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planning Pokemon journey to the top


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You and your friends live the small town known as pallet town in the Kanto region you all heard that there are six entire regions to explore and leagues to defeat each stronger than the last tomorrow mark the day you and all your friends can go get your pokemon license to be certified trainers and revive your first pokemon together you plan to reach the top together can they succeed or will their emotions and ego get the better of them on their journey



1.) sign up with the following style





Goal: (i.e. Pokemon master in battle or contest)


2: using a random number gerator I will give you a choose of three to choose your starter exculdeing legendaries and evolved pokemon


3.) will have at least one event when traveling on route


4.) you must travel together unless a group argument starts up and you choose to leave the group


Want to start with a group of five including met oc will be up soon

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