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The Adagio Dazzle Fanclub!


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Face is my Pony-kin, the head of the Dazzlings not only has the best hair, ever! But she has the best VA ever!


Oh sure, upoun first viewing, i bought into the Sonata hype! :Points to a Redbubble made Sticker on her laptop cover of Sonata squeeling about "Taco Tuesday!")


But much like Sunset Shimmer, ol AD has grown on me, to the point im working on Fanfiction based around her, post RR. Sure on the outside she appears the typical villian, ala Skelator or M.Bision, but unlike them if you look hard enough you can see more.


Look at her Ego, sure every villian has an ego, but take ADs outfit. It is completely and 110% based around her Cutie Mark. The colors, the design, perfect.


But lets get past Lady Raritys field of expertise and instead examine something else, something ol Scoots can pay tribute too. The chip on her shoulder. This gal has SUCH a big chip its praticly stabbing Aria in the face! Not once, but TWICE her plans have failed, to the point she has lost her abilities (and we presume immortality) at the hands of her foes. Alot for a villian to take in! She has a side kick who is basicly star-screaming her plans, and her other hand is a moron, again, alot to deal with.


Finally, her appearance. Many an artist online (google sunnyq on deviant art) have taken alot of libertys with AD. They have given her commanding presence, physical form in that of weight, height, and girth. While the models of EQgirls are, fine, for cartoon and general mill audiance, lets face it we all want them differnt sizes. With AD alot of artists view her as an amazon type, and not to get to sexual by saying, but wide in the hip. Clearly this is attributed (and not interwebs pron work) to the fact of how she acts, presents herself and is very dominating in scene.


But!...This thread isnt about MY opinion on AD, because i freaking adore her! And you should too!

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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