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New Pegas, A Fallout: New Vegas inspired RP

Illiad Easle

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@StrawberryMilk Simp

Looking at a map, Otho shook his head, "They're heading the exact opposite way as our destination, so I would consider that a side-track. But as to whether they're worth pursuing," he shrugged, "Can't say. It's not like your objective has a time limit."


@GeneralDirection @Evil Pink One

The group travelled south on the main road, keeping their distance from the troops gathered at the glowing tower, though they weren't traveling long before they were set upon by the same gang that had attacked Nebel and Night on their pass through the previous day, only they didn't have the NLR soldiers to back them up.

The fighting looked intense, and one of the griffons was injured.

Would one of their following groups step up to help? or wait to see how it played out?


@Props Valroa

The clouded city was difficult to traverse, the bomb having done significant damage in addition to the anti-magical effects. Carnelian wouldn't find anything of value until the fifth building she searched, which seemed to be an armory, mostly undamaged.

Her discovery didn't go unnoticed, as three spawn seemed to have noticed her, a unicorn, a pegasus, and a zebra.

They didn't seem to know exactly where she was though, but they were approaching the building she was in.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian knew that she wouldn't be able to outrun the three spawn with whatever she had found inside - but would enter into the building to look for a spot to hide. It would be easier to fire on her enemies in a confined space, if it was possible. But for now, she just opted to hide inside the armory if there was a spot.

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On 2024-02-04 at 6:01 AM, Illiad Easle said:

@StrawberryMilk Simp

Looking at a map, Otho shook his head, "They're heading the exact opposite way as our destination, so I would consider that a side-track. But as to whether they're worth pursuing," he shrugged, "Can't say. It's not like your objective has a time limit."


@GeneralDirection @Evil Pink One

The group travelled south on the main road, keeping their distance from the troops gathered at the glowing tower, though they weren't traveling long before they were set upon by the same gang that had attacked Nebel and Night on their pass through the previous day, only they didn't have the NLR soldiers to back them up.

The fighting looked intense, and one of the griffons was injured.

Would one of their following groups step up to help? or wait to see how it played out?


@Props Valroa

The clouded city was difficult to traverse, the bomb having done significant damage in addition to the anti-magical effects. Carnelian wouldn't find anything of value until the fifth building she searched, which seemed to be an armory, mostly undamaged.

Her discovery didn't go unnoticed, as three spawn seemed to have noticed her, a unicorn, a pegasus, and a zebra.

They didn't seem to know exactly where she was though, but they were approaching the building she was in.

( sry busy going to be active again around feb 20)

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Illiad Easle

On 2024-02-04 at 6:01 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The fighting looked intense, and one of the griffons was injured.

Would one of their following groups step up to help? or wait to see how it played out?

" hey Otho, you good at fighting?" Kuya Asked.

But before Otho could look where he is and reply he's already charging towards the battlefield.

Help he does! And the battle crazed pony would fight with the losing side as it poses more challenge!( I'm guessing the one with the griffon's losing?)

Of course the battle has started and he gas seen what his enemy has got for him.

If they're all melee he'd charge through, if there are ranged units, he'll stealthily go at the back and finish them off first.

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