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New Pegas, A Fallout: New Vegas inspired RP

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian had ceased her attempt at trying to shoot at them and realized it was better to conserve her ammo supply. She'd have retreated back into the craft and found a way onto the roof. On the roof she'd get her bearings and directions straight. "As much as I'd like to kill those filthy fools - it's not worth it...when I can face something far worse in the future. Feh." she said to herself in a moment of clarity. With the Ruffians having focused on heading towards the craft, she'd proceed to sneak around them towards the ruined farmhouse she saw earlier. Perhaps there is something of value there, if not, needed shelter. 

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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

They raised opposing eyebrows, before sharing a look. The two shook their heads before one turned back towards Kuya while the other turned towards the tent. The one looking at Kuya commented, "Perhaps you should leave this to us, the professionals, and you simply focus on your task." The other would then turn to follow the first, heading towards the tent where the captive was kept

 Curiosity peaked, he'd try to look inside the tent and see for himself whats really up. But if the ones guarding the tent was heavily and properly guarded he wont bother risking more suspicion on him.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Otho nodded, "Yes, that is what the poultice of weakness is for." He looked in his bags, and pulled out a small pouch filled with a fine glowing purple dust. "You throw it at magic users, and it disables their magic. They can't grasp it, and once it's inside them they are easily dispatched."

He stowed it back away. "Those two taught me that it can be added to food and drink as a poison, but I was never stealthy enough to pull it off in practice. Some of the stronger ones in the Legion have this melded into their armor, protecting them from being lifted as you said, as well as from other magic."

(Since you just shook his hoof, it would be weird to shake it again.)

Otho looks off into the distance, "I think I would learn better seeing your strength in action, rather than theory. Shall we be off?"

" If you're ready then im ready. Lets go!"

He picked up his stuff with ease and lead the way to the next destination.

He looked at the map and headed to their  nearest destination towards their goal.

( i forgot what im suppose to do or get.)

@Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Nightfall looks back up at her brother for help. He sighs but recognizes the value of getting more information on the pony they were looking for.

 “We’re looking for a female earth pony that goes by the name of Red. She was headed northeast towards Sweetwater and Primm. She was ambushed somewhere in between there, and we’ve been tasked to find the pony responsible.” He explains to the diamond dog.


The diamond dog looked thoughtful, "Red... Reeeed..." They looked over their shoulder, "Hey Lobo, do we know a pony named Red?"

With a sigh a much larger diamond dog sat up, "Ummm..." he scratched his head, "Wasit that pony what does deliveries? Da special ones?"

The first diamond dog looked thoughtful, then nodded, "Yeah I think that's right." They turned back towards the ponies, "Haven't seen them in a while though, they only passed through when they had something to deliver, usually to the Armers whose set up shop underneath the bridge." They pointed to a nearby railway bridge with a cart set up in the shade beneath it. "But that makes sense if you're out looking for them. Prime has an office for the Pony Express, maybe someone there knows something more?"

They shrugged, "You have any leads on why they might have been ambushed? Or who might have been after them?"

Nebel makes a mental note to visit the Pony Express in Primm. “It’s as you say, she was a courier. I was not told what she was transporting, but clearly it was very important, whatever it was. I also was not told who ambushed her, that is what I am trying to figure out. Very well, thank you for the information, we shall be on our way now. Come on, Nightfall, let's go."

Once they left the trading camp, Nebel stopped and checked to ensure they were going the correct way.

"So, us stopping to ask those diamond dogs was helpful, wasn't it?" Nightfall asked with a bit of a smug grin.

"Yes, yes, they gave us a lead to explore about the Pony Express. I will admit that, in this case, it was helpful asking for information. But not everypony you ask out there is going to be so helpful. Some ponies have malicious intent and we could end up in grave danger." Nebel explains.

"You worry too much." Nightfall stated.

"You don't worry enough."

The two siblings continued on their way. Nebel would take great care to make sure they stuck to the main road in spite of all Nightfall's meandering.

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@Props Valroa

Carnelian was able to get around the ruffians and distance herself from the situation.

As carnelian approached the farmhouse, she saw that it had been burned down not long ago, the roof was gone, so it wouldn't provide much shelter. There were a pair of barns nearby, though they too were in a sorry state, and seemed to be occupied by what looked like cows, only... different. They were clearly malnourished for one thing, which was understandable given the lack of food growing in the area, and they didn't seem to have that intelligence that the cows in Equestria had had. 

If she investigated the burned farmhouse, she'd find a pair of graves just outside, and the charred corpse of what looked like a pony.

If she looked around more closely, she'd be able to find some pages that had survived the fire, seemingly from a journal.


The sequence of events was unclear, but it seemed like the diary owner had been a younger pony, whose parents had gone to a nearby town, Searchlight, for supplies, but hadn't returned after some time.

The pony had gone to look for them, and found that the town was infested with Spawn. They recovered their parents' bodies and buried them.

They pony seemed to think that the cows planned to take over the farm now that their parents were dead, so they decided to burn the place down.


@StrawberryMilk Simp

Following the road to the East, They would soon approach the ruins of a town called Searchlight, Otho would stop Kuya before they got too close, "Careful, this is Searchlight, it used to be a city for the NLR, their furthest north one, before some other members of the Legion managed to detonate an old Anti-magic bomb in the city." He would point to the glowing purple dust blowing about, "You don't want to breathe too much of that stuff in, it can cut off your magic completely, but if you can collect it you can make poultice of weakness from it."

There was some movement inside the city, shambling things moving about the buildings, "Also, a bunch of Spawn moved in. We might want to go around it, rather than through it."



As they headed north, they passed signs for Stable 11 and Boulder City, the former seemed to point to a cave opening, and the latter to the ruins of a city, though there was evidence of creatures living there and some structures still standing.

The would also pass the remains of what looked like a military convoy, symbols on it indicated it was Equestrian, pre-war. It seemed to have been headed towards the Stable before it was abandoned. They could see that some of the containers in there appeared intact, but were locked. They would have to try and pick them open if they wanted to see what was inside.

Further south, they passed a dried lake, in the middle of the lake there seemed to be a colony of giant ants, there were a few large ants presently fighting some wild feral dogs over some sort of carcass.

They would eventually encounter a service station building, it seemed to have some rougher types living out of it. If they weren't careful sneaking around it, they would be spotted and attacked.

In the distance, to the south west, there was a large tower-like structure, it seemed to glow like it was charged with magic.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian approached the farmhouse but stayed away from the odd looking cows. "Is this what I am left with? A dead Empire, and a dead world? My, how I must be cursed..." Carnelian sighed in a frustrated fashion, and proceeded to investigate the place - finding the charred corpse. "Poor soul. The question is, did you deserve it?" she questioned, looking around further. Upon finding the diary, she would read it - unable to make much sense of it other than that the Spawn were something of an infestation. With that in mind she'd look for anything valuable to take - before heading off in a random direction.

She had no clue where to go, or who to even seek if she were so inclined to find help. 

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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Following the road to the East, They would soon approach the ruins of a town called Searchlight, Otho would stop Kuya before they got too close, "Careful, this is Searchlight, it used to be a city for the NLR, their furthest north one, before some other members of the Legion managed to detonate an old Anti-magic bomb in the city." He would point to the glowing purple dust blowing about, "You don't want to breathe too much of that stuff in, it can cut off your magic completely, but if you can collect it you can make poultice of weakness

" i see.... Hmm."  He ponders.

" well i am an earthpony... We do have a bit of magic but i wonder how that'll affect me?" Kuya has a strong body and barely focuses on his earth pony magic side, and more on brute strength.

Would it just weaken his strength or make him completely useless?

"Otho, i said we need to be smart as well correct? One way is to learn, your weaknesses of yours and others. And also how to use that weakness."

He then approaches the purple mist and tried to grab it with a cloth as much as possible.

Then he proceeds to inhale the mist in small quantities.

" observe on what happens to me okay Otho. Learn from my mistakes."


If nothing major changes.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

There was some movement inside the city, shambling things moving about the buildings, "Also, a bunch of Spawn moved in. We might want to go around it, rather than through it."

" quite wise you are. We should do that. But we should make the radius of going around as small as possible. We dont want to take long on going around. Also id like to at least fight one of them... You know? For experience. How many can i fight off. Know their weakness. Their pattern and movements. How they think. And also can you handle fighting it?"

@Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

Nebel took note of the signs for Stable 11 and was slightly curious as to what life would be like in another stable. But now wasn’t the time for random exploration, perhaps he could venture out to it another time. Nightfall certainly would not turn down that opportunity.

Further down the road, the two come across an abandoned military convoy. Somehow, some of the containers appeared to be unopened. Having brought a few lockpicks with him, Nebel couldn’t resist the urge to see if he could get into any of them. He approaches one of the containers, takes his lockpicks and screwdriver out from his saddlebag, and starts to work on the lock. Nightfall quietly keeps an eye out for any potential trouble so her brother can focus.

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@Props Valroa

On 2023-10-27 at 1:57 PM, Carnelian Clout said:

She had no clue where to go, or who to even seek if she were so inclined to find help. 

The last information she had been given for a potential destination was to head East, which was also directly away from Searchlight, which was good if she wanted to distance herself from danger. She would be able to see the lights of civilization to the south, and if she remembered how Equestria was laid out, she might realize that that was about where Las Pegasus had been. So heading that direction might help her to find purpose. She also hadn't explored the Academic Research Area that she had seen in the East, now North-East from where she was, so if she were heading East anyway, she might as well see if she could find anything.

She wasn't able to find anything of value in the ruins of the farm, it didn't look like those who had lived here were all that well to do before they died, and the fire had claimed everything else.

(You can pick a destination in OOC and I'll give more details.)


@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-10-27 at 3:10 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" observe on what happens to me okay Otho. Learn from my mistakes."

Otho did not approve of Kuya's actions, but he didn't move to stop him.

Having lived his whole life connected to the magical field, Kuya could be forgiven for not recognizing just how much it had influenced him, and how much he had taken its effect for granted.

As soon as the fine particles entered his body he could feel it's effect, like ice in his blood sapping his energy. His body felt heavy without his earth pony magic to bolster him. The ground beneath his hooves felt... dead, in that he could no longer feel the dormant life and energy within it.

The effect was slow enough in building that he might have taken more than one breath, but even one was enough to cause a lasting effect. [Kuya has anti-magic poisoning, rank 1. Time remaining: 3 Days]

The dust was a strong irritant as well, causing coughing and sneezing.

(I think that qualifies as a major change, let me know in the OOC if you still want to proceed or if something needs clarifying.)



Nebel would break three pins in the process, but the fourth one would get the box open, revealing an assortment of Equestrian ammunitions, mostly energy cells but there was a collection of flasks for his spell launcher (3 explosive, 2 incendiary, 1 cryo).

The other boxes in the convoy had already been picked over, so this was all they were getting out of this one.

(If they continue traveling after taking the new ammo, their sights are the same as in my previous post. Let me know in OOC if they take a different path.)

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It was his first time being exposed to this chemical  which took him by surprise...

He'd then try to shake it off.

" Wooohhhhh..... Im good am good...otho... Lets grab as much as we can of these powders. Just be careful otho."

Proceed collecting.

On 2023-10-28 at 5:10 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

quite wise you are. We should do that. But we should make the radius of going around as small as possible. We dont want to take long on going around. Also id like to at least fight one of them... You know? For experience. How many can i fight off. Know their weakness. Their pattern and movements. How they think. And also can you handle fighting it?"


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@Illiad Easle

After three pin breaks, Nebel was feeling worried that he wouldn’t be able to get this lock open after all. He took a moment to put his tools down and take some deep breaths before he grabbed his last pin and went to work on the lock. Thankfully, he got it open, and found an assortment of ammunition inside. Most of it would not be useful to them, but he did find some flasks for his spell launcher, which he placed into his saddlebag. He wasn’t sure if the remainder would have any worth, so he grabbed a small amount of each remaining ammo type and placed those in Nightfall’s saddlebag. Perhaps they might encounter another place to trade things later.

The two unicorns would pass a dried lakebed and a service station, both of which were infested with various baddies that Nebel and Nightfall took great care to sneak past. They also noticed a large glowing tower off in the distance, which caught their attention for a few moments. While it was intriguing, Nebel decided it was in their best interest to stick to the road like they had been told earlier by the NCR soldiers. Much to Nightfall’s annoyance.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian would opt to head East from where she came from to take a deeper look into the Academic Research area. She hopes she would find something useful there. "There better not be any bandits there, I swear...I would have killed them all if I could." she said, smiling with a wicked bloodthirsty expression as she made her way there. It'd take her a bit to reach there at the research area. All the way there she had her weapon drawn, ready to shoot at any bandits who would get in her way. Thankfully there were none. 

When she arrived at the Research Area, she would deal with the heightened radiation in this area. As Carnelian approached the bunker she would notice the vibration of the eyepiece she has as well as this sudden feeling of being powerful. She'd pull down the eyepiece to view what it said. "Avoided bandits. Now walking into an irradiated area..." she spoke. "Just my luck." she rolled her eyes as she saw the rising levels of radiation on the gauge. Looking to the bunker, she decided that she would take the risk and head into the bunker.

Though due to how good she felt - she wondered, was it because she was a Crystal Pony? Was there some kind of specific reaction that Crystal Ponies would have for this radiation? Entering into the bunker, she'd go in with the plan of getting out within a minute or so but it crossed her mind. Was she immune to it's negative effects? 

Crystal Ponies were not like normal ponies, for the most part. They had a completely different bodily chemistry and make-up than other types of ponies. So in her mind, it was possible. "So Crystal Ponies are the superior race after all, heh heh..." she smirked to herself devilishly. 

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@StrawberryMilk Simp

Otho had already put on a mask to protect himself from breathing in the dust by accident, but would still keep his distance, "Others in the Legion use specialized tools to collect the dust without risking themselves. I won't risk myself getting covered in that stuff, and I'd advise you get some distance before things get any worse for you. You have plenty in that cloth of yours anyway, and if you stay there much longer your coat will be full of it."

Otho would remain well outside where the dust was blowing around, but he would offer a spare dust filter mask if Kuya asked.

If Kuya insisted on collecting more of the dust, he would cause more of it to blow around, which would mean breathing in more if he didn't ask for a mask first. Even with the mask, it would get all over him.

(If he collects without the mask, he'll reach level 2 anti-magic poisoning)

(In either case, he gains anti-magic coating level 1 until he next washes, granting an additional 25% reduction to magical effectiveness)


On 2023-11-03 at 1:41 AM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:


Moving around the city, Otho would continue to maintain his distance form the dust, regardless of how closely Kuya decided to walk. While the shambling shadows inside the city didn't pay them moving much mind, if Kuya made too much noise they would start to head his way.

(More in the OOC if you choose this path)

Otherwise, they would make it to the other side of Searchlight without incident. Dead ahead of them stood the remnants of a farm, a few stalks of corn still stood in front of the dilapidated structure. Otho would comment, "Looks like the Vipers have been through here. They're a minor gang, they're smart enough to leave the Legion alone... usually."

In the distance to the north they could see some other structures, as well as a trial of smoke even further north. 



While the two of them thought they were sneaky, only one of them had any real skill in it. As such Nebel was spotted by the rough looking ponies in the service station, who didn't hesitate to start attacking them.

They could see the base of the glowing tower, and it looked like there was some sort of military presence there. If they ran they might be able to get there before the raiders caught up to them.

About the same distance in the opposite direction was that city they had seen earlier, and they could use the caravan as cover from the raider's attacks.

They could try running through the dried lake, maybe the creatures in there would be distracted by the raiders and leave them alone?

Of course, they could always stand their ground and fight back, maybe put their new spell flasks to use. There were a few bits of rubble they could take cover behind, their smaller forms giving them a small advantage here.

(combat or running in the ooc)


@Props Valroa

Not being in a hurry, Carnelian was able to investigate the contents of the bunker. She found several pages of notes, both old and recent, about the effects of the Thaum. There was what looked to be an undamaged suit in one of the lockers that could provide protection if she wanted.

One of the notes was particularly enlightening (+1 intelligence)

After a bit in the bunker, right about at the minute mark, the powerful feeling within her shifted to more of a burning feeling, like her blood had grown hot, and was starting to burn her as it coursed through her.

[Carnelian has Thaumatological burnout, rank 1.]

She would feel the burning feeling feel slightly alleviated if she moved closer to the concentration of radiation, while moving away would cause the burning to increase for a bit before gradually subsiding.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian would proceed to enter into the bunker, and thus locate the various notes. Upon seeing the effects of the Thaumatic radiation she would smirk, "Not a problem for me. I was right. Those filthy Equestrians wouldn't be able to last as long as me within this enviroment..." she said to herself quietly as she kept the notes with her in her saddlebags as she proceeded to search the place, locating the undamaged suit.

"Might as well. Can't have an Equestrian taking it, now can I?" she smirked to herself and then would notice the powerful feeling inside of her - the burning feeling inside her blood. Carnelian opted to experiment a bit with this, moving back and forth a bit to feel the various affects of it. After doing so, she'd equip the suit and proceed to look for more things of interest within the bunker.

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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

If he collects without the mask, he'll reach level 2 anti-magic poisoning

He receives this in exchange of having more of that powder to use.

" Ehhh this'll make me stronger. Its time i dont rely on magic."


2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

While the shambling shadows inside the city didn't pay them moving much mind, if Kuya made too much noise they would start to head his way.

" Hey Otho. Are those shadows not affected by this dust?"

He asked.

2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Looks like the Vipers have been through here. They're a minor gang, they're smart enough to leave the Legion alone... usually."

" Anyway lets get some corn. And if we end up meeting them.... Why not have a little chat with them?"

2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

the distance to the north they could see some other structures, as well as a trial of smoke even further

"So any idea what this smokes are?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-11-07 at 11:37 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" Ehhh this'll make me stronger. Its time i dont rely on magic."

Otho rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

On 2023-11-07 at 11:37 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" Hey Otho. Are those shadows not affected by this dust?"

He asked.

Otho looked over, "I'm sure they are, but they're too mindless to notice. It's rare that a spawn flies or uses magic typically. Those ones are especially dangerous. So the ones in there will be weaker than what you would find elsewhere, but not by too much."

On 2023-11-07 at 11:37 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

"So any idea what this smokes are?"

Otho would look in the direction he pointed, pulling out some binoculars, "Looks like a raider camp, a small one, and the burned out remains of an old farm."

As he turned his gaze East he would notice a fresh pillar of smoke, "That's something though, that's about where another settlement is, one the legion was intending to raid. Looks like they were successful."



On 2023-11-12 at 2:45 PM, GeneralDirection said:

Nebel’s ears perk up as he hears noises from the service station, seems their efforts to remain undetected had been thwarted. Nebel freezes up, unable to decide what they should do.

Nightfall yells at her brother to break him out of his trance. She sees the military force at the glowing tower and takes off as fast as she can towards it. Nebel follows, and due to his taller physique, can run much faster. He places her on his back as he heads towards the tower.

Their attempts at running was not without it's struggles, as the rough terrain made running difficult. To their credit though, it seemed to be hindering the raiders just as much, if not more. Allowing them to get some distance from them.

As they neared the glowing tower they would attract the notice of some of the patrolling guards. A pegasus guard dropped from the sky to land in front of them, weapon drawn, before they could reach the fence, "Halt! This is a restricted a-"

He cut himself off as he noticed the raiders pursuing them, "This better not be a trap." He took off back into the sky, heading to pass over the pursuing raiders.

Nebel and Nightfall would see a small object fall from the pegasus, and as soon as it hit the ground a pair of the raiders were dispatched by the ensuing explosion. The remaining raiders decided to flee, and the pegasus did not pursue them.

In the mean time another patrolling guard approached, an earth pony, "You two alright? This isn't the safest place for two young ponies like yourselves to travel unaccompanied."


@Props Valroa

As Carnelian equipped the suit the burning feeling inside her would intensify as she was wholly cut off from the radiation. It would take several minutes for the burning to subside a bit (The burning will continue at a low level until the burnout expires, or until she removes the suit.)

There were a few scattered notes about what was being tested. It seemed that this site belonged to Celestia's School at one point, and they were testing how to launch concentrated wild magic bombs as well as studying the effects.

There wasn't an example of it here, though there were some sketches of prototypes. Maybe if she could find other test sites she could make something of it?

Other than that, there wasn't anything else for her here.

If she left the bunker, she would see a new pillar of smoke rising from the south east. It looked recent, and big.

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@Illiad Easle

Carnelian would feel the burning subside slowly over time. With the suit on, she would feel free to study the site as much as possible and would locate the various sketches. Taking some time, she'd read through the various notes. "Curses, these barbarians and their toys. Troy and Equestria, both of them have the world's death to call their grand achievement. Oh, what I wouldn't give for this to have never happened..." she grits her teeth. Realizing how hopeless this all felt, she figured that she would take these sketches with her and attempt to locate other test sites. If there was anything here of a map, she would have taken it.

Once she excited the bunker, she would see the smoke rising in the distance. Likely a massive explosion went off somewhere in the distance. Wasn't somewhere she wanted to go.

Truth be told, she would rather just do what she can to garner as much information on her own as possible. She'd rather not try her luck and risk getting involved with bandits again, especially not after the fiasco she just went through.

And so, like that, she'd head in the opposite direction of the smoke rising in the distance. 

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43 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

he turned his gaze East he would notice a fresh pillar of smoke, "That's something though, that's about where another settlement is, one the legion was intending to raid. Looks like they were successful."

" Should we join the party as well?" He asked but intended to go to that direction of smoke.

" who knows? We might find something of value there?" He informed Otho.

@Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

The ground was difficult to traverse, a few times Nebel almost stumbled, but luckily, he kept on all fours and continued running until he got close to the tower. There, he would stop as a pegasus guard approached them. He saw the raiders, and flew by the unicorns, dropping some sort of explosive near a couple of the raiders, wiping them out and discouraging the rest from continuing their pursuit.

An earth pony guard asked them what they were doing. Nebel had to take a few moments to catch his breath before responding.

“Ah, yes, we’re ok now, thanks to that explosion. We’ve been trying to stick to the main road to avoid confrontation, but I knew it was inevitable we’d come across some real trouble at some point. Thank you for your assistance, we both truly appreciate it.”

Nightfall nods in agreement while her brother grabs his canteen from his saddlebag and takes a drink.

“By the way, we’re looking for a courier named Red, an earth pony. She was in the area recently, headed to Primm. Anypony here happened to see her?” Nightfall queried.

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@StrawberryMilk Simp

Otho shrugged, "Sounds more reasonable than your plan to fight the spawn unprovoked. I'll lead the way."

Otho would lead Kuya to the road, then follow it in the direction of the smoke. As the path passed between some hills, they passed another farmhouse, this one seemed in decent condition, but appeared unoccupied. Otho wouldn't comment on it unless Kuya asked, "Hmm? Can't say I know much about it. Apparently someone loyal to the legion lives there, when they're not running errands. A Courier I think they're called?"

In either case, Otho would motion for Kuya to stop, and to take cover behind a large rock, "Someone's coming this way, and moving fast."

Looking further up the road, a unicorn in a checkered suit flanked by a pair of gryphons were running down the path towards them. While the unicorn didn't look too terribly strong, the gryphons were each at least double Kuya's size.

"They don't look legion, I think that unicorn's from the city, but those gryphons are definitely with the Talons. Mercenary types, so while they're not hostile to the legion, they're not exactly friendly either. I'd guess that unicorn hired them for protection."



The guard looked thoughtful, "A Courier you say? I can't say I'm too familiar with them, we may have seem them passing on the road on occasion, but we don't typically need their services. Tell you what though, not too much further up the road is a town called Nova, I bet they'll've seen something. It's a popular stop for those traveling this route." The guard would point it out on their map, "It's got the big dragon statue out front, you can't miss it, though I don't think you can see it from here. They've got a motel there which, by my estimate, it'll be about evening when you get there."

The guard looked about before leaning in closer, "If you're a bit short on money, there's probably something worth salvaging on those corpses, we're not allowed to loot them ourselves, but there's a scrapyard between here and Nova that'll buy just about anything."

If they went for the corpses they'd be able to find a raider style chest piece that had been blown off one of them, which was mostly just some metal and cloth tied and crudely fused together. a small amount of ammo for their talon gun, a heavy pipe that would make for a decent blunt weapon, as well as a small collection of various drugs. While some were recognizable as medicinal, they might have been tampered with by the less savory drugs in the set. Still, even if they weren't interested in them, they should hold some value.


@Props Valroa

As heading directly opposite was some rather inhospitable terrain (leaving the playable map) and heading due west would take her either back to the bandits she had first encountered, or just back to where the Æther was, and south of that was the farmstead she had just visited, if she headed perpendicular to the smoke she would be heading towards a large glowing tower, the glow of it reminiscent of the glow in the test site, maybe the two were related? She could see it was a long way off though, it would take some traveling to get there.

(You can specify a destination in the ooc)

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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

They don't look legion, I think that unicorn's from the city, but those gryphons are definitely with the Talons. Mercenary types, so while they're not hostile to the legion, they're not exactly friendly either. I'd guess that unicorn hired them for protection."

" then i guess we better hide the things that make us look legion then..." he then sized up the gryphons.

" i can probably beat 2 gryphons.... The unicorn though..." he looked at Otho.

" probably best to observe them for now and not initiate the first move... Whats your take on this?" Kuya asked Otho.

While he listens. He prepared to wiped his blade with the anti magic material.

@Illiad Easle

Edited by StrawberryMilk Simp
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@Illiad Easle

“Got it. We’ll be sure to head to Nova and check the town out. Once again, thank you very much for helping us here, I truly appreciate it.” Nebel says before the two vault dwellers head off again.

Before they get back on the main road, Nightfall takes the time to stop and check the bodies for anything useful.

“Night, what are you doing?” Nebel asks with a disgusted look. “They’re dead, did you not see the explosion?”

Nightfall looked up at her brother for a moment with a look that said ‘Really?’ before looking back down at the former raiders.

“Ok, so, look what we got here. Some armour, some bullets for our guns, a pipe, and some drugs. That guard told us there’s a scrapyard along the way to Nova, we can sell the armour there. I’m keeping the ammo and the pipe, and we can sell the drugs. I’m sure there’s some sort of trader in Nova that’ll take ‘em.” Nightfall explains before putting the ammo, pipe, and drugs into her saddlebag. “You take the armour, you’re bigger.” She says to her brother. “See, look at all this stuff we would’ve missed out on.”

Nebel sighs as he takes apart the amour into pieces that would fit into his bag. “You have no idea what they could’ve had on them. What if they had a bomb or something?”

“It would’ve blown up.” Nightfall replied, unphased.

Once back on the main road, they continued towards Nova, keeping an eye out for the scrapyard they were told about.

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@Illiad Easle

As Carnelian was headed towards the tower she eventually came across a pair of farms. Momentarily she would stop to investigate her surroundings and note the recent activity in the area - as evidenced by the various hoofprints in the area that seemed to be going off towards the left. "Hmph. I don't really care what they are up to. Besides, they'd just drag me into their drama. Whatever that tower holds - it's mine for the taking..." Carnelian smirked, thinking she could get somewhere with the idea of cobbling together some blueprints to work on something. Even if that is unlikely to get anywhere, it's better than nothing. 

Though she didn't stop there for long as she heard the sounds of large movement headed her way - and would quickly bolt to the homestead on the right. Whatever it was, it seemed to pass by without noticing her. She would lay low and stay silent for a bit, letting the sounds of movement pass by her. Afterwards she'd listen, and after confirming there was nothing still out there she would have a quick bite to eat - before departing for the tower by going around the canyon.

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@StrawberryMilk Simp

On 2023-11-19 at 10:25 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" then i guess we better hide the things that make us look legion then..." he then sized up the gryphons.

Otho looked skeptical before he sighed, "I guess I can't escape stealth then." He started to remove and stow his legion armor.

On 2023-11-19 at 10:25 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" i can probably beat 2 gryphons.... The unicorn though..." he looked at Otho.

Otho looked incredulous at that statement, snorting, "You taking on two griffons? Now that I'd like to see. If you can take the griffons, I can take the unicorn no problem."

On 2023-11-19 at 10:25 PM, StrawberryMilk Simp said:

" probably best to observe them for now and not initiate the first move... Whats your take on this?" Kuya asked Otho.

Otho nodded, "That's a far more reasonable approach. If we had a unicorn we could signal for an ambush, but I think just reporting back should be sufficient. Those from the city rarely have dealings with the Talons, so I've no doubt that Sawbones would be interested in this information."


The griffons and the unicorn would continue heading towards them, and would soon pass them if they didn't do something. If they had spotted them, they didn't show any sign of it.



The scrap yard was hard to miss, sitting just off the road they had set off on from the glowing tower. An old looking mare sat on the porch, a number of dogs sniffing about the area, they seemed to be the mare's pets, turn to watch the two of them as they approached, one barked, which woke up the old mare. She waved at them kindly, waiting to see if they would approach.

If they did decide to come closer, the dogs would prove friendly enough, allowing them to approach the mare, who greeted them, "Well hi there, I'm old mare Gibson, or so they tell me. You looking to sell that armor you're carrying? Maybe buy something too? Or just curious?"

Looking to the north, they could see the large dragon statue from here, meaning that the town of Nova was close by.


@Props Valroa

As she stopped, she could hear better and concluded that the noise was still a bit of a ways off, so she could continue moving and get clear of it before it caught up with her. She was able to pick some fresh corn in the way of food before moving on.

Going around the canyon, she'd pass close enough to the ruined city covered in a purple mist to see what looked like creatures, vaguely equine in silhouette, shambling between the buildings, but she would be able to avoid the city and mist entirely without much difficulty and get back on the road. A short way up she would spot what looked like a patrol of uniformed ponies moving around the city heading her way (In that they're going generally in the direction she is, not that they're pursuing her). They didn't seem in a hurry, but she could wait for them to get to where she was or move on.

If she chose to remain, they would nod as they passed. Though they would stop if she asked something of them.

If she chose to continue, she'd be able to follow the road, noticing a cave entrance, a pair of mine shafts, and what looked like a camp site, not far off the road.


  • Brohoof 1
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@Illiad Easle

As the coast was clear.

Kuya would take an interest on them.

" you think we should tail them? Im mighty curious.... It seems something important that that unicorn had to higher 2 gryphons.... Must be really important... should we?" He asked Otho. 

If otho would even give a hint or intrigue he'd quickly try to tail the unicorn.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Illiad Easle

It didn’t take long for the scrapyard to come into view. They decided to enter, and as they walked in, they saw an older mare waving to them along with what appeared to be a couple of her pet dogs.

Nebel looked to the amour and then back to old mare Gibson.

“Yes, that is exactly why we’re here.” He set the armour down on her porch. “I’m wanting to sell this armour. We also have some drugs and ammo, not sure if you would be interested in those. I’d also be interested in seeing what you’ve got for sale.”

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