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private World of Warcraft: The Odd Duo

Steel Accord

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[Opening narration voice . . . you know the one.]


With the fall of the blood thirsty Garrosh Hellscream, an uneasy truce has resumed between the Alliance under King Varian, and the Horde, now headed by the new Warchief, Vol'jin.


Azeroth though, remains an unkind and ever chaotic world. The heroes that felled the Warlord now return home. To protect the innocent and the vulnerable from the predations of monsters, marauders, maleficarum . . . and dark powers from beyond.

Edited by Steel Accord
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(Read that with morgan freeman's voice in my head XD)


Erun Wolfheart was sitting back in the Pig and Thistle inn in Stormwind City. He found that every now and then one had to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. In this case, it was a nice mug of stout dwarven ale. He received some strange looks, especially from the barmaid because of his wolfish appearance. He didn't care too much though, he had embraced the worgen and he really liked his drink. He did get a smile from the barmaid though when he overtipped her a bit and let her keep the extra.

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Wei Yu was meditating in the park of Stormwind, the wind carried the laughter of children to his ear and he smiled.


"Not comfortable at the temple, my student?" Came a familiar voice. Standing behind Wei Yu was Aysa Cloudsinger. 


"Sifu." The monk quickly but smoothly got to his feet, placed his open palm over his fist, and bowed his head to her. Aysa returned the gesture. "No, I just felt like a change in scenery."


"Does that end here?"


"No. I've given it much thought and I'm ready to take on another pilgrimage."


"Answering 'the Hero's Call'?"


"I prefer to think of it as, 'the disciple's task'."


"However you wish to call it, you best get to the Trade District before all the jobs are taken."


"By your leave, Sifu." Wei Yu saluted again and left for the Hero's Call Board.

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"So, know of any work that needs doing?" Erun asked the tavernkeeper.


"Guessin you mean the hero kinda work, right?" The tavernkeeper asked rhetorically. "Well, you could try that board they got there in the Trade District. They put up some new bounties and such today as I walked by."


"Thanks." Erun said as he stood up, he put a few silvers on the counter. "Keep the extra, I like this place and the staff." Erun said as he winked at the barmaid who blushed a bit. The tavernkeeper smiled.


"Good luck to ya sir." The tavernkeeper said.


Erun was already gone. He arrived in the trade district a few moments later and was already scouring the hero's board. "Hmmm... Why would someone post up a quest for a cure for toe fungus?" He asked out loud to no one in particular.

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Wei Yu came to the board at the same time and started looking over the available job propositions. Something that would test his skills as one of the Tushui both in wisdom, as well as in skill.


"Interesting, a cure for toe fungus." He said in a tone of bemusement.

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Erun chuckles, hearing the pandaren. "I know, funny, isn't it? I remember when more serious quests were on these boards." Erun said as he looked over one. "Hmmm.... this looks promising." He said, looking at one of the quests. He glanced at the pandaren, trying to assess the pandaren's proffession. He didn't want to be racist and assume the pandaren was a monk, but appearances stated otherwise.

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((OOC: Okay, that was funny.))


"May I?" He asked politely with an outstretched hand. "It seems the village of-" He squinted and sounded it out. "Northsssshire, has reported sightings of a monstrous direwolf they have taken to calling Remun. No deaths yet but plenty of herd lost and one close encounter." He looked to the towering man-beast. "Perhaps you would like some assistance in this task?"

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Erun handed the pandaren the piece of paper. "Eh I maybe could do with some help, but how experienced are you in combat and have you ever hunted dire wolves before?" Erun asked, tilting his head to one side, examining the pandaren. Erun himself had dealt with quite a few dire wolves and knew they were dangerous enemies and he didn't want to take the pandaren with if he was totally inexperienced. Erun didn't think the pandaren was an inexperienced fighter, but one could never be too sure. He could just be a trainee or something.

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"Direwolves, no. I have faced Lung though in the past. While I take no pride in having to fight, I can hold my own should it come to that." The Pandaren said humbly, belying his great skill in the martial arts of his discipline. "If you have no need of me, you only need say so. I should warn you though, any task could be like a piece of string."


Wei Yu plucked a loose thread from his sash. 


"You see a straight line." He pulls it gently from his closed fist. "For awhile, it might remain so. But then-" The string is caught between his fingers, he opens his palm to reveal a series of knots. "What would you do then when a straight line leads you to a complex predicament?"

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Erun looked at Wei Yu blankly. "So I take it that means yes you can fight." Erun says, completely ignoring the metaphor the pandaren was trying to explain. Erun was a simple worgen, he preferred to act in the moment and whatever his heart said was right.


"Do you have a mount or some sort of fast riding animal?" Erun asked, tilting his head.

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"I do." He pulled a hollow instrument from his pouch shaped like a tortoise. He played a quick few notes and moments later, a green dragon turtle came scuttling up them. Wei Yu affectionately scratched under his chin, the turtle making a throaty growl in appreciation. Wei Yu mounted up, ready for the journey.

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"Interesting choice of mount. Well, I know the way. Keep up." Erun said as he dropped to all fours. "Oh, and my name is Erun, Erun Wolfheart." Erun said as he took off running on all fours, heading toward Northshire. It wasn't a long way and Erun enjoyed every chance he got when he could run wild, especially through forest regions. He credited this to his worgen form.

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Wei Yu kept pace with his new companion, though only just. Patting his dragon turtle on the shell, he took in the splendors of the surrounding region as well, perhaps showing the two were not so different deep down.


At last the two reached the wall of Northshire, a guard stepping forth.


"Halt!" He held a gauntleted hand out. "The hamlet is under lock down. State your business here."

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"Yes. We need all the help we can get!"  The guard motioned for the two to follow. Wei Yu tied up his mount by a post, patting its head affectionately, and followed the two in.


"Most of the women and children are holding up in and around the Abbey. They are scared to death, poor things. Remun has taken entire flocks and it almost got one of the children. Luckily, Lady Ashley Blank was able to wound the beast."

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Erun glanced at Wei and then looked back at the guard. "Sounds like the dire wolf should be easy pickings then. Who is this Lady Ashley Blank?" Erun asked. He wondered where and how the beast was wounded. By poison, hamstrung, or some other mean. This might be useful information when planning how to finish off the creature, if it indeed needed to be finished off.

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"She is our resident Ranger. She said that she stuck it with an arrow. Lilith, the little girl that she saved still can't talk about the night's events. Poor dear had her voice scared right out of her."


Wei Yu rubbed his chin in thought.


"Where is this little one?" He asked as they reached the Abbey itself.


"She's just inside." The guard said. "Lady Blank is around the back with her own dogs."

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Erun looked at Wei. "You check with the girl. I don't think she'd like the sight of another wolf." Erun said, meaning his worgen form. "I'll go talk to this Lady Blank about what to expect of this beast. Maybe she'd want to come along and take this beast out." Erun turned to the guard. "Thank you for the information. Keep up the good work." Erun saluted the guard and then went around back to go talk to Lady Blank.

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Out back in a little encampment with a tent and fire, Erun would find Ashley Blank. She was busy skinning a stag when her own hunting dogs began to growl. They smelled the approach of an unknown canine.


"Eeeeeasy boys." She calmed them before seeing Erun. "Can I help you?"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 


Meanwhile, inside the Abbey. Wei Yu found Lilith.


"Hello Lilith. My name is Wei Yu." She said nothing, holding her doll close to her. The Pandaren sat next to her, not saying anything for awhile and simply letting her get used to his presence.

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"Sorry to intrude, but I assume your Lady Blank, the one who injured that dire wolf that is causing so much trouble out here." Erun continued. "Me and a companion of mine plan on going after that dire wolf. Would you be willing to give me any information about the wolf?" Erun asked. He was very straightforward, always getting to the point and leaving the pleasantries aside. He glanced at the dogs, he wasn't really deterred by them in the least.


(Wasn't sure if you wanted me to RP as the girl or not o.o)

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((OOC: For the next post, sure. After that though, I have a plan on where to take the character.))


"I have information, yes. Remun appeared a little while back, I'm sure you've heard what he's been doing to the sheep. When that poor girl was cornered, I stuck an arrow in his shoulder. Scared him off, but he'll be back, and next time he won't be afraid of arrows."


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Wei Yu made himself some tea. He sipped it quietly. Lilith's nose caught a whiff of the pleasant brew.


"Would you like some?" He asked her. The scared girl nodded and stammered out a barely audible, "y-y-yes, please."

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"What is the size of this dire wolf and anything else you noticed about him? Anything unnatural?" Erun asked. "And what makes you think he won't be afraid of arrows when he comes back?" Erun was processing the information in his head. He was formulating a plan of perhaps using a sheep as bait and springing an ambush on the wolf, perhaps he'd attack from the side where the wolf was injured. However, if this wolf did possess any unnatural abilities his plan might would need some tweaking. Erun started stroking his chin, though his beard was short in his worgen and human form he did find that it did help him think when he stroked it.

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"Remun is the biggest direwolf I've ever seen. His fur and hide are so thick I barely hurt him. No one had been able to land a hit before. That alone scared him off. Now he's had a taste for me arrows. He'll be expecting them next time."


Ashley picked up a hunting rifle. "'Loaded for bear' and it still might not be enough." She said as she loaded her weapon.

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"Agile, and has a very thick hide." Erun pondered this for a moment. "Sounds like an average Northrend dire wolf to me, but I doubt that is what we are dealing with here. Trust me, bears down here are mean, but they don't compare to some of the dire wolves I've seen up north." Erun looked at the dogs and then back at Blank. "How about your dogs, did they seem to have any effect on the beast?"

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"I don't know, they weren't there when I was stopping Remun from eating that little girl." She reminded. "You've been to Northrend too though?" Blank had went into her tent and started gathering traps and extra ammo. She slipped two large hunting knives into sheathes on either side of her boots.

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