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Miyu frowned. "I-if it was because of me, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up on you like that. I just feel passionately about that stuff. There's no use crying over spilt milk. If you want to find him, don't get so discouraged when a lead is a dead end..." she said comfortingly.

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"It wasn't you," Agravain said, looking at Miyu with a discouraged look.

"It's not even that it's a dead end. It's hard, imagining the only person that ever cared about you is labeled a villain. The one that kept you going, the one that protected you... If you haven't figured it out yet, I was at the Tower of Heaven..."

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Miyu sighed. "I won't force you to join us, but if you do, I will do everything in my power to help you find him. He's quite obviously very dear to you. I've been on my own for as long as I can remeber, so I can't say I know how you feel. However, I'd feel bad if I let you walk away without helping you at all..." she explained, putting her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

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@@dashian500, @@rainbowdashlover19


Shocked by the touching, Agravain quickly steps back, looking at Miyu with a horrified expression on his face. He never really got close enough to anyone to allow them to touch him. It was a very foreign feeling to him, a loving, comforting hand.

"Why did you touch me?" He asked, genuinely wondering why Miyu performed this action so alien to him.

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Miyu blinked, retracting her hand. "I-I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong??" she asked, worry on her face. "I was trying to show you that I care. D-do you not like being touched? I-I'm so sorry." You could see that she was clearly upset. She didn't mean to make him uncomfortable.

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Ikaru was perplexed by his reaction to being touched -poor guy must have never had anyone care for him -ikaru thought "hey listen up the only people that think he's a villain are those that don't know the truth" ikaru said "we all know what happened erza and the others defended him but he told them not to that he understood that even though he wasn't truly at fault he still did some

Bad things and wanted to pay for it I don't know if that makes you feel any better but.." Ikaru trailed off not sure where he was going with it

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still a bit shaken by what had occurred, Agravain, with a look of confusion, anger, and depression, said to Ikaru "I suppose that does help some, but even so, imagine the person you are closest to being in a weakened state, starved, electrocuted, and cut off from any human interaction. It's a very scary and terrifying thought."

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Miyu kept her eyes low. "I-it may not help much, but..." She pulled out a locket from her pouch. "A man gave this to me a few months back. Thinking back now, he had the description of the man you're looking for." She handed it to him. "I'm not sure if it is his or not, but I put a spell on it. It allows you to track someone as long as you have some article of theirs inside it. It may not be much, but I was you to have it..."

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Ikaru looked at him "imagine watching everyone you care about being slaughtered in front of you while your powerless to stop it" ikaru said " your not the o my one that's been dealt a bad hand in life and you won't be the last either the best you can do is suck it up and keep living"

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Looking deep into Ikaru's eyes, Agravain spoke to him in a powerful, hate filled voice, saying "Are you telling me that you did not mourn for them after there deaths? You monster..."

Looking then at Miyu, assuming a calm demeanor, as if the previous statement had never been made, Agravain said "Thank you, so very, very much miss." Getting down on one knee, he looks to the ground and says "I owe you so much, I offer you any service that I may provide. You have my steel, and my magic." 

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Ikaru looked at him " I did mourn them but I didn't sit around and cried they wouldn't have wanted that they would have wanted me to live my life" ikaru said "be sorry for him but don't let the sorrow consume you how would that honor him I'm sure he wouldn't want you crying over him" ikaru said

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Miyu blinked, looking at Agravain. She was speechless; she's never had someone do this before. She smiled softly, getting down on her knees and looking at him. "We may not have started out on good terms, but I'd like to end on them. If you do not wish to join Fairy Tail, I cannot stop you. Although, I think it would benefit you greatly if you did. Erza may know where exactly he is..." she pointed out, ruffling his hair as a tender smile played at her lips.

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Agravain stood up and held out his hand to Miyu to offer assistance. "If it would please my lady, I would happily join the Fairy Tail guild. I owe you a great debt, and will do all in my power to service you until you see that the debt is repaid. I only ask that you give me a little time to do some things."


(Agravain isn't from Fiore, I'm not sure where he's from yet, I want to make it Liones, but that's from another anime/manga, however, they are getting a crossover. As he isn't from Fiore, he has different customs, and he hasn't had much interaction with the people in Fiore, so he is still learning their ways.)

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Miyu blushed a little, taking his hand and standing up. She smiled, brushing off her skirt. "I'm glad you're going to join. I'm sure we'll be great friends!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. She smiled brightly as she hugged him.

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Ikaru nodded "since you're joining the guild you'll need the mark you can have it anywhere on your body" ikaru said magicing up a stamp he watched them hug -been a long time since anyone hugged me and since I brought miyu to the guild I have to teach her how the guild works as for agravain I suppose I'll have to teach him as well- ikaru thought

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Agravain was a bit confused by Miyu's action, but he accepted it. He continued by saying "The last time I stayed in one place was at the Tower of Heaven. I've been traveling constantly since then. I have no idea where I'm going to stay, and I know very little about Magnolia. I don't know where anything is or of it's customs..."

Edited by Jellal Fernandes
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Miyu smiled, letting go. "Don't worry. I'll show you around. As for a place to stay, you can stay with me once I get a place..." she trailed off, looking down. "I don't exactly have a home yet..."


(Since Emerald is gone now, I'll just make Miyu have a place of her own somehow)

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((Well ikaru has a place but he's not the type to just offer he will have to be asked)

Ikaru looked at him "if you don't tell me where you want the stamp I'll just stamp you where ever I feel like" ikaru said getting the stamp ready -there's plenty of room at my place- ikaru thought

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@@dashian500, @@rainbowdashlover19,


Looking at Ikaru, Agravain parted his robe to show the area right above his heart. "Right here seems fine. You have it in navy?" He asked in a mixture of a joking and serious manner. Looking over to Miyu, he replied to her generous offer "That sounds wonderful, I'll pay 75% of whatever needs to be paid. I'll also do the cooking and cleaning."


(That could be an awkward bunking XD)

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Miyu smiled. "Alright," she dug in her pouch and grabbed a small change purse, "This is all I have. It's enough for two nights at an inn. You can use it until we can find a place. I'm sure Ikaru wouldn't mind me bunking with him." She smiled at Ikaru, blushing a little.

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Ikaru nodded "yes that's fine I have planets of room at my place" ikaru said to miyu

He looked at agravain and nodded "we have every color imaginable" ikaru said changing its color before stamping agravain "welcome to the guild" ikaru said holding out his hand for a handshake

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Miyu smiled, bowing respectfully. "Welcome to the guild, Agravain." She sat the pouch of money in the hand Ikaru wasn't going to shake. She then stepped back, her hand touching her own guild tattoo on her hip. -I hope we can help him find his friend... I really want to help this man...-

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Ikaru sighed and cleared his throat -disrespect plain and simple that's all it is - ikaru thought - and Im willing to start over and at the very least tolerate him- ikaru kept his hand out for the hand shake -I'll give him one more chance of he dosent we will never get along-

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Miyu blinked, noticing he wasn't taking Ikaru's hand. "Wh...what do you mean?" she quietly asked, looking down at Ikaru's hand. -He could at least show a little gratitude... We did just let him join after everything that has been said and done... And I gave him the last of my money and not a single thank you was given...-

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