-inspired-rp/


If you're interested in joining this RP please post in the Interest Check thread for this RP.

Edited by Illiad Easle
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@14Fan @Props Valroa @StrawberryMilk Simp @GeneralDirection @Jesse Terrence

Sorry for the delay, let's talk starting equipment while we wait for @Jesse Terrence to post.

Each of you will pick one armor, one weapon (comes with ammo), and two extras, from the list below. Post what you picked so I can keep track.


  • Heavy cloth armor (8 protection)
  • Lightweight metal armor (12 protection)
  • Armored Stable/Vault jumpsuit (8 protection)
  • Herd Raider armor (4 protection, +melee skill)
  • Standard Stable/Vault jumpsuit (0 protection, +melee skill, +speech skill)

Weapon: (T is Trojan, E is Equestrian, G is Gryphonian)

  • Trench gun (T)
  • Burst gun (E)
  • Explosive launcher (T)
  • Spell Launcher (E)
  • Talon gun (G) (Can be used by unicorns without modification, will need equine mods otherwise)
  • Broad Machete (Enchantable)
  • Lightweight rifle (T)
  • 8 Dynamite sticks
  • Lightweight laser rifle (T)
  • Weak Energy Caster rod (E)


  • 4 repair kits
  • Binoculars
  • 3 medimancy packs
  • 3 surgomancy packs
  • Canteen
  • 5 venom bottles
  • 10 throwing spears
  • straight razor
  • Spiked Boxing shoes

Everyone gets the following:

  • 4 ingestible healing solution (Trojan, Equestrian, Legion, or Herd style)
  • $18 (Trojan, Equestrian, Legion, or Chips)
  • 6 lockpicks

I can give extra information as needed.

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@Illiad Easle

Armour: Armored Stable/Vault jumpsuit

Weapon: Spell Launcher

Extras: 4 repair kits, 3 surgomancy packs.

I have a question regarding Nightfall. Since she will be Nebel's companion, will there be an opportunity for her to get geared up before they head out? I doubt that he would let her go anywhere unarmed.


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@Props Valroa

Interesting that she'd choose the Trojan weapon despite her professed hatred, but thematically it makes sense given she started on the Æther, so that's likely where she got it from.

@StrawberryMilk Simp

You'll have to earn anything special, so you'll start with the machete. Is it okay to say that you brought it with you along with your armor?

Also, you only picked one extra, you get to pick another one.


I like to think that she snuck out after him, but that's up to you. I think it makes sense for her to start with a stable suit, a talon gun, the canteen, and some food. But I'll let you set her starting equipment with the limitations that her armor is either a stable suit or light cloth armor (4 protection, +sneak), her weapon is either a talon gun, weak caster rod, or a knife, and she only gets one extra that does not include the medimancy or surgomancy packs, the throwing spears, or the venom.


As a pegasus from the SE, I think a Spell Launcher would fit best, as it allows you to drop magic from above or behind cloud cover. Alternatively the machete, or the spiked boxing shoes as an extra, would allow you to do more effective dive attacks.

Also, you only picked one extra, you get to pick another one.


If @Jesse Terrence doesn't reply by Wednesday we'll move on without them. Their start allows them to join in later with no issue anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@14Fan @GeneralDirection @StrawberryMilk Simp @Props Valroa

Alright, combat and evading detection!

Given those actions are often a back and forth interaction where you don't tend to do much between shooting and hiding, whenever you are sneaking or attacking/defending, we'll take care of it here, then once the fighting is done we'll post about it in the main thread.


Presently, @Props Valroa and @14Fan are trying to avoid detection or about to open fire on an unsuspecting foe. Let me know here what action you want to take, and we can work through the scene.


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@Illiad Easle

Seeing as Carnelian's potential foe only has a knife, I presume she will show her potential foe she is capable of defending herself. I also will say that Carnelian will show a degree of ruthlessness to them if they decide to fight back. She'll give them a chance to stand down and surrender their weapon, but if they don't, she may very well intend to loot them for information.

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@Props Valroa

3 hours ago, Props Valroa said:

she will show her potential foe she is capable of defending herself.

Describe, what exactly will she do to try and show this?



3 hours ago, 14Fan said:

very mobile, very agile, very fast, very strong

Ok, so high strength, endurance, and agility, low perception, charisma, and intelligence?

3 hours ago, 14Fan said:

So what are the enemies like?

Well, he can only see one, and Empire is behind a bush further limiting his perception, so he can tell that it is a pony, lightly armored, probably armed.

He could try to get a better look, but that would risk being detected.

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@Illiad Easle

2 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Ok, so high strength, endurance, and agility, low perception, charisma, and intelligence?

Well, he can only see one, and Empire is behind a bush further limiting his perception, so he can tell that it is a pony, lightly armored, probably armed.

He could try to get a better look, but that would risk being detected.

Works for me!

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18/13, succeeded. Peering around the bush, Empire can see that the patrolling guard is an earth pony stallion, but he looks a little sickly, like there's a faint purple glow to him. Empire was taught in his scout training something about that, (12, failure) but he can't quite remember what it meant.

The stallion has some sort of weapon that Empire hasn't seen before but it looks like a form of ranged weapon.


@Props Valroa

Firing a warning shot gives away her position, and startles the pony, but the don't back down, "Th-there you are!" They point the knife at Carnelian, "Now hoof over your weapons and gear before I have to get stabby."

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian would look to the stranger as she came out clean in the open - with the barrel of her Trojan laser gun aimed directly at the pony. "Be a good colt and hand over your knife to me." she said with a sly grin. "You are in no position to demand anything, so do so before I get trigger happy with you." she said, the gun aimed directly at him as she drew closer. 

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