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ooc New Pegas, A Fallout: New Vegas inspired RP

Illiad Easle

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@Props Valroa

The ruffian decides to throw the knife at you rather than drop it as they turn to flee. Carnelian barely fails to dodge it, getting scratched but otherwise unharmed.

In dodging, she catching a glimpse of... something... approaching from behind, maybe reinforcements for the ruffian?

The ruffian is running towards the damaged golems rather than seeking cover in the craft. Something else is approaching, allegiance unknown.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian would take note of the other thing approaching. With no clue what it was - she took the opportunity to run towards the ruffian as she kept firing her laser rifle. Either way, she would proceed to begin moving away from the situation. Whether she hit the Ruffian or not - it wouldn't change the outcome that she would continue moving away until she could tell what the approaching thing was.

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@Props Valroa

Carnelian gets two good hits on the ruffian before they can take cover behind one of the damaged golems, giving Carnelian a chance to see that what was approaching was a second ruffian, this one was a unicorn mare, and she had some sort of small gun on her. She takes cover on the higher ground and prepares to fire on Carnelian.

Carnelian has a clear path to go inside the craft and take cover there.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian saw the unicorn mare firing at her - but she proceeded to go inside the craft in order to take cover - preparing her gear for a more painful conflict than she anticipated. She wasn't going to go down so easily, and would make it clear she was prepared to use any possible advantage she has to render the unicorn mare a non-threat. Preferably alive, for questioning. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa

Even with advantage the rolls just aren't coming out in Carnelian's favor. Which is to say that these ruffians aren't making it easier for her to hit them, which makes sense given they've been in tons of fights before, while this is Carnelian's first time so to speak.

It doesn't look like there's anything worth looting in this craft anyway. (I keep coming up with ideas thinking that Carnelian is a unicorn, but she's a crystal pony, right?)

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@Props Valroa

Since she's a unicorn, she can use melee weapons at a range proportional to the average of her strength and intelligence scores for a duration set by her endurance score. That means that, from behind cover, she can attack with melee weapons to get around their cover.
She can also cast spells directly, depending on what she knows.
She can also teleport to a new position, making escape easy.

Edited by Illiad Easle
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On 2023-10-09 at 9:17 PM, Illiad Easle said:


Goods and services aren't the only things you can get at a trading hub....

  Reveal hidden contents

... You can also get information, and some creatures there might even give it for free if you know what to ask.


That's a good point. I have edited my response to add some additional dialogue where my characters stop and interact with somepony working at the trade hub. :)

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@Props Valroa

Ha! Caught in 4K, You shadow edited your post!


Trying to make me look the fool eh? :pout:


In all seriousness though, I should have reread your post before responding for that reason. It does concern me though that people can edit their posts on the forums without there being an indication of an edit.

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24 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

@Props Valroa

Ha! Caught in 4K, You shadow edited your post!


Trying to make me look the fool eh? :pout:


In all seriousness though, I should have reread your post before responding for that reason. It does concern me though that people can edit their posts on the forums without there being an indication of an edit.

This too is troubling me.... can we make a request for that? Edit notification?

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@Props Valroa

Given she entered the craft from the side, it stands to reason that there might be another exit on the opposite side.
Digging through the junk the ruffians have gathered, she is able to find the other door and open it. There is a wall of dirt about a width away from the craft and running the length of it. It will be a tight fit, but she should be able to push through.

From there she can sneak towards the back of the crashed craft, towards the front of the craft, or leverage the closeness of the wall to climb on top of the craft.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian was able to dug through the junk and from there - she found the other door and headed outside. Pushing through the wall of the dirt she would sneak around towards the top of the craft. It should give her a chance to get a bird's eye view and have the highground of her surroundings. 

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@Illiad Easle

Nightfall looks back up at her brother for help. He sighs but recognizes the value of getting more information on the pony they were looking for.

 “We’re looking for a female earth pony that goes by the name of Red. She was headed northeast towards Sweetwater and Primm. She was ambushed somewhere in between there, and we’ve been tasked to find the pony responsible.” He explains to the diamond dog.

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The diamond dog looked thoughtful, "Red... Reeeed..." They looked over their shoulder, "Hey Lobo, do we know a pony named Red?"

With a sigh a much larger diamond dog sat up, "Ummm..." he scratched his head, "Wasit that pony what does deliveries? Da special ones?"

The first diamond dog looked thoughtful, then nodded, "Yeah I think that's right." They turned back towards the ponies, "Haven't seen them in a while though, they only passed through when they had something to deliver, usually to the Armers whose set up shop underneath the bridge." They pointed to a nearby railway bridge with a cart set up in the shade beneath it. "But that makes sense if you're out looking for them. Prime has an office for the Pony Express, maybe someone there knows something more?"

They shrugged, "You have any leads on why they might have been ambushed? Or who might have been after them?"

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@Illiad Easle

Nebel makes a mental note to visit the Pony Express in Primm. “It’s as you say, she was a courier. I was not told what she was transporting, but clearly it was very important, whatever it was. I also was not told who ambushed her, that is what I am trying to figure out.

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The dogs don't have any other information for you. You can quote their words into your next post as you decide where to go from here.

@StrawberryMilk Simp

I mean, you can always look back at our previous posts to remember things, I do that all the time.

The short of it, you've been tasked with retrieving the golden relic that the Solar Empire is after. Your map has been marked with the rail line on the east side, so heading east will get you there. As you move I'll describe points of interest as you pass them, which you can choose to investigate or ignore.

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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:


The dogs don't have any other information for you. You can quote their words into your next post as you decide where to go from here.

@StrawberryMilk Simp

I mean, you can always look back at our previous posts to remember things, I do that all the time.

The short of it, you've been tasked with retrieving the golden relic that the Solar Empire is after. Your map has been marked with the rail line on the east side, so heading east will get you there. As you move I'll describe points of interest as you pass them, which you can choose to investigate or ignore.

Yeah i remember heading east.... But you pointed out something that has a point of interest from the north east and south east part of the map.... Or am i just confused again....ima check it again...

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